Bob Woodward

JD Vance Beyond The Pale, Attacking Bob Woodward For Revealing Trump Contacts With Putin After Presidency

Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance is a true nightmare, lying incessantly; promoting racism, nativism, and misogyny; insulting in the most nasty terms anyone who has the truth and facts about Donald Trump’s transgressions!

Now, Vance is attacking Bob Woodward, the Watergate reporter of great renown, who is publishing a new book about the truth surrounding Donald Trump, including:

that he gave COVID 19 vaccines to Putin while President,

that he has had multiple contacts with Putin since leaving office,

and has likely shared national security information with the Russian dictator who has waged war on Ukraine for more than two and a half years and counting.

So JD Vance shows his nastiness and ignorance when he says he is surprised that Bob Woodward is still alive!

And clearly, Vance seems oblivious to the significance of Bob Woodward in exposing the corruption of the Watergate Scandal and Richard Nixon, and his continued exposure of the shocking words and actions of Donald Trump in his Presidency and since.

So now, Vance is promoting discrimination toward those are aged, except of course, Donald Trump, who is only three years younger than Woodward, and clearly is mentally deranged and dangerous, unlike Bob Woodward!

And of course, JD Vance, in his heart, KNOWS that Donald Trump is dangerous and unfit to be President, but his own ambitions to promote the viewpoints of extremist right wing tycoons like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, prevents him from protecting the Constitution, American democracy, and the rule of law!

It is clear that it is not just Donald Trump who is a threat and a danger.

The thought of a 40 year old first term US Senator with not even two years in office, willing to lie about his earlier thoughts about Donald Trump, in his incessant promotion of his own ambitions is horrifying, and a threat greater than Trump himself.

So the need for a sound defeat of both Trump and Vance is urgent, and the American people have to be convinced, as many Republicans and conservatives not in elected office fully understand, the reason they are backing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the upcoming Presidential Election of 2024!

Confidence In US Military Leadership Grows Under General Mark Milley And The Joint Chiefs Of Staff

General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and General Kenneth McKenzie, head of the US Central Command have added stature to the image of the military by their recent actions.

Bob Woodward’s new book tells us that Milley informed his counterpart in China after the election and after the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection that the government was stable, and that Donald Trump would not be a threat to unleash a nuclear attack.

McKenzie yesterday apologized for the drone attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, which took by mistake the lives of ten civilians, including seven children, on August 30, after the attack by ISIS K terrorists killed 13 American military men and women at the Kabul airport during the evacuation from Afghanistan. The purpose was to kill terrorists, but was a horrible misjudgment, which sadly happens in times of war and conflict.

The idea that the US would issue an apology is a welcome situation under the circumstances, and humanizes the military, which is a good thing to occur.

We are fortunate we have patriots in the US military who are there to protect, preserve and defend the Constitution and rule of law, and prevent the horrors of a nuclear war unleashed by a dangerous, mentally deranged President, who wanted to seize power by coup, and has no scruples, ethics, or morals!

We are fortunate also that our military can admit and take ownership for a horrible blunder, but compensation should be paid to relatives of the ten who were killed.

Donald Trump Has Committed Negligent Homocide And Needs To Pay The Price For This Crime Against The American People!

As bad and evil as Donald Trump has been, no one in their right mind would imagine that the 45th President would commit negligent homocide.

Bob Woodward’s new book with taped statements of his interviews with Trump show that the President knew how serious the CoronaVirus Pandemic was early on, but went ahead and kept it from the American people, supposedly to avoid a “panic”, which is preposterous on its face!

Trump has been promoting chaos, anarchy, and mayhem for the entire time since he announced for President in June 2015. He is not unwilling to stir anxiety.

But to keep the truth from the American people, and attack mask wearing, and refuse to allow scientists to lead policy, Donald Trump has not only committed an impeachable case on its own, but also a human rights crime against 200,000 Americans who have died, and the many tens of thousands who will still die. This is not even counting those who get very ill, suffer, but fortunately recover.

Donald Trump has no ethics, morals, decency, empathy, or compassion for human suffering!

And the Woodward book shows he has no sense of white entitlement, and unwillingness to understand how African Americans feel about their plight of degradation which has gone on without pause for 400 years, and now is making them, along with Latino Americans, the largest number of victims of the pandemic.

It is impossible to imagine, under any circumstance, that after this revelation, along with many others in the last month, including the book of Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, that the President could possibly win a second term honestly.

That would require a total mental illness takeover of a majority of the American people, and that cannot be conceived to occur!

But by all justification, the Republican Party in Congress should be going to the White House and demanding and pressuring Trump to resign, just as courageous Republican leaders, including Barry Goldwater, Hugh Scott, and John Rhodes did in August 1974 regarding Richard Nixon.

But so far, not a peep has come from Republicans, and what it means is that by all moral standing, the Republican Party needs to be destroyed as an entity, as it has besmirched the history of the party that gave us some outstanding Presidents, and members of Congress, and state government leaders.

There is a dire need for total reconstruction and reorganization of those decent Republicans and conservatives not in office, but having a conscience.

Donald Trump needs to be held accountable in a court of law, for the mass deaths on his watch without any rationale, and to spend the rest of his life in prison, and no pardon by Mike Pence should be considered if he succeeded by resignation of Trump to a short term Presidency!

Mike Pence is also guilty of the crimes that Trump perpetrated, as he had to know the truth about the CoronaVirus Pandemic, and was totally a sycophant!

There is no excuse for either Donald Trump or Mike Pence, the worst combination President and Vice President in all of American history!

The Survival And Independence Of News Media Under Threat In Age Of Donald Trump

America is in a crisis, with the attack on the news media by Donald Trump.

Unfortunately one third to 45 percent of the American people believe that the news media are promoting “fake news’.

They would rather believe Donald Trump, or Fox News Channel, or Talk Radio, and many of these people see the rest of the media to be the enemy, rather than their role of exposing evil.

Without a thriving media, corruption and scandal would run totally rampant.

America is blessed with journalists who often are threatened by mob mentality at Trump rallies.

These journalists are committed to pursuit of the truth, and many news media sources are failing to make a profit, and are closing up, causing the mass loss of brilliant young journalists.

The fact that the media industry is a business which needs to make a profit does not take away from their sacrifices in trying to learn the truth.

Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal would never have been exposed if not for two young cub reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post from 1972 through 1974.

Today, in the time of danger that Donald Trump represents, it is the Washington Post again, along with the New York Times, which is promoting the survival of constitutional government.

Donald Trump’s Attack On Bob Woodward, The Master Journalist With 45 Years Of Excellence, Falls Flat

Donald Trump’s attack on journalist Bob Woodward, famous from Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal, and author of 18 best selling books over four and a half decades, falls flat.

Trump has been exposed for who he is, not only by Woodward, but also by the “Anonymous” op-ed in the New York Times; by Omarora Manigault Newman’s book; by the Michael Cohen guilty plea; the agreement of Trump Organization Treasurer Allen Weisselberg to cooperate; and now, most recently, by the Paul Manafort guilty plea.

The evidence of how dangerous and unhinged Trump is, plus his criminal activity of Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, is magnifying, and when, as seems likely, the Democratic Party gains control of at least the House of Representatives in November, clearly shown in all public opinion polls, action will be swift toward impeachment and potential resignation of the President.

Trump is flailing at his “enemies”, but the nation has become clearly disillusioned with Trump, and particularly so with women, minorities, the young, and suburban educated people.

Bob Woodward is one of the greatest journalists and authors of modern times, and his new book will stand the test of time and veracity, without any question.

Woodward helped by his journalism, along with Carl Bernstein, to bring down Richard Nixon, four and a half decades ago, and now Woodward, along with others, will help bring Donald Trump down, and accountable to the justice system.

Donald Trump’s “Witch Hunt” Against “Anonymous”, Calling Him/Her Engaged In “Treason And Sedition” A Dangerous Move That Must Be Rejected By Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Donald Trump is furious over the New York Times “Anonymous” article published last week, just as news of Bob Woodward’s new book on the Trump Presidency, due out tomorrow, started to leak out a week before the official date of the book, September 11.

Trump wants to find out who in the government published this article in the New York Times, as he has accused that person, him or her, as engaged in “Treason and Sedition”.

This is a preposterous charge, as whether Trump likes it or not, the issue here is warning the American people of the danger of Donald Trump in the White House, by someone who knows the inside information on the mental instability of the 45th President.

It is an issue of freedom of speech, and no one can be prosecuted for doing what this person did, as we are not a dictatorship, where people are prosecuted for their thoughts and statements.

And yet, Trump has indicated that he plans to ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions to begin an investigation at Trump’s demand. Sessions already has been bitterly condemned and ridiculed by Trump, more than any cabinet member in history, since Sessions recused himself from the investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in May 2017, and it would seem that Sessions will refuse to do what Trump wants.

And it is also likely that FBI Director Chris Wray will also refuse to use the FBI as a political weapon against whoever published the New York Times article.

So we are likely to see ever more crazy behavior coming out of the White House, as Trump explodes in rage, and likely will finally fire both Sessions and Wray, creating a more serious constitutional crisis than the initial firing of former FBI head James Comey in May 2017.

So the Trump Presidency is in a new stage, as Trump goes further berserk, and stretches the Constitution beyond its norms, as he continues to obstruct justice.

America Is Now Really In The Greatest Crisis Since Richard Nixon And Watergate, But This Is Worse!

There has been discussion going on for two years now, since Donald Trump became the nominee of the Republican Party in the summer of 2016, and intensified when he won a surprising Electoral College victory, that we were as a nation entering a constitutional crisis. Tensions have since accelerated by his rash and reckless behavior and utterances in his 19 plus months in office.

But this year, first in Michael Wolff’s book; then in Omarosa Manigault Newman’s memoir; and this week in Bob Woodward’s new book and yesterday’s New York Times op-ed by a high ranking official of the Trump Administration, all warning of the dangers of Donald Trump, and his totally unhinged behavior being more than ever a national crisis, we have now reached a stage where it is clear that we are in a more terrifying moment than even Richard Nixon and Watergate!

It is time for the Republican Party to put aside politics, and join the Democrats in demanding that Donald Trump resign, or that the 25th Amendment Section 4 be invoked.

Trump is more crazy than ever in his rhetoric, unstable actions, his amorality, and in his volcanic fury, with half hour rants, that could cause a heart attack or a stroke in most people, if occurring regularly.

The nation’s national security and stability is at stake, and this is not a time to promote division and conflict, so Paul Ryan, Orrin Hatch, Mitch McConnell and other GOP leaders need to end partisanship, and unite with the Democrats to promote the nation’s welfare over partisan wrangling.

We are in danger of a insane man utilizing the nuclear codes, and of an economic depression, and even though many might not be happy with Mike Pence, at the least, he is not mentally unhinged, or incompetent, and is not a reckless person who would undermine the nation. And with a likely Democratic House, even if not the Senate being likely in 2019. Mike Pence would be controlled to a great extent, and he would not win the Presidency for a full term in 2020.

First Revelations From Bob Woodward Book On Donald Trump Makes For A Greater Constitutional Crisis Than Even Realized Until Now

The new Bob Woodward book–FEAR: TRUMP IN THE WHITE HOUSE–is not due out until Tuesday, September 11, but early revelations about the contents of the book make it clear that America and the world is in its greatest constitutional and foreign policy crisis since the infamous September 11, 2001!

The book contains evidence that the top people around Trump think of him as a moron, an idiot, a sixth grader, as someone who cannot be taught or explained anything, as an unhinged person who is dangerous and unstable. Trump is also described as a compulsive liar, and someone who is regularly furious, angry, and frustrated for long periods of time, and spending hours watching cable news and utilizing Twitter.

Those cited include John Kelly, White House Chief of Staff; James Mattis, Secretary of Defense; Rob Porter, former White House Staff Secretary to the President; Reince Preibus, former White House Chief of Staff; Gary Cohn, former Presidential Economic Adviser; and Rex Tillerson, former Secretary of State.

A lot of incendiary and insulting language is used by these people and others in quotes that Woodward gained in doing his research, This has never happened to this extent before, not even under President Richard Nixon during Watergate!

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are also described in an unflattering manner, as acting privileged and self serving.

So as much as we knew or perceived before, now we are fully in awareness of the potential disaster we are facing, and the urgency of the immediate removal of Donald Trump from the Oval Office!

The good thing is that Kelly and Mattis, both military veterans, are staying on for now, and they can help protect the nation from the maniacal behavior of Trump, including, apparently, the prevention of the signing by Trump of documents that would be destructive in domestic and foreign policy, with Trump apparently not aware that the documents he was supposed to sign had disappeared.

If and when these two military veterans are fired or choose to resign, then the danger of Trump becoming ever more dangerous to the nation and the world accelerates.

Seriously, with obvious dismay by many Trump associates, it is time for Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment, Section 4, and remove Trump from the Oval Office sooner, rather than later!

Good Fortune That Many Watergate Scandal Journalists And Investigators Are Still Alive And Able To Assist With Insight Into Trump Scandals

It has been 45 years since the Watergate Scandal started to erupt, leading to the resignation of Richard Nixon 43 years ago.

Now that we are in the most dangerous constitutional crisis since Watergate, and actually more dangerous than that one was, it is good that many Watergate Scandal journalists and investigators are still alive, and able to assist with their insights and expertise into the Donald Trump scandals.

It is encouraging that Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who exposed the facts about the Watergate break in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, are still actively engaged in pursuing the truth.

Also, Dan Rather, formerly the CBS News anchor from 1981-2005, and Ted Koppel of ABC News and “Nightline”, are both still pursuing the facts, and providing their brilliant analysis on what they see as more concerning than even the Nixon scandals.

Several individuals who helped in the prosecution case. led by Archibald Cox and Leon Jaworksi, 35 years ago, also are still alive and well, and able to give their expertise on comparing Watergate to the Trump scandals, with the general conclusion that this present scandal is more dangerous, constitutionally, than what Nixon represented.

Most observers believe that were Nixon alive today, he would be shocked at what Donald Trump has said and done, wondering how he has been able to accomplish so much in his corruption, and how he must be held accountable for his transgressions.

40th Anniversary Of “All The President’s Men” Film: A Great Moment Of Investigative Journalism!

If it was not for Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, and the investigative journalism of the Washington Post four decades ago, we would never have learned about the illegalities of the Richard Nixon Presidency.

It was their courage and willingness to go where leads took them that held Richard Nixon and his administration accountable for the scandals that besmirched the Presidency, not just Watergate but many others.

The film, starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman, came out forty years ago this week, and can be considered one of the very best political films ever produced.

Sadly, journalism has declined dramatically, and too much of it now is entertainment or sensationalism oriented, and this has caused the American people to lose confidence in the reliability and accuracy of journalists.

And newspapers and magazines in print have rapidly disappeared, a tragic turn in journalism, as online has become dominant!