Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts wowed the California State Democratic Convention this past weekend, and it almost seemed as if she was running for President, despite her denials.
Warren came out fighting mad about the outrageous utterances and actions of many of the Republican candidates or potential candidates, and one had to wonder how any sane person could possibly think of voting for any of them.
But there is a cynicism about Hillary Clinton, a disillusionment that she has sold out to Wall Street and the corporations; that she is not passionate and committed in the way that Warren and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders have demonstrated; that she is too hawkish in foreign policy based on her Senate record; and that her husband Bill Clinton reminds us of the 1990s, and that Hillary seems old and stale and does not enthuse voters.
Hillary is seen as representing the past, while Warren, despite being only two years younger, represents the new and the future.
Warren is exciting and dynamic, while Hillary is unexciting and stale, and that is a major problem for the Democratic Party.
If the Democrats lose the White House, the Supreme Court will be lost for the next generation, and the nation will be set back a few generations by a reactionary President.
The nation call ill afford being concerned about Hillary Clinton’s ambitions to be the first woman President, when we can have the first woman President in Elizabeth Warren!
It seems clear that Elizabeth Warren can excite the masses of Americans who want to believe in a future of progressive reform, and she can add on to the accomplishments of Barack Obama, and arouse the public to get out there and vote, in a way that will not happen with Hillary Clinton!
It is time for Elizabeth Warren to declare for the Presidency, as she can bring a future of brightness and change so desperately needed, and millions will wish to work for her election.
So, Elizabeth Warren, run, run, run!