Bernie Sanders

All Star Lineup For Four Nights Of Democratic National Convention

The Democratic National Convention is being held remotely this week from Monday to Thursday, and there will be an all star cast of speakers each evening.

Monday night, the speakers will include, among others–Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer, Doug Jones, James Clyburn, Bernie Sanders, and Michelle Obama, along with Republican John Kasich.

Tuesday night, the speakers will include, among others—Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bill Clinton, and Dr. Jill Biden.

Wednesday night, the speakers will include, among others—Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and Barack Obama.

Thursday night, the speakers will include, among others—Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, Keisha Lance Bottoms, Tammy Baldwin, Tammy Duckworth, Chris Coons, Andrew Yang, and Presidential nominee Joe Biden.

It will be an opportunity for the Democrats to display all of their “stars”, who have, together, contributed to the present day version of a party that has done so much for America over the decades since Franklin D. Roosevelt onward, responsible for most of the domestic reforms and foreign policy stability that marks the periods of Democratic Party control of Congress and the White House!

The Potential Of Justin Amash To “Mess Up” The 2020 Presidential Election Is High

Michigan Congressman Justin Amash, elected as a Tea Party Congressman in the Republican “wave” of 2010, went on to a ten year career, including heading the “Liberty Caucus” and being a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus, an extreme right wing group that warred against Speaker John Boehner and his successor, Paul Ryan.

Amash went on to vote for the impeachment of Donald Trump in 2019, and to leave the Republican Party, and now he is an announced candidate for the Libertarian Party Presidential nomination.

Considering that Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party nominee received about 3.3 percent of the popular vote and 4.5 million votes in 2016, it is a concern whether Amash could perform at the same level in 2020, and whether it would harm Donald Trump or Joe Biden in the election.

Amash is complicated, as he supports the following that could bring over disaffected Democrats who wanted Bernie Sanders:

He voted against religious institutions being eligible for FEMA grants.

He supported gay marriage being left alone after the Supreme Court ruled in favor in 2015.

He has stated his opposition to political gerrymandering.

He voted against the reauthorization of the Patriot Act in 2011.

He voted against the Trump executive order banning migrating of people from seven majority Muslim nations.

He has stated his support of transgender American rights.

He has opposed building a Mexico Wall.

He has refused to support Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) without agreement that there have been abuses that need to be addressed, while believing in the basic mission of ICE.

He has opposed US support of Saudi Arabia in its war against Yemen.

He has voted against any war against Iran by executive decision, only if Congress agreed by majority vote of both houses of Congress.

And of course, he has been a consistent critic of Donald Trump from the beginning.

So, while Amash is a big Trump critic, he could get disaffected Democrats who are not thrilled with Joe Biden, to vote for him, and that could be a decisive factor in his home state of Michigan and other “swing’ states!

Biden Leads Most United Party Since 2012, And Gains Republicans And Conservatives Who See Trump As Existential Threat To Nation And World

Former Vice President Joe Biden is now, officially, the Democratic Presidential nominee, with the announced withdrawal of Bernie Sanders.

But Trump supporters and far left whackos are attacking him as having mental issues that make him incompetent to be President.

Has anyone paid attention lately to the mental incompetence of Donald Trump?

Yes, Joe Biden has some lapses at times, but he is backed up by a wife who has a brain and commitment, unlike Melania Trump!

He will do just fine in the Oval Office, by having top advisers who have principles and beliefs that are far different than the crooked, corrupt, incompetent people around Donald Trump.

He will have a top notch Vice Presidential running mate, who if necessity requires it, will be fully competent and qualified to take over the Presidency, much more so than religious extremist and right winger Mike Pence!

No one expects perfection, but Joe Biden leads a united Democratic Party, more than it has been since 2012, and many Republicans and conservatives, including those in the Lincoln Project, are fully backing him, as will many Independents.

Donald Trump is clearly seen as an existential threat to the nation and the world, and the thought that he might win a second term is horrifying!

The Absolute Urgency For Joe Biden To Select The “Right” Vice Presidential Candidate

Indications are that former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, is zeroing in on potential Vice Presidential running mates for the upcoming Presidential Election in 2020.

Were Bernie Sanders, Biden’s remaining opponent, to agree to withdraw from the race since the odds of his turning around Joe Biden’s approximate 300 plus delegate lead is quite a long shot, then Biden could move ahead and choose his running mate, which would be an excellent strategy.

Rather than wait to shortly before the convention or at the convention, picking a VP running mate now would be insurance if, for any reason, including the CoronaVirus Pandemic, Joe Biden could not continue as the nominee of the party.

While nothing would be official until endorsed by a convention, the VP choice would be the heir apparent in case of need.

So the right thing to do for Bernie Sanders is concede and let the Democrats move forward with their ticket, with the certainty that the VP candidate will be a woman!

Joe Biden Measured Up To Presidency In CNN Debate, And Inspires With Pledge To Choose Woman VP And Black Woman Supreme Court Justice!

Former Vice President Joe Biden measured up to the Presidency in last night’s CNN debate, while Senator Bernie Sanders performed well, too, but Biden demonstrated that he has no signs of dementia, certainly far more stable than President Donald Trump!

Biden also inspired us with his pledge to choose a woman for Vice President, and an African American woman for the Supreme Court.

Most likely, the VP choice will be Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, and the choice for the Supreme Court will be Senator Kamala Harris of California, although there are other possible choices.

But as things stand at the moment, these choices seem like the best possible selections!

As America Goes Into Panic Mode, Tonight Is The Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders Debate!

As America goes into panic mode, with the totally disastrous handling of the CoronaVirus Crisis by Donald Trump, tonight is the Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders debate on CNN, the last real opportunity for Sanders to attempt to overcome Joe Biden’s lead that was gained in the past two weeks of primaries in 20 states, with Biden winning 15 of the 20 contests.

Already, there are indications that many Bernie Sanders supporters will refuse to back Joe Biden, as many refused to back Hillary Clinton in 2016, contributing to the disastrous Donald Trump Presidency this past three years.

Even without the extremist Bernie supporters who act like children, not adults, insisting on what they want despite the vote of those who engaged in the primaries, Joe Biden seems to have gained independent, moderate Republican, suburbanites, white working class men, women, African Americans, and Latino support that can overcome the prima donnas, who are ready to destroy the ship if they cannot get what they want!

It will be crucial that Joe Biden perform well tonight to overcome the propaganda that he is demented, when we have a dangerous demented and corrupt President.

It is crucial, however, that no matter whether Biden or Sanders end up as the Democratic nominee, that an exceptional Vice President is chosen, as it is likely that either of them might not be able to finish the next term, just as it is likely that even Trump, if reelected, might not last to the end of the term in January 2025.

So the real choice this time is the Democratic VP successor or Mike Pence, and that should be a no-brainer!

Joe Biden, For All Who Are Realists, Is The Democratic Presidential Nominee!

Former Vice President Joe Biden performed magnificently last night, and for all realistic purposes, is the Democratic Presidential nominee in 2020.

Joe has often been underestimated and trashed by many for his shortcomings, which all politicians and all of us have, but he is a battler, a fighter, and should not be dismissed as a serious challenger to Donald Trump, who fears him, and did not want him as his opponent in November.

The Obama coalition of 2008 and 2012 is being revived, and the outlook is bright, as long as the Sanders supporters stop being sore losers, and back Joe Biden.

Michigan, Washington State, Missouri–Crucial Presidential Primaries This Tuesday

Six states participate in the Democratic Presidential sweepstakes on Tuesday, March 10, with three states being the key states in the sense of the number of delegates at the Democratic National Convention in July.

These are Michigan (125), Washington State (89). and Missouri (68).

At this point, Joe Biden is favored over Bernie Sanders in all three crucial states, but of course, polls can be wrong.

If Sanders performs well, the nomination is clearly still up for grabs, but if Biden sweeps, then it becomes ever more difficult for Sanders to recover.

The Massive Appeal Of Joe Biden Is Apparent

Former Vice President Joe Biden has demonstrated massive appeal in the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

He has shown ability to win states without having done any advertising, public appearances, or spent money on a organized campaign.

He is expected to move further ahead this Tuesday in six primaries, ranging from Michigan to Missouri to Washington State.

Meanwhile, former opponents have endorsed Biden over Bernie Sanders, who has been unable to draw young voters to the polls in the numbers that were expected, and who has done less well in 2020 than 2016 in states that have already had their primaries.

The handwriting clearly seems on the wall, that Sanders is highly unlikely to become the Democratic Presidential nominee, unless he does a miraculous reversal of fortunes similar to what Joe Biden did in the past week.

Potential Running Mates For VP for Joe Biden

It now seems highly likely that former Vice President Joe Biden will win the majority of the remaining primaries, although it is certainly still mathematically possible that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders could reverse his present losing fortunes.

It is time to start thinking about who could complement Joe Biden, and be of assistance in case he starts to have major cognitive problems, which Donald Trump has already demonstrated.

It would seem wise for Joe Biden to select a Vice Presidential running mate who would be a step forward, so therefore, a straight white male is probably not a good idea.

Probably a woman would be best, and hopefully someone far more qualified than Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 or Sarah Palin in 2008.

Good possibilities include Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar; California Senator Kamala Harris; or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Former San Antonio Mayor and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro would be a strong contender, and would draw more Latinos to vote in Texas, Arizona, North Carolina and Florida.

Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg has a bright future, and Biden is very impressed with him, and has compared him to his dead son, Beau Biden. The fact that Pete is gay and has a husband would not have much effect, except among extremist religious groups, such as right wing evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and Orthodox Jews, but none of those groups are likely to vote Democratic anyway.

There are others that have been talked about, but right now, this author and blogger would suggest one of the above group.