Auschwitz Concentration Camp

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023, And Dangerous Nick Fuentes!

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, marking 78 years since on this day in 1945, the Soviet Union’s troops opened up and took control of the Nazi Concentration Camp at Auschwitz, Poland.

This was the horrendous beginning of the exposure that Nazi Germany had arranged for the death of 6 million Jews, and 7 million others, including gypsies, homosexuals, Catholics, and people of every occupied nation in Europe, in a multitude of concentration camps!

The shock of this mass loss of life by plan and evil deed has a significance that one can never be allowed to forget, as in our times, there is an increasing amount of Antisemism all over the world, and including the United States, which has seen tremendous escalation of hate!

And we have young antisemites, Nazi Germany supporters, racists, white supremacists, and Holocaust Deniers, who use the internet and social media to incite hate and violence!

One such person is 24 year old Nick Fuentes, who, ironically has a Mexican American father, but sows hate, and was invited to dinner by Donald Trump at Mar A Lago with Kanye West! This young hoodlum is inciting young men who are Incels, who hate women but are not gay or bisexual, supposedly, and are clearly mentally ill, to threaten women, Jews, and people of color!

Nick Fuentes is a “clear and present danger”, using the internet in a manner to provoke violence, and it is hoped that the FBI is monitoring him, as this is a potential Adolf Hitler in our midst, who cannot be allowed to provoke violence, and avoid accountability!