“Blue” Virginia

Virginia Gubernatorial Election Crucial For Joe Biden And Democrats!

The Virginia Gubernatorial election is the most crucial for Joe Biden and the Democratic Party in November, as Terry McAuliffe, who was a successful Governor from 2014-2018, is being challenged by Republican Glenn Youngkin, a businessman with no government experience, but supported wholeheartedly by former President Donald Trump.

Virginia has become very “Blue” in recent elections, and has set a standard for good state government, and it is important for a Trump lackey to be defeated, so as to undermine Donald Trump’s influence and opportunity to consider running again for President.

If McAuliffe wins soundly, it will be seen as a rebuke to Donald Trump, and might encourage some Republicans to stop bowing down to him, as if he is automatically entitled to be the Presidential nominee in 2024.

Courageous Republicans who want to save the party need for Trump and his lackeys to face defeat in Virginia and in 2022!