Brian Lamb

C Span 2 BOOK TV Discussion Of My Presidential Assassinations Book Coming Saturday 11 PM And Sunday 6 PM, February 20, 21

I am proud to announce that C Span 2 BOOK TV will air a 90 minute lecture and discussion on my book, ASSASSINATIONS, THREATS, AND THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY: FROM ANDREW JACKSON TO BARACK OBAMA on Saturday February 20 11 PM and Sunday February 21 at 6 PM.

The event was taped on January 26, 2016 at the Sandler Center at the Levis JCC in Boca Raton, Florida.

This is the second event on C Span involving my book, with the other being on November 29-30, 2015–Brian Lamb’s Q & A, 60 minutes, which is already on this website under Interviews, as the new C Span 2 event will be also listed after the weekend.

So in case you missed the Brian Lamb interview or will not be able to watch this coming weekend, this blog has the ability to link you to them, or you can also go to, and type in my name and watch.

I h0pe my readers will watch both C Span events, and I thank you for your time doing so.

Interview On Presidential Assassinations Book On Monday, Presidents Day, On WLRN 91.3 FM NPR 1-2 PM Eastern Time!

This blogger and author will be interviewed live on Monday, Presidents Day, on WLRN, 91.3 FM, National Public Radio, from 1-2 PM Eastern time on his book published last August–ASSASSINATIONS, THREATS, AND THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY: FROM ANDREW JACKSON TO BARACK OBAMA  (Rowman Littlefield Publishers, 2015).

The interview will be posted on the right of the blog under “Interviews”, and join more than 15 such interviews already posted there, plus some from earlier years, on public affairs issues.

Additionally, my C Span Brian Lamb hour interview is posted there, and next weekend, a 90 minute lecture on my book will be on C Span 2–Book TV–the weekend of February 20-21, and possibly be repeated the following weekend as well.  To have the opportunity to be on C Span twice is a wonderful development!

Hope you find time to listen, and that you enjoy the WLRN interview.  And next weekend, to watch C Span!  Eventually, that book lecture will also be posted on this blog!

Tonight Is One Hour C Span Interview On “Assassinations, Threats, And The American Presidency” With Brian Lamb At 8 PM Eastern!

Tonight, Sunday, November 29, is my one hour interview on C Span with Brian Lamb, regarding my book: ASSASSINATIONS, THREATS, AND THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY: FROM ANDREW JACKSON TO BARACK OBAMA (Rowman Littlefield, August 2015).

The interview will air on C Span at 8 PM Eastern, repeated at 11 PM Eastern, and finally at 6 AM Eastern Monday morning, November 30, and will be available permanently on the website under the Brian Lamb Q & A listing of all of his hundreds of interviews over the past eleven years.

Please be sure to watch it, either on cable tonight and tomorrow morning, and/or on the internet.

Major Features On “Progressive Professor” Blog

Many of my readers may not realize, or be paying attention to, the fact that besides commentary on political and historical events, the blog also includes multiple radio interviews, as well as op-eds, relating to my recent book, ASSASSINATIONS, THREATS, AND THE AMERICAN  PRESIDENCY: FROM ANDREW JACKSON TO BARACK OBAMA (Rowman Littlefield Publishers, August 2015).

There are, as of now, 13  interviews on the right side of the blog, which a reader can click on to listen to many of my radio interviews in the past three months.  Additionally, there are 2 op-eds that I have published on the website THEHILL.COM in the past month .  Soon, there will be two C Span videos, one with the author interviewed for an hour by Brian Lamb to be aired on C Span on Sunday, November 29 at 8 pm, 11 pm, and 6 am on Monday, November 30 ; and a lecture and book signing on my book at Florida Atlantic University in Jupiter, Florida, lasting 90 minutes, to be taped on December 8, 2015, and being shown on C Span sometime in January.

There are also, on the right side of the blog, past radio interviews on other current events topics; several newspaper interviews in past years and one from a month ago; and three videos of 90 minute lectures I did at Florida Atlantic University on Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson in recent times.

There is also a new feature, CONTACT ME, which allows for anyone who is interested in requesting my participation in future lectures, interviews, or scholarly engagements to contact me, and is located on the top of the blog on the right.

My C Span One Hour Interview With Brian Lamb On My Book On Sunday November 29 8 PM Eastern!

My one hour interview with Brian Lamb of Q & A on C Span One, on my book on Presidential Assassinations and Threats, will be aired on Sunday November 29 at  8 PM Eastern time, repeated at 11 PM Eastern, and again at 6 AM Eastern on Monday November 30.

After that, the interview will be permanently housed on the website under my name.

Watch it, and I welcome commentary on it.

Thank you!

Announcement Of Two C Span Events Related To My Book: “Assassinations, Threats, And The American Presidency”!

I am pleased to announce two upcoming events relating to my new book–ASSASSINATIONS, THREATS, AND THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY: FROM ANDREW JACKSON TO BARACK OBAMA (Rowman Littlefield Publishers, August 2015).

Next week, I will be visiting DC and going to the C Span studios and having a taped full hour interview with Brian Lamb on his Q & A show, which has been interviewing authors for many years, with one author per week, aired on Sunday night on C Span One at 8 pm Eastern, 11 pm Eastern repeated, and 6 am Eastern the next Monday morning.  After being aired, the hour is put on the website permanently for viewing at any time.

Additionally, my lecture and book signing on my book at my university, Florida Atlantic University , at the Lifelong Learning Center in Jupiter, Florida, on Tuesday, December 8 230-4 pm and 4-5 pm book signing will be covered and taped by C Span 2, Book TV, aired at some point later, and then put permanently on the C Span website for viewing at any time.

These are tremendous opportunities for exposure of my book, and I am thrilled and very appreciative of this double blessing!

New Presidential Record Of Survival In Office, Surpassing 1789-1841!

For the first nearly 52 years of the Republic, every President survived his term of office, from George Washington until William Henry Harrison.

Once Harrison died in office, we had a President die in every generation, with seven of the eight dying, having been elected in a zero election year–Harrison 1841, Abraham Lincoln 1865, James A. Garfield 1881, William McKinley 1901, Warren G. Harding 1923, Franklin D. Roosevelt 1945, and John F. Kennedy 1963, and joined by Zachary Taylor, dying in 1850, a zero year after being elected in 1848.

This became known as the “Zero Election Year Syndrome.”  It occurred seven straight zero election years from 1840 to 1960.  It was finally overcome when Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt in 1981, and when George W. Bush avoided tragedy on September 11 and throughout his Presidency, despite some serious threats.

Since JFK died, we have not had a Presidential death since, almost 52 years, although Richard Nixon did resign from office in 1974, even that being 41 years ago.

The question is how long can this new record of Presidential survival last, in a time of international terrorism and domestic turmoil.

There have been more death threats against Barack Obama than any President since Abraham Lincoln.

The last President to have a serious threat was Ronald Reagan, shot and seriously wounded in 1981, 34 years ago.

But every living President has had death threats, before, during, and after being in office.

A discussion of all these assassinations and threats are covered in my new book, ASSASSINATIONS, THREATS, AND THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY: FROM ANDREW JACKSON TO BARACK OBAMA (Rowman Littlefield), out since August 15, and available at the R & L website with a 30 percent discount offer, or at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Books A Million websites.

This author has done more than 25 radio interviews, and will be interviewed by C Span Q & A Brian Lamb next week, and the hour long interview will be available to be seen on C Span One a few weeks later at 8 pm, 11 pm on a Sunday night and 6 am the next Monday morning Eastern time, and will become part of the permanent interviews of Brian Lamb at C, available for interviewing anytime!

C Span Founder Brian Lamb Steps Down As Chief Executive Officer: His Great Accomplishments!

Anyone who is interested in American history, politics, and government cannot imagine living without C Span, the cable company founded in 1978 by Brian Lamb, who was its Chief Executive Officer from its inception, until the end of this month, when he will step down and become executive chairman of an indispensable cable channel.

It is hard to remember what it was like before C Span, which began as a channel to cover the US House of Representatives live, but developed further into a second channel which covered the US Senate live, and then a third channel which covered American History in all its manifestations, live and taped.

All kinds of special programs and events have been covered 24 hours a day on all three C Span channels, and have enriched knowledge of history, politics and government, making those who watch or look at C Span online much more educated and insightful about how our country works, and also examining the outside world of foreign affairs as well.

Brian Lamb has been a giant in cable development, and will be long appreciated as having made a great contribution to improving our understanding of the political world around us.

There is no more important and precious set of channels on cable than the three C Span stations, and it has come about at a very low cost, and in a manner non partisan, and objective and open minded!

All the best to the future of C Span under its new leaders, Rob Kennedy and Susan Swain!