Bipolar Disease

Donald Trump Seems Ready To Use Military Force In Three Places: North Korea, Iran, Venezuela!

Donald Trump ran his 2016 Presidential campaign as a critic of our military engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But now, after 8 months in the White House, Trump is promoting the possibility of war with North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela.

Trump is a madman, ratcheting up tension and hostile language, and stirring war fever, which would lead to massive loss of life, and overextend our military.

His military generals–John Kelly, H. R. McMaster, and James Mattis–are unable to stop him rhetoric on Twitter or in public speeches.

The temperature is rising rapidly, and soon, we could be in three major conflicts, adding on to the Afghanistan War and the fight against ISIL (ISIS) in the Middle East.

The Vietnam War draft dodger loves to talk about military prowess and military superiority, almost as if it is a sexual high for him.

Clearly, Trump is a mentally ill man, with likelihood of early dementia, which his father had, and also bipolar disease, with its highs and lows.

We are, clearly, in the most dangerous position we have been in since the age of nuclear power, and a nightmare scenario of a major disaster is no longer just fear, but more becoming reality!