Christine Todd Whitman

Three Former Republican Governors Invoke 14th Amendment Section Three As Disqualifying Donald Trump For Presidency!

Three former Republican Governors have invoked the 14th Amendment Section Three as disqualifying Donald Trump from running for the Presidency, due to Trump’s promotion of the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

Former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld, and former Montana Governor Marc Racicot (who also was a former Republican National Committee Chairman), have joined a legal brief stating Donald Trump is ineligible to run.

The nation is waiting to see if the Supreme Court will agree, but there is fear that the six Republican appointments, including the three chosen by Donald Trump, will refuse to do the right thing and save the nation from the nightmare of this Fascist oriented dictatorial monster, who has no regard for the rule of law!

New Third Party Movement, “Forward”, Formed By Andrew Yang, Christine Todd Whitman, David Jolly!

A new third party movement, known as “Forward”, has been formed by former Democratic Presidential and New York City Mayoral contender Andrew Yang; former Republican New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, who headed the Environmental Protection Agency under George W. Bush; and former Republican one term Congressman David Jolly of Florida, now a political commentator on MSNBC.

Already, there is strong criticism that such a movement will hurt the Democrats more than the Republicans, at a time when Donald Trump and the extreme right wing that controls the Republican Party is a clear and present danger to American democracy.

One has to wonder if any substantial political leaders will join the “Forward” party, as right now, it comes across that its leadership is not very impressive nor “heavy weight” in any sense!

Former Republicans Who Are Conservatives Will Support Democrats As Only Way To Stop Fascism

Christine Todd Whitman—Miles Taylor—Max Boot.

Former New Jersey Governor–Security expert in the George W. Bush and Donald Trump Administrations–Conservative Writer and Historian.

The first two in the NY Times, and the last one in the Washington Post, made clear their intentions for the future.

These are three Republicans who would define themselves as conservatives, along with many others, who have come to the smart conclusion that the Donald Trump dominated Republican Party in Congress and the states MUST be defeated soundly in 2022 as part of a plan to expunge the Fascist, authoritarian nature of a major political party.

So they and others have dedicated themselves to voting Democratic in the upcoming elections, not because they necessarily agree on all matters with Democrats, but simply because it is the only alternative to excise the cancer of Donald Trump and his minions.

This is not a laughing matter, as American democracy and the rule of law is at stake, and only a sound defeat of the evil and dangerous Trump control of the GOP can save the day.

As this author and blogger has stated in the past five years, the Republican Party may need to be put in the dustbin of history, and a new, responsible, and reasonable conservative alternative to the Democrats needs to be created from scratch, a little like the birth of the Republican party in the death throes of the Whig Party in the 1850s.