Donald Trump is trying to cause a lower census count, with his move to require a citizenship question on the 2020 Census for all people to answer.
In the past, much of the time, there was no citizenship question at all, and when it existed, it was only for the small percentage of people who were asked to fill out a long form, not s short form.
The whole purpose is to scare and frighten undocumented immigrants, who will be concerned about arrest and deportation, and prevent them from filling out the forms.
That will cause an under count in California, Texas, Florida, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Georgia, North Carolina and other states, and cut available services and funding, since that is based on actual count of population, not estimates.
It is a particular strike against California, which probably has the most undocumented immigrants, and is strongly anti Trump.
17 states have started a law suit to prevent this horrible, discriminatory plan.
The Founding Fathers did not declare a census should only count citizens, but rather all people living in the boundaries of the nation.
This is an assault on common decency and dignity of all people, including the DACA (Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals) children who are here for decades now, through no action on their own, and who still are not protected from deportation to nations they have no memory of or association with.