Bob Casey

The Urgency Of The Democratic Party Taking Back The House Of Representatives, And State Governorships And Legislatures In 2018

Jon Ossoff, the Democratic front runner in the 6th Congressional District of Georgia (Atlanta suburbs), fell just short of the 50 percent needed to win that seat in the House of Representatives, and avoid a runoff.

Now he will face Republican Karen Handel on June 20, and it will be more difficult to gain the seat, a traditionally GOP district in the past 38 years since Newt Gingrich won the seat in 1979, followed up by Tom Price, the Health and Human Services Secretary, who vacated the seat to become part of Donald Trump’s cabinet.

One can be assured massive amounts of money will be spent on both sides of this race, which, if Ossoff wins, would be a major blow to Donald Trump and his agenda.

The 24 point swing in Kansas’s special election for the House, and now the 10 point swing in Georgia, in the first round, are signs that the Democrats COULD regain the majority in the House of Representatives in 2018, after eight years in the “wilderness”.

It is simply a sign of the reality that the Democratic Party, at a low point, having lost so many seats in both houses of Congress in the Barack Obama era, along with governorships and state legislatures, have the urgency to work very hard to start their revival.

The average number of seats gained by the “out” party in the midterm elections is 23 in the House of Representatives, and right now, the Democrats need 24 seats to regain control, so it is within potential gains that one might expect.

The US Senate will be nearly impossible to win seats, however, as only 8 Republicans are up for reelection in 2018, as against 25 Democrats.

Looking at the GOP held seats, the only possible gains, and not easily, might be Jeff Flake’s seat in Arizona, and Dean Heller’s seat in Nevada. The only other possible hope would be if somehow Ted Cruz could be unseated in Texas, but that is highly unlikely. So at this point, the most that could be expected is a 50-50 tie in the Senate, with Vice President Mike Pence able to use his vote in a tied Senate.

One must realize that while many of the 25 Democratic seats are seen as safe, a large number are not so, including Claire McCaskill in Missouri, Jon Tester in Montana, Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota, Joe Manchin in West Virginia, Joe Donnelly in Indiana, Bill Nelson in Florida, and Bob Casey in Pennsylvania. Note that Heitkamp, Manchin, and Donnelly tried to protect their flank by voting for Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, but McCaskill, Tester, Nelson and Casey did not do so.

But beyond Congress, it is urgent that state governorships be gained, as well as control of more state legislatures, all in planning for the next census of 2020 and the redistricting of House seats and state legislative seats that will come after 2020, with the evil reality of gerrymandering affecting the next decade.

The Courage Of Pro NRA Senators Who Voted For The Universal Background Checks Bill

Attention has been paid to those Pro NRA Senators who refused to support the Universal Background Checks bill, and who now have suffered drops in public opinion polls in their states, including Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, Ohio Senator Rob Portman, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, Nevada Senator Dean Heller, and New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte.

Not as much attention has been paid to the Senators of both parties who did not let their basically Pro NRA viewpoints stand in the way of common sense and reality.

These include:

Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania
Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania
Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico
Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana
Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota
Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia
Senator Jon Tester of Montana
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada
Senator Mark Warner of Virginia

And shame on Democratic Senators Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Nick Begich of Alaska, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, and Max Baucus of Montana for voting against the Universal Background Checks, and a salute to Republican Senators John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine, and Mark Kirk of Illinois, who joined Pat Toomey in support of the legislation!

Rick Santorum Flirts With A Presidential Run

Former Republican Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, who lost his reelection race to Bob Casey by 18 points in 2006, is visiting Iowa, Michigan, and South Carolina as he flirts with a 2012 Presidential run.

A very conservative senator, who was vehemently pro life and anti gay rights in his years in the Senate, Santorum was thought to be a possible candidate in 2008 until he lost his Senate seat after 12 years, capped by a statement that if gay marriage came about, the next thing would be that a man would marry his dog–that bestiality would become legal.

Making such a statement made him look ridiculous and also quite nutty, and Pennsylvania gave him a walloping defeat, but apparently his ego is such that he thinks the country needs him, so he will join a long list of potential nominees, certainly making the 2012 race ever more interesting!

Obama’s Gay Rights Speech At “Human Rights Campaign” Dinner

President Obama gave a rousing speech last night, calling for equal benefits for same sex couples in federal jobs, and for the eventual end, without a deadline for action, of the military ban on gays serving. His audience, the Human Rights Campaign dinner, seemed satisfied but impatient for quicker action on the military issue.

Obama also was proud to announce that gay crimes would soon be part of hate crime law as part of the defense appropriations bill going through the Senate for a final vote. He also continued to support civil unions, and for repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, but still held out against his own support for gay marriage.

A similar reaction was stated Sunday by Michigan Democrat Debbie Stabenow and Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey.

Gay Marriage is the hardest nut to crack, but the other aspects of the gay agenda seem likely to be accomplished very soon.

Medical Malpractice Limits And Health Care Reform Legislation

Democratic Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania made a very interesting and proper statement regarding medical malpractice reform on CNN today.

He said a Republican proposal to limit medical malpractice awards to $250,000 was “insulting” to the principle of justice in cases where there is intentional or negligent conduct by doctors or other medical personnel.

I totally agree, as if someone is harmed by medical malpractice, and most likely is affected for a lifetime in his or her ability to earn income or live a productive life, then he or she should be entitled to a much higher award. Discretion should be allowed, so as not to victimize an unfortunate patient, while at the same time putting a “reasonable” limit on such awards.

So there should be reform on this issue, but with a substantially higher threshold.