Chris Wallace

The Poisonous Nature Of Fox News Channel Deadens The Brain!

Chris Wallace is no longer with Fox News Channel!

Shepard Smith is no longer with Fox News Channel!

Any decent journalist would NOT work for Fox News Channel, which preaches lies, mistruths, misinformation, and promotes sedition and treason after the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol, inspired by Donald Trump!

Fox News Channel has anchors in the evening who are truly massive liars and deceivers, including Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham, all of whom are vaccinated but do not promote vaccination and masks!

All of these individuals were concerned and alarmed by January 6, and we know they tried to contact Donald Trump, but now they ignore reality and facts, and inspire the Republican Party in its self destruction!

All of these individuals denounce people of principle, who are strongly conservative, such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and the small band of Republicans who believe in the rule of law and the Constitution, and want Donald Trump and his minions held accountable!

Fox News Channel promotes fear, ignorance, and hate; sees the world as simple and black and white; distrusts science and education; supports government by the wealthiest, with no concern for the poor and middle classes; and endorses religion in schools and government, rather than the basic constitutional principle of separation of church and state!

Fox News Channel has become the “Bible” for a majority of people best defined as white supremacists, antisemites, Islamophobes, nativists, misogynists, and homophobes!

The poisonous nature of Fox News Channel, and also One America News Network (OANN) and Newsmax TV, which are even worse, imagine that, helps deaden the brain of common sense and common decency!

Trump Proved Why He Is Unfit To Be President In Presidential Debate, So Just VP Debate And No More!

Donald Trump was a total disgrace in the first Presidential debate last evening!

He would not follow the agreed upon rules, not to interfere, and to stop interrupting when Joe Biden or moderator Chris Wallace were speaking. The moderator should have shut off Trump’s microphone when Biden was being allowed his two minutes to give an answer to a question.

He refused to condemn white supremacists, and refused to agree to concede if he is declared the loser, and encouraged his supporters, in such a circumstance, to provoke civil unrest.

He acted like a 2nd grader, and lied incessantly, and was totally rude and bullyish throughout the debate!

Donald Trump declared war on decency and democracy. He endorsed white supremacist terrorist groups, such as “Proud Boys”, which is anti Semitic, anti Islamic, anti gay and transgender, anti immigrant, and misogynistic, and provokes violence, with Trump promoting them going to the polls and “watching”, a guarantee of bloodshed and violence!

He acted very UnPresidential, as Joe Biden declared, and embarrassed all decent people, as no President or candidate in any debate has acted in such a manner in the history of Presidential and Vice Presidential debates!

Meanwhile, Joe Biden kept his cool, and acted very Presidential, doing a lot of shocked and laughing gestures at the shameful display of horrible behavior by the man child who is our disgraced 45th President! 🙁

One cannot imagine how Joe Biden will not gain much more support nationally, and hopefully, defeat Donald Trump in a massive landslide in November! And early post debate polls indicate Biden “won” the debate two to one!

The Vice Presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris one week from today should go forward, but the last two Presidential debates should be canceled, as America has seen enough, and there is nothing positive to be gained by Biden debating Trump again!

Fox News Channel’s Speakers For The Truth: Shepard Smith And Chris Wallace

Liberals and progressives have long pilloried Fox News Channel for its distorted, biased, and misleading coverage of the news, particularly now about Donald Trump.

However, while it is true that many of their journalists, and particularly their talk show hosts (including Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Judge Jeanine Pirro), are constantly engaged in this malpractice, it is important to salute two speakers for the truth, who are not intimidated one iota by the propagandists up high.

These are Shepard Smith, who is on at the 3 pm daily hour Monday to Friday, and Chris Wallace, who has a weekly show on Sunday mornings on Fox.

They have both been honorable and courageous, and have not caved in to Donald Trump, and they are both refreshing, and give some hope that their honesty and decency might permeate Fox News, and make them aware of the dangers Donald Trump presents to the Constitution, and to our domestic and foreign policy.

Changes Coming In Cable And Television News!

As we enter the second half of 2011, and the Presidential race becomes ever more center stage, Fox News Channel is making every effort to legitimize itself as “mainstream”, just as Jon Stewart went after Fox News Channel on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace last week, as not being accurate or responsible in its coverage of politics and news!

Having “rescued” liberal commentator Juan Williams, after he was summarily fired by National Public Radio, with a reported $2 million a year five year contract, Fox News then went to hire CNN morning anchor John Roberts to be a national correspondent, and former Democratic Senator Evan Bayh to be a political commentator.

Now they have hired CNN White House correspondent Ed Henry to be their White House correspondent, and of course, for the past few years, they have had former CNN morning anchor Bill Hemmer on their station.

Will it work, to make Fox News Channel seem “mainstream”? With the leaving of Glenn Beck from his every weekday show through joint agreement, it might have some effect, although Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, John Stossel, Greta Van Susteren, Brit Hume, Bill Kristol, Liz Cheney, et al, make one wonder if that is possible!

Meanwhile, Keith Olbermann, who had a “divorce” from MSNBC, has now revived his “Countdown” show, following a similar format, on former Vice President Al Gore’s independent station, Current TV. For those who enjoyed his incisive coverage of politics, it is a welcome return, but the question is whether he can “steal’ the audience of MSNBC and Lawrence O’Donnell at the same hour, along with Eliot Spitzer on CNN. As it turns out, Current TV replays Olbermann’s show EIGHT times over the 24 hour cycle, so in theory, one can watch Spitzer, see O’Donnell in rerun at 11 pm, and then watch Olbermann at any three hour cycle up through dinner time the next day!

Additionally, Norah O’Donnell of MSNBC and NBC, who had been a chief Washington correspondent, is now moving to CBS as their White House correspondent. Always pleasant and appealing in her manner of reporting and commenting, CBS has staged a major coup by gaining her employment!

So cable news and TV news in general has become ever more personality driven, and adds interest to the coverage of major political events!

The Fading Of Tim Pawlenty As A Presidential Candidate And The Rise Of Michele Bachmann!

Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty was clearly the loser in yesterday’s New Hampshire Republican Presidential debate.

Coming off a Sunday interview with Fox News Channel host Chris Wallace, in which he made a poor defense of his economic plan for 5 percent growth every year while cutting taxes further and cutting the budget dramatically, Pawlenty came across as insecure, defensive, and unwilling to challenge the man seen as his greatest rival, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

Having called the Romney health care plan in Massachusetts “Obamneycare” on Fox News Channel, he refused to look Romney in the eye and repeat that strong attack he had just issued on Sunday.

Already seen as bland and dull, Pawlenty is in deep trouble now, particularly by the fact that his own Minnesota colleague, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, put on a masterful performance, greatly improving her own image as a serious Presidential candidate!

Not only did Pawlenty decline in stature, but Sarah Palin now knows she has a REAL competitor, a woman who far outshines her intellectually and in accomplishments in Congress, as compared to her meager record as a partial term Governor of Alaska. If anything, Bachmann’s performance is likely to keep Sarah Palin from entering the race, and if that is the case, America is better for it!