Assassinaitions Book

Notice To My Followers: All Of My Interviews And Articles Are Found On Right Side Of The Blog!

Having just come off two radio interviews this week, one about my Assassinations book, and one on the Trump Presidency, I wanted to make sure my readers and followers are aware that all of my interviews and published articles are on the right side of the blog.

The most recent interview today on the Trump Presidency will be up in the next few days, and I have been fortunate enough to have found a few media outlets that have given me the opportunity to be on their shows multiple times, which I greatly appreciate.

I will continue to have interviews, and plan over time to have more articles, with 66 on History News Network in the past 18 months, and reprints on Time and Newsweek of some of these articles.

I greatly appreciate those who follow me and pay attention to these great opportunities I am blessed with, to share my views, along with my work on the blog itself!

I am also on Facebook and Twitter–under my name and the blog name and Assassinations name on Facebook,and under polithist on Twitter, so feel free to follow me and become a “friend” on Facebook.

Thank you very much!