
The Mental Instability And Hatred At Trump Rallies Totally Terrifying!

We are living in dangerous times, and the most scary scenario is being at a Donald Trump rally.

We have white supremacists there.

We have Neo Nazis and Ku Klux Klan types there.

We have “Birthers” and conspiracy theorists there.

We have misogynists, racists, Islamophobes, nativists, homophobes, and xenophobes there.

We have women who could be imagined as Nazi concentration camp guards torturing people.

We have what could best be described as the most ignorant of the ignorant, who drink too much, use drugs too much, and think women are to be controlled by men.

We have people who want the “good old days” of segregation, lynching, and even slavery.

We have people who hate anyone who speaks a foreign language, or who is darker skinned than they are, and believe in an Aryan race mentality.

We have people who claim to be “good Christians”, but have no concepts of the true teachings of Jesus Christ, and are also anti-semites, who do not realize Jesus was a Jew.

We have people poorly educated, and reveling in that fact, and love their own ignorance.

We have people who would, willingly, in 21st century America, salute and obey an Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini.

The mental instability and hatreds of Trump crowds are stunning, shocking, and terrifying!

What has happened to our nation that we love, that we have such warped people within it, who have no interest in facts or truth?

Arizona Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake Defend Mexican American Contributions, And Denounce Donald Trump’s Nativism!

It is great news to see Arizona Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake criticizing Donald Trump before his visit to the state this weekend.

It is also great to see them point out the major contributions of Mexican Americans and other Hispanics-Latinos to their state’s development.

It is, at the same time, disturbing to see Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the master of “racial profiling”, who has been a holy terror against all Mexican Americans and other Hispanics-Latinos, harassing motorists, and using unconstitutional methods in his jails in the county, come to Trump’s support. The federal government is working hard to overcome the civil rights violations of Sheriff Arpaio, but Arpaio has been a friend of Donald Trump and will greet him this weekend. They share the belief in the “Birther” theory about Barack Obama being born outside the United States.

Also, former Governor Jan Brewer has come to the support of Trump, which only adds to the image of Brewer as one of the absolutely worst Governors in America in the past half dozen years.

Ironically, new Governor Doug Ducey, condemned by progressives for his hard line views on immigration, has decided to join McCain and Flake in refusing to meet up with Trump, but the state government of Arizona still remains troublesome in their approach to immigration.

The Dangerous Mental Instability Of Donald Trump Endangers American Politics And Foreign Policy

America is faced with a political crisis that many seem not to realize exists, as the Presidential Election campaign of 2016 evolves.

Businessman Donald Trump is looked at by many as a cartoon character, someone not to be taken seriously.

This is a major mistake, as Donald Trump is a maniac and an egotist who endangers American politics and foreign relations.

Many people laugh and say there is no way that Trump can be the Republican Presidential nominee, and no way he could be elected President.

While that certainly seems legitimate to believe, the discontent of the American people with their political system and the role of America in world affairs, means that there is no way to say how Americans at large might react to Trumps’s blustering, bullying, and braggadocio.

Trump has been on the attack against every Republican candidate for President, and has not minced words in his insults, and it makes great theater.

But his insults undermine the concept of civility and decency in our politics, and will lead to a further disillusionment and deterioration of our body politic.

It seems apparent that Trump will run as a third party candidate, since the GOP will do everything it can to prevent his nomination, and that will insure that the Democrats will win, the only good result that is likely to occur from the Trump candidacy.

But Trump should not be seen as simply a laughable figure who adds entertainment to the political scene.

He must be seen for what he really is—a dangerously mentally ill and unstable personality, who could cause the spread of racism and nativism as legitimate, since he is engaged in such beliefs. He could also cause international instability with his attacks on Mexico, Russia, China, Iran and other nations, as many ill informed Americans might agree with his sentiments on these nations, and could, therefore, provoke new stresses on President Obama’s ability to control foreign relations.

We do not need a “loose cannon” who has no limits and endangers the nation, as his rhetoric could also inspire “lone wolves” to attempt to harm President Barack Obama, as well as any and all of the Presidential candidates, and even, ironically, Donald Trump himself! Do not forget that Trump still contends that Obama was not born in the United States, and “Birthers” still congregate around him and his candidacy!

Donald Trump Presidential Candidacy Likely To Destroy Republican Party In 2016!

Business mogul Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President today, a move which makes the Republican Party more of a joke and comedy bus than ever before!

What are Donald Trump’s qualifications to be President? NONE!

Donald Trump has had three marriages; multiple times has gone bankrupt; continues to be a “Birther”, believing Barack Obama was born in Kenya; has made irrational, extremist statements for years, making one wonder about his mental health; uses rhetoric that if utilized in foreign affairs, could provoke war; loves to insult his opponents in totally undiplomatic ways; and has demonstrated he is a racist, nativist, misogynist, and homophobe.

Is that enough? Trump knows absolutely nothing about international affairs, and just loves to shoot off his mouth, and make a fool of himself! He is a walking “time bomb”, ready to lose his temper without much provocation. He is an egotistical maniac, who most wants attention despite being a billionaire, and having wonderful children and, so far, three beautiful women as wives!

Trump loves to brag, which shows how much he has an inferiority complex, but he would be a danger if he were, somehow, to be nominated and elected. He invokes God, as if the deity looks down on him. The major job of all good people in this nation is to stop this maniac from destroying our nation, thinking he can “buy” the Presidency with wealth ill gained, and with the advantage of being born to wealth!

Trump must file within 15 days a form with the Federal Election Commission that he is running, and many would not be surprised if he actually does not do that. And even if he does, he could just destroy the upcoming debates of the Republican Party with his name recognition, and desire to assassinate the character of all of his Republican opponents. He is a literal nightmare to the GOP, and his candidacy only helps insure that the Democrats will win the White House in 2016!

Trump could prevent better known Republican officeholders from being part of the first debate in Iowa, due to Fox News Channel restrictions on only having ten candidates in that debate in August, likely leaving out better qualified or experienced candidates than Trump.

Trump has the ability to bring about the total destruction of the Republican Party as we know it, and that, actually, would be a good thing, with the right wing extremism so prevalent now in that party!

Ted Cruz Gives Up His Canadian Citizenship! The Question Is Why?

Texas Tea Party Republican Senator Ted Cruz, a clearly ambitious seeker of the Presidency in 2016, has given up his dual citizenship as a Canadian citizen.

Born in Canada of a Cuban immigrant father and an American mother, and living in Calgary for his first four years, Cruz has, therefore, repudiated the nation in which he was born!

The question is why, as it is not unusual for someone to be a dual citizen of two nations, and to be proud of where he or she was born, as well as where he or she lives in the present.

It is not as if Canada is an unfriendly nation, or a dictatorship, or that Cruz has bad memories up to age 4 in his homeland.

So it is clear that Cruz is doing this to try to make people forget he was NOT born in the United States, and hopes to bypass questions about his citizenship, and ability to run for President.

It is ironic that Cruz is worried about this, when his supporters claim there is no problem, while at the same time, these same “Birthers” continue to assert that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, despite the newspaper reports of his birth, and his Hawaii birth certificate.

It is not totally clear that Cruz can run, but since his mother is American, it is thought that he can run, based on his mother’s citizenship.

But it all comes down to this: Ted Cruz would give up his soul, if need be, to become President of the United States!

However, Senator Cruz, be assured that even if you, somehow, became the GOP nominee, with your hateful, divisive, despicable views on every subject imaginable, there is no way you are going to win 270 electoral votes, the number needed to become President.

So dream on, but you will remain in the Senate, until, hopefully, San Antonio Congressman Joaquin Castro, who is Mexican American, runs against you in the midterm elections for Congress in 2018, and retires you from public office as someone who contributes nothing positive to American politics. Rather, you are one of the most divisive characters in American politics since Joseph McCarthy, to whom you have an amazing facial resemblance, as well as personality!

Donald Trump For Governor Of New York: Pardon If I Cannot Stop Laughing!

So real estate mogul Donald Trump, “The Donald”, is again blowing hot air, as he has done for many years, in the process of humiliating himself, and demonstrating that this multiple times bankrupt, multiple times married, prima donna son of a rich father, a consistent “Birther”, is a pure publicity hound, who feels that being in the news, no matter how ridiculous, is essential for his ego!

So now the latest publicity is that Trump is thinking of running for Governor of New York, against Andrew Cuomo!

Pardon me if this author cannot stop laughing, as this is totally preposterous!

Trump has as much chance of being elected Governor of New York as I would have, if I was still a resident of New York State!

Actually, I would have a better chance as I have accomplished a lot without the benefit of a wealthy dad, and have some serious thoughts and ideas, anathema to Donald Trump!

This man has proved to be a not very bright circus clown, and if he runs, Cuomo will break the record percentage of reelection, and put Trump in his place, which is NOT a bad idea! Bring it on, Donald!

Right Wing Talk Of Impeachment Of Barack Obama: Anarchistic, Nihilistic, Racist!

The right wing of the Republican Party and the conservative movement, augmented by right wing Christians, the Tea Party Movement, Confederate remnants, and white supremacists is on the move to impeach President Barack Obama on grounds of “high crimes and misdemeanors” in office.

They are out to besmirch his historical image and record, as they did with Bill Clinton, knowing full well that they could not successfully remove him from office in an impeachment trial, which requires a two thirds vote of the US Senate to convict and remove from office.

With the Senate being majority Democratic, there is no way that 67 Senators could be gained to remove the President, and recall that when Clinton went into the impeachment trial in 1999, there was a majority of Republican Senators, and still only 55 and 50 Senators would vote to remove him from office on two different counts.

And even if the GOP were to win a majority of the Senate in 2014, still, there would be no way to gain a two thirds vote of the U S Senate to remove Obama from office.

So it is an exercise in futility, besides being a case based on even fewer reasons to bring a President to trial than in the case of Bill Clinton, who had, indeed, lied before a grand jury about his love life.

Obama has done NOTHING unconstitutional or illegal, and this case is based solely on personal hate, and face the facts, pure unadulterated racism, because the whole concept of a man who looks black, but is half white, being in the White House, drives Tea Party, Confederate, right wing Christian preachers who preach hate, and “Birthers” absolutely nuts, which is precisely what they are –lunatics!

Now the House of Representatives can push ahead and impeach Obama on flimsy grounds, as they did in 1868 to Andrew Johnson, and in 1998 to Bill Clinton.

But also if only 17 Republicans joined with all 201 Democrats in the 113th Congress, an impeachment motion would fail, and the likelihood that 17 or more Republicans would reject such a radical move is extremely high!

So, right wing lunatics, go ahead, try to impeach the President without a just legal basis, and dig your own grave, literally and figuratively, as the American people will reject you in a sweeping fashion in 2014 and 2016 and beyond!

Oh, and if Obama were to be forced from office, Joe Biden would become President, and have an edge for the 2016 election, not exactly a man the Right Wing would want in the Presidency!

“Natural Born Citizens” And The Issue of George Romney, John McCain, And Ted Cruz

With Texas Senator Ted Cruz angling to run for President, showing up in Iowa this past weekend, the question arises as to whether he is a “natural born citizen” and eligible to be our President.

The thought of Cruz being the nominee of the Republican Party, and a possible occupant of the White House, is literally horrifying, as the Texas Senator is like a bull in a china shop, out to antagonize and confront Democrats, progressives, the news media, and anyone who is not a believer, as he is, in the Tea Party Movement.

So Cruz has been criticized by John McCain and other Senate Republicans, as well as the Republican “Establishment”, as he represents a radical right wing extremism, who has no problem in making enemies, and showing a level of arrogance and hubris rare in a first term, first year Senator.

In many ways, Cruz would be worse than Barry Goldwater represented in his right wing views in the Presidential Election of 1964, showing just how far right the GOP has gone in recent years.

It seems clear to most observers that Cruz could not unite the GOP, and would be likely to be an electoral disaster against Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, or any other Democrat, but one can never be too confident or too cocky to believe that the world could not turn inside out and upside down in a time of difficult economic conditions.

This author will spend a lot of time on Cruz as we get closer to the 2016 primaries and caucuses, as he is certainly going to be an important factor in the Presidential campaign of 2016.

But right now, the question is whether Cruz, born in Canada of a US citizen mother and a Cuban immigrant father, is even eligible to run for President in the first place.

This will be the third time this issue has arisen, as Michigan Governor George Romney, a likely candidate in the Presidential Election of 1968, was born in Mexico of American Mormon parents, and John McCain, who was the GOP nominee in the Presidential Election of 2008, was born in the Panama Canal Zone.

Romney never got that close to the nomination, and not much was made of his Mexican birth at the time, while McCain had little challenge on his birth, as he was born to a military family in what was then US territory in the Panama Canal Zone.

While one might wish that Cruz was ineligible to run for President, there is unlikely to be a serious challenge to his candidacy for the Presidential Election of 2016.

It is also ironic that these three cases all involve Republicans, and yet a person born in Hawaii, Barack Obama, two years after it became the 50th state, still faces challenges from “Birthers” who contend he was born in Kenya! This would be unlikely to be an issue were Obama not a Democrat, but rather a Republican, and of course, if he was white, instead of African American! What a sad state of affairs!

Strong Reaction Against Liz Cheney Bid For Wyoming Senate Seat

Dick Cheney has become the most controversial, outspoken Vice President in American history, and his daughter, Fox News commentator Liz Cheney, is adding to that Cheney family image by her announced run for a Senate seat in the smallest populated state in America, Wyoming.

Liz Cheney, who has been a Virginia resident for years, but recently moved back to Wyoming, is seen by many there as a “carpetbagger”, who has moved back where she grew up only with the expressly clear cut reason to continue the Cheney tradition in American politics, knowing full well that she could not win a Virginia Senate seat, in strong hands with Democrats Mark Warner and Tim Kaine.

She is challenging a sitting Republican Senator, Mike Enzi, who has been a loyal conservative Republican in his voting, but is not as outspoken as other conservatives. Enzi, however, has had the “gall” to work occasionally with some fellow Senate Democrats on some legislation, and that makes him somehow regarded as not loyal enough to the conservative tradition.

Liz Cheney is ridiculing Enzi’s age of 69, while her father is older, and would not be alive without a heart transplant, which could have gone to a much younger person, rather than the 72 year old Cheney, but Cheney and his family have long felt entitled to whatever they want, and to speak their mind, no matter how divisive it might be!

Liz Cheney takes the view of her father, a no holds barred, confrontational, refusal to cooperate or compromise with the Obama Administration on ANYTHING! Just simply go on the attack and take no prisoners is the approach to what Liz Cheney wishes to do in the Senate, and if others are hurt in the process, so be it!

So we have seen former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson; the other Wyoming Senator, John Barrasso; Wyoming’s only Congresswoman, Cynthia Lummis; Kansas Senator Jerry Moran; and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, all condemn the entry of Liz Cheney as bad for the Republican Party in Wyoming.

Moran and particularly, Paul, are Tea Party types, and it is clear that what Liz Cheney is doing is making bare the massive split in the Republican Party, not only in Wyoming, but nationally, as this is not just a personal battle for the Cheney family against the Republican Party in that state, but an example of the struggle between the neoconservatives who took America into two massive wars that we have not won, and the Rand Paul wing of the party that wants America out of foreign interventions. So Liz Cheney is declaring war on Rand Paul, and wishes, as her father does, to take away any strength he might have to win the GOP Presidential nomination in 2016 or beyond!

It is very clear that Liz Cheney has greater ambitions, and IF she wins the Senate seat in Wyoming in 2014, do not be surprised if she comes out of the gate as a quickly announced Presidential candidate, who would be supported by the neoconservatives who want us to intervene in Iran and Syria and Egypt, and have no problem with the use of military force all over the world, with the budget issue being unimportant!

And we can be sure that Liz Cheney would continue to back the “Birther” myth about Barack Obama, and continue to infer that Obama is a secret Muslim who is against what is good for America. She has no ethics or scruples, as she intends to be a dominant figure in the Republican Party future, and does not care to make friends among Democrats, and really has little regard for fellow Republicans of any stripe!

That is why the first goal must be the defeat of Liz Cheney’s grandiose ambitions in the Wyoming Republican Senate primary, but by causing a massive rift and split, it would be wonderful if the Democrats could win that seat, and hold it for a generation, as moderate Democrat Gale McGee did from 1959-1977.

Poll On Republicans: 26 Percent Positive, 49 Percent Negative

A new poll shows Republicans at a low point in popularity, only gaining 26 percent support, while 49 percent see the party as negative.

Also, 64 percent of Republicans believe Barack Obama is hiding his past, with many believing the “Birther” theory that he was born in Kenya, and is not an American citizen. Also, 19 percent believe Obama stole the 2012 election.

What can one say after hearing these poll numbers? The Republican Party has become so right wing, so out of touch with reality, that it will believe anything negative about Obama, and has made clear that they will do everything possible to block any successes by the President on any subject, including the economy.

With their inability to gain majority or near majority support of women, Hispanics and Latinos, Asian Americans, African Americans, young people, gays and lesbians, labor, environmentalists, and of 60 percent of the electoral votes of the nation, the Republican Party needs to change its tune, but looks as if they are doubling down on their obstinacy, obstructionism, and negativism.

This means further defeats, and possible dissolution of the Republican Party after 160 years of existence, including glorious times, sadly now a faint memory!