Autocratic Policies Of Ron DeSantis

Florida Government Declares War On Liberal Arts Curriculum At State Universities!

Censorship and right wing orthodoxy is the new war on knowledge now being waged by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida State Board of Education, in its blatant attack on the educational curriculum at state colleges and universities.

Sociology has been banned as part of the “core” curriculum, as earlier, Advanced Placement African American history has been rejected as “woke” ideology.

This political attack on liberal arts education is alarming, and it is spreading to other states, who have declared war on “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”.

The replacement for the Sociology survey course is “US History to 1877”, which it is claimed will cover the realities of early American history, but one has to wonder will the “Trail of Tears” action against native American tribes, and the ugly reality of slavery really be covered in the curriculum?

Ron DeSantis, when teaching high school two decades ago, argued with students against slavery being the major cause of the American Civil War; and Nikki Haley, when asked about that conflict failed to mention that slavery was the primary cause of the Civil War, and has said that America is not a racist nation.

So it is clear that mind control and propaganda are winning out over reality and truth in college curriculums in the public colleges and universities in the state of Florida!

Joe Biden And Camp David Summit With South Korea And Japan Important Step For National Security And World Stability!

In a world in the 2020s, in many respects just as dangerous as a hundred years ago, the need for America to build up and strengthen foreign alliances to promote democracy and security is urgent!

We are fortunate that we have a President, Joe Biden, wise enough to recognize, just as Harry Truman did three quarters of a century ago, the need to build strong international alliances to protect the US and promote democracy against totalitarian governments.

In the last century, we had Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan as the threats in World War II, and then in the Cold War years, we had the Soviet Union to combat.

More recently, we have the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, and Iran as the leading rivals and threats to American national security and world stability.

So Joe Biden has wisely built up and expanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) begun under President Harry Truman, and with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, making a strong commitment to the preservation of that nation’s independence from Russian dominance!

If Donald Trump or many Republican isolationists, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, were to win the White House in 2024, the security umbrella of NATO, with its 31 nations allied with the US, would be in danger of being destroyed, and would only encourage Vladimir Putin ever more in his aggressions, just like Adolf Hitler a century ago.

The news of the meeting of South Korea’s President and Japan’s Premier with President Biden at Camp David, Maryland, yesterday, is an indication of the desire to have closer relations with two key Asian allies, as a bulwark against China and North Korea, and is all to the good for the future of democracy preservation!

Camp David has been the location of historic summits, and adds stature to the commitment of the US to the support of two key Asian allies!

The Decline And Fall Of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: The New Scott Walker!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis won a massive victory for reelection in Florida in November 2022, and was seen as a major challenger to Donald Trump for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2024.

But his campaign has slumped horribly, and it is now clear that he is the new Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Governor thought to be the likely Republican choice for President in 2016, but ending up as a total flop!

DeSantis has fumbled badly, and is not showing up well in Iowa, where he is spending most of his time.

DeSantis is seen more than ever as an unpleasant, arrogant, nasty, mean spirited, non charismatic individual, and even his own state’s representatives in Congress are not backing him.

His horrendous policies on a multitude of issues, including race, gender, sexuality, health care and education may have won him support in Florida, but Florida is clearly NOT America.

One can only wait for 2026, when Ron DeSantis will finish his second term as governor of the Sunshine state, sadly leaving wreckage in his midst, but with inability to have a third consecutive term, as the Florida Constitution prevents that.

Kamala Harris At 59, And Her Future Role In American Government!

Vice President Kamala Harris celebrated her 59th birthday yesterday, and she is seen as a strong partner of President Joe Biden.

Constantly under attack by conservatives and Republicans, she has played the proper role of remaining in the background, not trying to take attention away from the President, which is the proper role for a Vice President.

But she has become more visible on the issues of abortion rights, civil rights, voting rights, gun safety reform, and the promotion of truth in education, including denouncing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis promoting a distorted view of African American history and slavery, and also, his attack on the field of psychology and the teaching of gender and sexuality.

Harris speaks for those who are being attacked and abused, as the Supreme Court moves the nation backward on issues that were thought to be settled decades ago, but clearly are not resolved.

Harris is a very intelligent woman, with a career of being a prosecutor in San Francisco; Attorney General of California; and four years as a United States Senator!

She is superbly qualified to be President, if tragically, in the next five years, she was called upon to take the Presidential oath.

Hopefully, President Biden will win reelection and served capably, as he has so far, but the nation can be comfortable with the possibility of a succession, knowing this is a woman of compassion, decency, empathy, and sincerity.

Republican Presidential contender Nikki Haley has disgraced herself since she had courage as South Carolina Governor in 2015 to take down the Confederate flag after nine black churchgoers were slaughtered. She has lost all credibility, when she suggests that Joe Biden will die and Kamala Harris will be President in the next term, as if that would be the most horrendous thing possible, and it disqualifies Haley’s own Presidential ambitions.

One woman of Asian Indian ancestry feels a need to attack a woman of similar Asian Indian and Jamaican ancestry as unqualified, when clearly, Harris has far better credentials than Nikki Haley has ever demonstrated, particularly Haley’s bending to Donald Trump, and agreeing that if he is the nominee of the Republican Party in 2024, that she would support him!

Factors Favoring Democrats In 2024 Presidential Election

The Democratic Party has several advantages going into the Presidential Election campaign of 2024.

Among them are:

Women in large percentages are outraged by the Supreme Court ending legal abortion protections on the federal level, and the actions by Republican state legislatures to prevent abortion rights further should favor Democrats in 2024, state and national levels.

African Americans are likely to continue to support Democrats with the new attack on “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”, including the words and actions of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, but also the broad attack on civil rights by Republicans at all levels.

Young people, particularly those of Generation Z, born from 1997 onward, are strongly moving toward the Democrats.

College educated people are becoming more strongly Democratic across the nation.

Gays, lesbians, and transgender Americans clearly see the Republican attack on their basic civil rights as a dire threat.

Suburban voters have become more Democratic in recent elections, and are likely to continue in that vein.

Religion has declined rapidly, which also helps promote Democrats.

Supreme Court decisions have been highly unpopular, and helped to shift many voters toward Democrats.

The continuing danger of Donald Trump has motivated many voters to turn to the Democrats.

Joe Biden’s two and a half year record, arguably the best in domestic affairs since Lyndon B. Johnson, boosts his candidacy, including the economy which has been better under Biden than any earlier President at this point, and with the one problem, inflation, rapidly declining, but with unemployment at a more than 50 year low.

The biggest problem is the uncertainty of the Hispanic-Latino vote, particularly among Cuban Americans, and those from Nicaragua, and Venezuela heritage, but even among Mexican Americans who have become more skeptical about Democrats.

Also, elderly Americans are less Democratic than they have traditionally been, and the Trump support is about one third of the electorate.

The less educated whites are declining rapidly, but are still strong supporters of Republicans, because of racist tendencies.

So the election will be highly contestable, and some experts say the election will come down to four states—Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Wisconsin!

247th Anniversary Of American Independence, And Nation’s Democracy Is Endangered!

Today is the 247th Anniversary of American Independence, and with only three years until the Semiquincentennial of our nation’s history, American democracy is in great danger!

The threat that Donald Trump might return to the White House and promote revenge and fascist demagoguery is horrifying, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also presents a “clear and present danger” to our nation, with his attacks on the rights of women, racial minorities, gays and transgender people, and his promotion of an extremist Christianity and authoritarianism that represents great harm!

The Supreme Court is the most extreme in a century, taking away basic human rights that were extended by earlier Supreme Courts, but now effectively robbing Americans of rights they have worked so hard to attain!

Many state legislatures are undermining the right to vote, and interfering with education, health care, and at the same time expanding gun rights leading to mass murders with no regulations of who can have what firearms in their possession!

Just as Abraham Lincoln was in the right place at the right time in the 1860s; and Franklin D. Roosevelt in the right place at the right time in the 1930s and early 1940s; so is Joe Biden today’s equivalent of what is needed to preserve democracy!

The efforts must be made to assure that Biden can continue his good deeds after two and a half years in office, and overcome the many crises the nation faces, the most dangerous since the 1960s, and in many ways on the level of the 1860s and 1930s-1940s!

Ron DeSantis Strikes Out On Day One, And All Downhill From Now On For Good Reasons!

Ron DeSantis “struck out” on Day One, having problems on Twitter Audio with Elon Musk, and it will be all downhill from now on.

Instead of speaking before an audience of supporters, DeSantis is isolating himself, and talking only to right wing cable and radio shows.

And he is telling us he will be more hardline than Donald Trump was on immigration! And he will consider giving pardons to Insurrectionists from January 6, and even to Trump, if he is convicted!

So DeSantis is against the rule of law, and supporting the sedition and treason of the Insurrectionists, which should, automatically, kill his candidacy!

DeSantis is coming along more than ever as an extreme right wing Fascist, who wants to take away the freedom of women, gays and transgender people, and immigrants!

And he is ignoring evidence of antisemitism in Florida, and warring on Disney, and banning books, and dictating curriculum in public schools and universities, and promoting racism and white supremacy!

Remember he was one of the founders of the Freedom Caucus in the House of Representatives, and a TEA PARTY activist under Barack Obama’s Presidency!

And he wanted to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid while in Congress, and has used his power to fix legislative and congressional districts to promote gerrymandering, which took away representation from African American in the state of Florida!

He has a wife who is very ambitious and dominating, and he has come across as very phony in his public persona, laughing hysterically that looks preposterous, and lacking any empathy, sincerity, compassion, or common decency!

He is the direct opposite of the personality and character of President Joe Biden, and for anyone to support him as the “better” alternative, would need his or her head examined!

Gerrrymandered State Legislatures–Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, Texas And Other Republican States!

Gerrymandering of many state legislatures, particularly in “Red” states, has led to the movement to take away democracy.

This is particularly noted in Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, and Texas, as those state legislatures take unprecedented action to strip voting rights, abortion rights, gay rights, and to reject any regulation of guns, despite consistent, every day, occurrences of gun massacres!

The “red” states are the centers of greater carnage than in “blue” states, which are totally the opposite of the “red” states on the major issues of civil rights.

Many state legislatures have become the center of autocratic leadership, such as Ron DeSantis in Florida and Greg Abbott in Texas, but also including many other states!

Disney World And Ron DeSantis: The Destruction Of A Presidential Candidacy!

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is engaged in a disaster and lost cause, fighting the power and economic influence of Disney World, which has 75,000 employees and creates 450,000 total jobs in the central Florida area.

Without the $1.1 billion in taxes paid by Disney, and the $4.7 billion in total economic influence of Disney, Florida would still be a “backwater”, which it was before Disney came to Florida and specifically Orlando.

Disney has come out against anti gay legislation which has put Florida into an extremist right wing image that will harm the state’s reputation.

To fight against a great corporate citizen which has done so much for the economic health of Florida is pure insanity!

Ironically, Disney has given so much money to Republicans, who have run Florida for a generation, so it is unfathomable why DeSantis is crazy enough to go after that company and affect the future of Florida.

And if Disney World was to leave Florida in the future, it would be an economic disaster for Florida, and if North Carolina’s bid for Disney World was to succeed, it would be a great economic boon for that state or any other state that would welcome Disney.

And if Nikki Haley, another Republican running for President, had her way, Disney would move to South Carolina!

Other Republicans, including Chris Christie, are also on the attack against DeSantis, so he is meeting his “Waterloo”, and no longer will have any serious opportunity to be the Republican nominee in the 2024 Presidential Election cycle!

For a Republican to oppose the corporate power of Disney is unfathomable, and for DeSantis to make a threat to build a prison next door, is pure insanity!

Can one imagine how families who bring their children to the most favored tourist site in America would react to such a lunatic idea as to build a prison near a tourist site?

To “mess” with Disney is suicidal and it will destroy any chance that Ron DeSantis will be the party nominee or President, as it indicates just how dangerous and authoritarian oriented this man is, really a combination of Anita Bryant and George Wallace on steroids!

Republican State Legislatures Are Becoming Fascist Strongholds, Stifling Free Speech!

Republican state legislatures, many of them holding two thirds of the seats or more, are rapidly becoming Fascist strongholds, stifling free speech, free assembly, and freedom to protest!

Tennessee, by expelling two African American members joining a protest demanding gun regulations after six people are slaughtered at a Christian elementary school in Nashville, is an outrage and racist at its core, as a white woman member who took part in the protest, was not expelled!

The state legislatures in not just Tennessee, but also Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Virginia, Montana, and other “red” states, are stripping civil liberties, including the ability of the public to testify against extremist legislation, being given 30 seconds to one minute, to testify.

Arrogant, out of control governors, including Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas, Glenn Youngkin of Virginia, and others are promoting abuses of power way out of line with constitutional government!

The three governors mentioned above all have Presidential ambitions, and clearly, would be a danger to American democracy and constitutional government, were they to gain the power of the Oval Office!