Ben Carson

Potential VP Picks For Trump Contrast With Kamala Harris

There has been relentless criticism over the years of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Critics have said she is not bright, that she laughs too much, and that she is difficult to work with.

What it comes down to, however, is that she is a mixed race woman of India and Jamaica ancestry.

Harris has had great experience as District Attorney of San Francisco, California Attorney General, California US Senator, and now the 49th Vice President.

If suddenly called upon to assume the Oval Office, she would be far better qualified by experience and accomplishments than many of her predecessors.

When one examines the potential VP choices of Donald Trump, none match her experience, intelligence, and concern for average Americans.

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik of New York is a lightweight sycophant, abandoning her once moderate views.

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott lost all respect when he said he “loved” Trump, while Florida Congressman Byron Donalds has made a fool of himself, in trying to justify “Jim Crow” racism. Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is an embarrassment to be on the list at all.

Ohio Senator JD Vance, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, and Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton are among the worst MAGA Republicans in the Senate.

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, mostly unknown nationally but very wealthy, is also on the list.

This list makes former Vice President Mike Pence look great, but unlike Pence, they are all willing to bend to every whim and fancy of Donald Trump.

More Turnover In Trump Administration As Two Year Mark Of Term Arrives Next Month

Yet more turnover is occurring in the Trump Administration as the half way mark of his term arrives in a month.

John Kelly is gone as White House Chief of Staff, and Trump had many people turn him down as Kelly’s replacement , and now the head of the Office Of Management and Budget, former Tea Party South Carolina Republican Congressman Mick Mulvaney, has agreed to be “Acting” head, as his insistence.  Mulvaney is actually worse than Kelly, more outrageous in his extremism, including when he headed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for awhile, with the aim of destroying this signature legislation and agency created by Elizabeth Warren and President Barack Obama in 2010.

And the despicable Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, under multiple investigations for conflicts of interest and widespread damage to the preservation of our environment and the national monuments and national parks, will be leaving by the end of the year.

This is after other cabinet members, including Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, Tom Price, David Shulkin, Nikki Haley, and Scott Pruitt have left, all under a cloud except Haley. 

Additionally, Betsy DeVos, Kirstjen Nielsen, Alex Acosta, Wilbur Ross, Matthew Whitaker, Steven Mnuchin, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry have faced major criticisms and investigations over policies and utterances.

This is, without question, the most corrupt and incompetent and investigated Cabinet of any Presidency in all of American history, and two more years to come.

Donald Trump’s White House Culture Of Corruption: One Of Sleaze, Crooks, Scam Artists, Incompetence, And Pure Greed

Donald Trump’s White House is one of sleaze, crooks, scam artists, incompetence, and pure greed!

Who among people who work around Donald Trump have faced accusations or more, fitting the descriptions above?

The list is long, with no special order, with the first list (10) being former officials.

Michael Flynn, former National Security Adviser
Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign Chairman
Steve Bannon, former Senior Counselor to the President, and former White House Chief Strategist
Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Director of Communications
Hope Hicks, former White House Director of Communications
Tom Price, former Secretary of Health and Human Services
Scott Pruitt, former head of the Environmental Protection Agency
Rex Tillerson, former Secretary of State
Sean Spicer, former White House Press Secretary
Reince Priebus, former White House Chief of Staff

The list of officials (14) who are still working for Donald Trump, and fit the title of this blog entry, include, in order of ranking in the cabinet:

Secretary of The Treasury Steven Mnuchin
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Secretary of The Interior Ryan Zinke
Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson
Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao
Secretary of Energy Rick Perry
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
Former Secretary of Homeland Security, and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly
Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen
Director of the Office of Management and Budget and Acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mick Mulvaney
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders
White House Lawyer Rudy Giuliani

These two lists and total of 24 people are only the best known and most reported upon, but there are numerous others, lower down in influence and notice, who have also added to the degradation of the Trump Presidency.

Also, there is the corruption within the Trump family, including Donald Trump Jr, Ivanka Trump, and Jared Kushner, making this President’s family the most disgraceful First Family we have ever seen.

And we cannot ignore the reality that Vice President Mike Pence seems involved in the Trump scandals, if nothing else than simply his silence, and his constant nodding like a bobble head behind Trump, as he makes outrageous accusations and personal attacks.

There are also those who either left or were forced out due to controversy over their disagreements with Trump, with Gary Cohn, former Chief Economic Adviser, and H. R. McMaster, former National Security Adviser, two of the more well known and competent people who could not survive in the Trump White House.

So again, this list above is far from complete, but it demonstrates, minus Cohn and McMaster, the disaster of the Trump Presidency, easily the most corrupt and incompetent administration, with the strong likelihood of more indictments and convictions once the Trump Presidency has been completed, than any other President, certain to surpass Richard Nixon, Warren G. Harding, and Ulysses S Grant, for the level of disgrace brought upon the White House!

There will be many volumes in the future, analyzing and dissecting all of the specific examples of corruption during the time Donald Trump will have been in office.

Donald Trump’s Greatest Crime: Destruction Of Federal Government Agencies, Long Term Damage

Possibly the greatest crime Donald Trump has perpetrated in his 15 months of being President is his destruction of federal agencies.

This is particularly true of the Department of Justice, the State Department, the Interior Department, the Education Department, the Housing and Urban Development Department, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Environmental Protection Agency and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but really all departments in the federal bureaucracy have been affected.

Trump has trashed the FBI and the Justice Department, and Jeff Sessions has been the worst Attorney General in modern history. Trump has worked to destroy the credibility of the Department of Justice, not only in the investigation of his scandals, but also the reversal of so many civil rights policies.

The State Department has so many vacancies in the Foreign Service, and so many able diplomats in the Diplomatic Corps have resigned.

The Interior Department under Ryan Zinke has been a disgrace on the matter of protection and perpetuation of national parks and national monuments.

The Education Department under Betsy DeVos has worked to undermine public education at all levels, and undermined protection of minorities and women under education laws.

The Housing and Urban Development Department under Ben Carson is ignoring the major problems of public housing, and not protecting the rights of tenants.

The Department of Health and Human Services has tried to destroy ObamaCare, but has failed at that, while putting obstacles in the way of those who wish to engage in the program.

The Environmental Protection Agency under Scott Pruitt is a total tragedy, rife with scandal and disgraceful actions against the environment.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau may be on its death bed under Mick Mulvaney, an extremely corrupt person, who is also the head of the Office of Management and Budget.

We are in the midst of a great tragedy that will not be undone for decades and one feels helpless as one sees the federal government deteriorating!

Trump Cabinet Members: One Disaster After Another, From Tom Price To Ronny Jackson!

The Trump Cabinet is one disaster after another.

Trump has dismissed many people behind him, both those in his Cabinet, and others in positions of authority, and others have come under fire, but are still there.

Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, David Shulkin are gone, along with Reince Priebus, Michael Flynn, H. R. McMaster, and Sean Spicer, and Scott Pruitt, Ryan Zinke, Jeff Sessions, Steve Mnuhcin, Betsy DeVos, Wilbur Ross, Ben Carson, Mick Mulvaney, and now Ronny Jackson are under scrutiny. Even John Kelly, the second White House Chief of Staff, has lost his reputation serving Trump.

There has been more turnover, including the White House Chief of Staff, National Security Adviser, and White House Press Secretary, than under any President after just 15 months.

The above mentioned list of present cabinet officers, as well as Ronny Jackson, the White House Physician now nominated to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs, have had issues of corruption and malfeasance, and are under a cloud that may force all of them to leave the administration over time.

Just about the only Trump advisers who are seen as “clean” are Secretary of Defense James Mattis and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Richard Nixon, Warren G. Harding, Ulysses S. Grant, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush all had a substantial number of people who served in their administrations forced out, or indicted, convicted, and sentenced to prison, but it looks as if Donald Trump is presiding over the most disgraceful group of advisers we have ever seen in any Presidency!

Firing Of Rex Tillerson Likely The Beginning Of Another Big Purge As Trump Plans To Have Sycophants Surrounding Him, Making Him Ever More Dangerous!

Face the truth: Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson was a horrible cabinet officer, totally unqualified, having no background in diplomacy, and a detriment to the State Department and its long term future.

But having said that, Tillerson opposed Trump on many issues, and we know he said that Trump was a F—-Moron, which Trump. most assuredly, is!

But Tillerson was kept on until now, and now former Tea Party Kansas Republican Congressman Mike Pompeo, head of the Central Intelligence Agency, will replace him, which is not good long term, as Pompeo is a sycophant, and war with North Korea and Iran are much more likely events as a result. This would be a repeat of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld foisted upon us!

The fear is this is just the beginning of another big purge, as Trump clearly wants sycophants surrounding him, making him ever more dangerous in both foreign and domestic policy.

So expect more hard line, right wingers to take control, unless somehow Trump can be removed from office.

Expect John Kelly, White House Chief of Staff; H. R. McMaster, National Security Adviser; Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education; Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; First Daughter Ivanka Trump; son in law Jared Kushner; and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to be gone sometime later this year, and others may follow them.

This is not a defense of these people, who are all despicable, but simply a sign that Trump is out to “clean house”, and becomes more dangerous every day.

Corrupt And Unethical Cabinet Members Of Donald Trump, Greater Than Ulysses S. Grant, Warren G. Harding, Or Richard Nixon

Donald Trump is presiding after just one year over the most corrupt Cabinet in American history, more than Ulysses S. Grant, Warren G. Harding, or Richard Nixon.

The following Cabinet members have come under controversy for ethical violations, and for their arrogance and insensitivity, and lack of scruples:

Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross
Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin
Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Neilsen
Environmental Protection Agency Head Scott Pruitt
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly
Director of the Office of Management and Budget and Acting Head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mick Mulvaney

Most of the above are setting a record as the absolutely worst possible human beings in public positions of trust, and this does not include the multitude of others who have resigned or been forced out, and the reality that the turnover in the Trump White House is triple that of Barack Obama at this point, and double other administrations.

Many of the people around Trump, past and present, have had to hire lawyers, and built up massive expenses defending their role and influence under the 45th President. Many have lost whatever reputation they had coming in, and many will end up in prison for their misdeeds.

Trump has managed to bring the most despicable, most disgraceful, most nasty and mean spirited, and most materialistic oriented people to gather around what has become a “ship of rats”.

Their inferior and disgusting performance in public office will haunt them the rest of their lives and into history, and this includes the corrupt and entitled son in law Jared Kushner, and daughter Ivanka Trump.

And at the same time, sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump have solidified just how disastrous they are, and how destructive they have been, adding to the tragedy of Donald Trump, who will go down where he has started after just one year, the worst President ever in American history, bar none!

Trump Cabinet Very White And Male, Much More Than Recent Presidents

Analysis of the Trump Cabinet demonstrates that it is the most white and male of all Presidents since Ronald Reagan 35 years ago.

Only 5 of the cabinet and other appointees are women or minorities, while Barack Obama had 14; George W. Bush 9; Bill Clinton 12, George H W Bush the same number of 5; and Ronald Reagan only 2.

On the issue of women alone, Trump has 4; Obama had 7; George W. Bush 4; Clinton 6; George H W Bush 2; and Reagan only 1.

In regards to minorities, Trump has 3 (Ben Carson, Nikki Haley and Elaine Chao); Obama 10; George W. Bush 6; Clinton 8; George H W Bush 3, and Reagan only 1.

The largest minority group in America, Latinos (about one sixth of the nation), is not represented at all under Trump.

While one should not judge leaders simply by gender or ethnicity, this is still a poor performance by Donald Trump.

Trump Cabinet By Far The Oldest In American History: The Senior Citizen Dominance!

One unnoticed issue about the Donald Trump Cabinet is that the 45th President has, by far, the oldest group of Cabinet officers in all of American history.

A total of 11 people around Trump are from age 62 up to 79 as they take over their positions, making our government one run by “senior citizens”.

Understand that this blogger is technically a “senior citizen”, but he also is not taking on the burden of a high pressure, burdensome job working for a President of the United States, and to have the vast majority of those in charge of our future being those who have, probably, no more than 10-15 years left, in a natio in which half the population is under 35, brings up the issue of whether it is proper that so many “senior citizens”, who will not be personally affected long term, should be in charge of government policy that affects 325 million Americans.

Here are the cabinet members who fit into this category:

Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services, 62
Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, 64
Steve Bannon, Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor, 64
Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation, 64
Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 65
Andrew Puzder, Secretary of Labor, 66
Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy, 66
General John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security, 66
General James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, 66
Jeff Sessions, Attorney General, 70
Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce, 79

And Donald Trump is 70 years and 7 months, 8 months older than Ronald Reagan, when he took the oath of office.

It must be admitted that Hillary Clinton is 69; Joe Biden is 74; and Bernie Sanders is 75, but it is highly likely that they would have brought in a much younger group of Cabinet officers.

Totally Inexperienced And Unqualified Appointees In Trump Administration: The Triumph Of The Neophytes

Donald Trump is a neophyte, someone with zero government experience related to the position he competed for, and he has moved toward bringing total neophytes into his close circle.

Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State
Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy
Andrew Puzder as Secretary of Labor
Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education

Only Rick Perry has been in government, as Texas Governor, but he is no expert on energy issues, and is best remembered for being unable to name the Department of Energy as one of the government cabinet agencies he wanted to eliminate, were he elected President. And he received Cs, Ds, and Fs in science courses at Texas A & M University!

The other three other than Tillerson are out to destroy the purpose of their government cabinet departments, and Tillerson is a pure corporate guy, who has no background in foreign policy at all, except that he has made business deals with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump is destroying the whole concept of experience and competence in these and many other appointments he has made, the worst group ever of appointees of any modern President!