
The Coming “Time Bomb” For Mitt Romney

Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney has avoided explaining his time in office as Governor of Massachusetts, and the poor economic record of that term from 2003-2007.

Mitt Romney has avoided explaining his record of “outsourcing” and “offshoring” during his 25 years at Bain Capital.

But now two more “bombshells” are about to hit him squarely in the eyes, and one wonders if he can avoid commenting on them, as he has on other sensitive matters.

One is his offshore accounts, his investments in the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, and Switzerland, therefore avoiding income taxes in America.

The other is the fact that he delayed his income tax returns for six months, but will have to file by October, and it is certain that again he will demonstrate a very low level of taxes, and a high level of income from his investments.

His refusal to comment on these various matters will harm him greatly, but then IF he tries to explain, he will probably contradict himself and hurt himself more as a “Flip Flopper” and a “Lie Master”!