
The Crazy Presidential Caucus-Primary System Shows Up Again!

It is amazing to the outside world and to many Americans how this nation goes about picking its presidential candidates of the major political parties,and it cries for reform pronto!

Just as in 2008 with the Democrats, now the Republicans in the state of Florida have decided they want an earlier date for their primary, and in so doing, they lose some convention delegates, and force the four earlier states that traditionally have voted first in the presidential caucuses and primaries to move them earlier to January, rather than February.

So Iowa’s caucuses will occur at the beginning of January, followed by New Hampshire’s primary approximately a week later, and then by South Carolina’s primary and Nevada’s caucuses, finishing up January with Florida voters participating in the GOP primary there on January 31.

This will force all of the candidates to increase their campaign time in these five states, as they lose at least a few weeks by the earlier dating of the beginning of the nomination process.

With many of the primaries and caucuses scheduled as regional events on March 6, it is still likely that by the “Ides of March”, March 15, that one Republican will have enough delegates to be the nominee of the party.

But the idea that rural, unrepresentative states such as Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and to some extent, South Carolina, have such a major influence on the nomination, calls for massive reform of the whole system, but this is brought up every four year cycle, but never leads to change.

Florida, by breaking the rules and scheduling their primary earlier, and with them being the fourth largest state, and soon to be third, still seems ultimately the most important early state.

But there is no need to be envious of those who run, whether Democrat or Republican, as the whole nomination process is a mess and makes the seeking of the White House a true chore and challenge that wears many candidates out, including in support and financing!

Iowa: Rapidly Becoming Insignificant In The Presidential Nominating Contest!

The state of Iowa has the first vote in the Presidential contest of 2012, as it is the host of the first caucuses on February 6, 2012. Tons of publicity and media coverage are being given to that state, but it is hard to believe that what happens in Iowa will have any real impact long term on the Election of 2012.

Since the caucuses began in 1972, only two Presidential winners running in a non-incumbent year have won Iowa–George W. Bush in 2000 and Barack Obama in 2008. Ronald Reagan ended up second in 1980 and George H. W. Bush was third in 1988. Jimmy Carter ended up second in 1976 and Bil Clinton fourth in 1992.

The problem with all caucuses, which about one third of the states use instead of primaries, is that only activists are involved, rather than the masses of the population, and they tend to be more extreme–with the Republicans being more to the RIght of center, and the Democrats to the Left of center.

So when it seems that Michele Bachmann is in the lead in Iowa, but that Rick Perry, if he enters, would compete for the evangelical Christian vote, and that Tim Pawlenty will be left “in the dust”, and Herman Cain has some support because of his statements about Muslims and Mormons, and that Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are not seen as serious candidates–all this should tell us that once Iowa has done its part in the nominating process, we are very likely to look back and say Iowa AGAIN had little impact on the ultimate nominee of the Republican Party in the Presidential Election of 2012!