Berlin Wall

50th Anniversary Of Berlin Wall: The Ultimate Symbol Of Oppression Remembered!

Today, a half century ago, the East German government in lockstep with the Soviet Union, its master, started construction of the infamous Berlin Wall, which became the ultimate symbol of oppression, the true image of what Soviet Communism was all about!

For the next 28 years, until the evening of November 9 and day of November 10, 1989, the Berlin Wall became the center of the confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States, evoking the worst images of the Cold War.

Many people died trying to ram through the checkpoints with their cars; or attempting to climb over the wall with its barbed wire top, or jumping over the wall from nearby buildings at the location of the wall, or digging tunnels under the wall in a multitude of locations.

President John F. Kennedy and President Ronald Reagan were remembered for their condemnations of the Berlin Wall and what it represented.

When the wall came down suddenly in November 1989 during the Presidency of George H. W. Bush, it was a sign of the end of the Cold War, and the ultimate collapse of the Soviet system of government in 1991, after all of Eastern Europe was liberated from the yoke of communism in 1989.

It was a great moment of rejoicing, still in many ways hard to conceptualize, that the wall had actually come down, with East German border guards assisting in the destruction themselves.

It made many think that there would be peace in the world, and that the United States would be the only super power, with no realization that we were entering a new era, in many ways more dangerous, the era of Islamic Terrorism with those engaged in that terrorism having absolutely no limits, including suicide, in their fight against the Western world and Christianity and Judaism!

So today is a day to celebrate, but with great sense of the challenge that we still face in the future, and at a time when America has so many domestic complexities and lack of cooperation by the two major political parties, endangering, therefore, America’s future!

Obama And Symbolic Anniversaries Of World War II And The Berlin Wall

President Barack Obama is obviously a busy man, and cannot be everywhere commemorating symbolic historical anniversaries, but still there are regrettable mistakes made on priorities.

First, Obama was not available to commemorate the 70th anniversary of World War II’s beginning on September 1, 1939. Obama was represented instead by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in a European gathering to honor the sad anniversary.

Now, Obama will be unavailable to attend ceremonies commemorating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which obviously is a strong symbol of the long struggle against Communism during the Cold War. He will be represented instead by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Of course, there is nothing horrible about our Defense Secretary and Secretary of State being present for the symbolic anniversaries, as both are highly respected. But there is a sense of regret, that somehow the President could not have rearranged his schedule to include direct involvement in these significant anniversaries.