Civil War

Checks And Balances, Separation Of Powers, And The Constitution After 236 Years!

The American Constitution, adopted between 1787 and 1789, has gone through multiple crises, including most notably the Civil War, World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, the Great Recession, and the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Through it all, the basic belief in American democracy and freedom has held, due to strong leadership in Congress and the Presidency.

But now, America faces a very severe threat to our system of checks and balances and separation of powers, as Donald Trump and his Billionaire supporters, and most notably Elon Musk, the wealthiest person in the world, are posing a massive threat and disrupting our economic, social, and foreign policy.

Donald Trump in just 24 days has been acting like a revolutionary leader, creating a whirlwind of constant crises and challenges.

It is difficult to keep up with the chaos which is assisted by MAGA followers and Republicans willing to give up their oversight over the Executive branch.

The role of the news media, the Democratic Party in the states and in Congress, and massive numbers of lawsuits, as well as public demonstrations and support, are the only way to prevent the threat of Fascism.

This is a time to pay attention, and be constantly active in pursuit of the truth, and the abuses of power that are being waged.

This is not a time to turn our heads and ignore what is happening, as that would just insure an authoritarian dictatorship!

Donald Trump’s “Wrecking Ball” On The Federal Government!

Donald Trump, in just four days in office, has applied the “wrecking ball” on the federal government.

Thousands of civil servants in many different government agencies have been told not to come to work, and have lost access to their offices and websites.

The Civil Service system set up in 1883 under the Pendleton Act is being eviscerated before our eyes.

The plan is to end government agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) created under President Jimmy Carter; the Department of Education, also created under Carter; and radically changing the State Department, Defense Department, the intelligence agencies, and the Department of Justice, all of whom Trump considers to be the “Deep State”.

Additionally, undocumented immigrants and gay and transgender people are subject to threats and lack of protection of basic human rights.

Plans are in place to undermine public education, and promote a right wing agenda on the curriculum, ignoring the reality of American history, and denying the reality of climate change and global warming.

Access to health and medical information is being limited, and if Robert F. Kennedy Jr is confirmed as Health and Human Services Secretary, or even if replaced by some other extremist, the nation will not be ready to deal with future health crises and potential for pandemics, since there is a denial of the reality of disease threats. And any investigation of racial disparities in disease study, and also of health issues involving gays and lesbians, has been halted, an absolutely horrifying scenario!

And Trump is trying to undermine the Constitution by promoting the end of Birthright Citizenship, which is protected by the 14th Amendment, clearly a racist move to limit migration and citizenship of immigrants from Latin America, Asia and Africa.

His proposal to allow a third term defies the 22nd Amendment, and is clearly a power grab by his supporters in Congress.

And his decision to deny continued security to former members of his earlier administration, including John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, is an outrage, putting their lives in danger!

But clearly, he only cares about himself, and does not value human life beyond what it can do for his power grab.

And to top it off, the pardoning of known violent extremists who attacked the US Capitol viciously gives these threats to public order the potential to cause more violence and bloodshed, and likely receive future Presidential pardons, so it is like the Brown Shirts of Adolf Hitler!

We are living in a time of right wing radical extremism, which is a threat to the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the rule of law, and the concept of American democracy.

And at least short term, there is not much of a reaction or counter plans to deal with this crisis which is on the level of a potential equivalent of the Civil War or the Great Depression or World War II in the past of American history!

Inauguration Day: A Day Of A Right Wing Extremism Revolution Crisis!

Inauguration Day has come and gone, and all the worst possible scenarios of what that day would be like, have been accomplished.

America is in the midst of a Right Wing Extremism Revolution, totally mean spirited, and vengeful.

Donald Trump did not hold back in his open criticism of Joe Biden, right in front of the outgoing President.

He moved to promote a vast number of executive orders, and made clear his repudation of a climate crisis, and his aggressive attitude toward Panama, indicating a likely forced retaking of the control of the Panama Canal.

He also gave pardons or commutations to all of the January 6 Insurrectionists, a travesty of justice, and a clear signal to those lawbreakers that they can commit future crimes with impunity, as long as they do so in the name of Donald Trump!

He also showed his plan to rename the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America via Presidential edict, although that would not be legal, and to bring back the old name of Mount McKinley in Alaska, which had been renamed Denali after a native American tribe.

This also marks the new admiration of President William McKinley, based on his promotion of high protective tariffs in the Gilded Age, and his promotion of expansionism, including the Spanish American War and the takeover of the Hawaiian Islands during his administration from 1897-1901.

It will take many days, if not weeks, to fully absorb what Donald Trump is doing to revolutionize America and take away basic American democracy.

But those who care about democracy must not give up the fight, and be in despair, as instead, it needs to be looked at as a crisis similar to the Civil War, the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, the Great Recession, and the Covid 19 Pandemic, each of which was overcome by strong, principled leadership by various Presidents and Congresses!

Musk, Ramaswamy Want To Destroy Federal Programs, Must Be Prevented

The unofficial Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), formed by Donald Trump, and headed by billionaires Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy has no government authority, but is insanely proposing cutting the federal budget by up to $2 trillion, or one third of the total government spending, purely insane in nature!

Rather than raise taxes on billionaires and millionaires, including Musk and Ramaswamy, as well as other less wealthy, but prosperous Americans, so that they pay their “fair share”, Donald Trump wants another massive trillions of dollars tax cut for the elite wealthy, similar to his massive tax cuts in 2017, and earlier ones under George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

About one fourth of all of the national debt of America occurred under Donald Trump in his first term, and he is ready to add trillions to the national debt while cutting important programs.

Among those being targeted are:

Veterans Health Care
Drug Development and Opioid Addiction Treatment
State Department Funding
Housing Assistance
Justice Department Funding
Education Spending
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Health Care (Affordable Care Act, also known as Obama Care)
Federal Student Loan Program
International Security Programs
Head Start Program

Additionally, the goal is to cut the federal work force, get rid of talented and competent and experienced public servants, and hire lackeys who would do Donald Trump’s bidding, and in the process, promoting total chaos and anarchy in the federal government.

Also, some Republican members of Congress would love to get rid of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, programs adopted under Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson, and constantly the subject of attacks by right wing forces!

Democrats, while not the majority, must do whatever they can to prevent such outrageous actions, finding those Republicans in both houses who have principles and ethics, too few, but they are there!

This is a true existential crisis of massive proportions, and every effort imaginable must be waged to prevent such a disastrous set of circumstances that would destroy the federal government!

Our government cannot go back to “states rights”, which supposedly was resolved by the Civil War!

The Gilded Age was the late 19th century, and we cannot go back 150 years under any circumstances!

Further Reflection: Trump V US Creates Constitutional Crisis Of Massive Proportions!

This author and blogger, upon further reflection, reverses his earlier assessment today, and has come to the conclusion that the Supreme Court has created a long term constitutional crisis in Trump V US, making the likelihood of an uncontrollable Presidency long term!

The last few days have been a whirlwind, since the disastrous Presidential debate of June 27.

It has turned everything we thought was stable and manageable into a massive crisis, only made worse by the recklessness of the extremist right wing Supreme Court, which has granted shocking executive authority and immunity to the Presidency beyond all past limits!

President Joe Biden just gave a five minute Oval Office Address to condemn the Trump V US Supreme Court decision, but made it clear he would not use that decision to abuse his powers.

Ultimately, what can stop this abuse is the American people voting in November to repudiate the threat of Donald Trump, and it raises the stakes on the Presidential Election Of 2024, clearly the most dangerous moment since the Civil War!

Mid April Full Of Historical Significance!

The middle days of April are full of historical significance, involving American history and the Presidency!

April 9 is the day of surrender of Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant to end, officially, the Civil War, in 1865.

April 12 is the beginning of the Civil War, with the attack at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, in 1861.

April 12 is also the day of the passing of Franklin D. Roosevelt in Warm Springs, Georgia, in 1945.

April 13 is the birthdate of Thomas Jefferson in 1743.

April 14 is the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, in 1865, and his death occurring the next morning, April 15.

April 17 saw the unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro, the infamous Bay of Pigs Invasion, under President John F. Kennedy’s administration, in 1961.

April 19 is the unofficial beginning of the American Revolution, occurring at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, in 1775.

Nikki Haley Disqualifies Herself For Presidency By Endorsing States Have Right To Leave Union!

Republican Presidential contender Nikki Haley has come out for the right of states to leave the Union, referring to the battle over who controls the borders and the problem of widespread migration of people from Central America into Texas.

The federal government is responsible for the borders, not the states, and the Republican Party needs to cooperate on legislation being promoted by a coalition of Democrats and Republicans in the US Senate.

But instead, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and Republican governors of 13 other states have defied a Supreme Court decision that included Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, along with the three Democratic appointments on the Court, mandating that the state of Texas stop creating dangerous barbed wire barriers, that led to the death by drowning of several migrants, including children.

Nikki Haley has now taken a stand with seditionists and rebels that caused the Nulllification Crisis under Andrew Jackson, due to Vice President John C. Calhoun’s promotion of states rights in 1832-1833, as well as Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America provoking the four year Civil War from 1861-1865.

This is the same concept promoted by Southern governors and most notably Alabama Governor George Wallace in the time of the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

Haley, by so doing, has disqualified herself for the office of the Presidency, and should be ashamed of herself for promoting lawlessness by state governors, who choose not to obey the Supreme Court!

Donald Trump’s Massive Iowa Caucus Win Demonstrates Threat To Nation!

For anyone who believes in principle and common decency, last night’s massive Iowa Caucus win of Donald Trump demonstrates the dire threat the nation faces in 2024.

With Ron DeSantis ending up second, ahead of Nikki Haley, it seems clear that Donald Trump is on the way to a landslide nomination, as he is clearly a juggernaut that, seemingly, cannot be stopped, as he won 98 of 99 counties in Iowa and 51 percent of the vote.

Nikki Haley has only one state, New Hampshire, where it seems that she might be able to triumph, but even there, it is not assured, and beyond that, nothing is likely to stop Donald Trump.

The idea that a twice impeached, four times indicted and 91 counts and four trials facing Trump could perform so strongly is mind boggling.

The idea that this dangerous man who has threatened retribution and revenge, and makes clear his plans to be a dictator on Day One, and evokes language of Mussolini and Hitler, is a threat to the nation and the world, makes it clear that America is in a massive constitutional crisis, equivalent of what happened in 1861, when the nation faced the Civil War!

Donald Trump’s Threat To Utilize The Insurrection Act Of 1792 To Establish A Military Dictatorship

Hard to believe, but a law passed under George Washington in 1792 to promote a stable American Republic could destroy the Republic under a demagogue such as Donald Trump 233 years later in 2025 if Trump is able to regain the Presidency a year from now!

The purpose of the law was to overcome internal rebellion, best exemplified by the Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania in 1794, but also used by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War; by Presidents Rutherford B. Hayes and Grover Cleveland in labor disputes; by Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy to promote Southern integration of schools during the Civil Rights Era ; and by President George H. W. Bush during the Los Angeles riots in 1992.

It is NOT designed to crack down on legal, constitutional right of dissent, including marches, demonstrations, and other displays of nonviolent action, but Trump has stated he would promote mass arrests and deportations upon taking the oath of office on January 20, 2025!

Something must be done to prevent such an outrageous movement toward Fascism, and the destruction of the Bill of Rights, and the first step would be to insure that Donald Trump never gets near the Oval Office again!

Joe Biden’s Five Speeches On Democracy Struggle Against Trumpism!

Ever since Joe Biden was inaugurated President on January 20, 2021, he has discussed the threat to democracy represented by Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans.

Biden spoke on Inauguration Day in January 2021; in his first speech to Congress in April 2021; twice in 2022, in Philadelphia in September and at Union Station in Washington DC in November; and most recently in Arizona a few days ago when he dedicated a new John McCain Library.

It is clear to anyone who is paying attention that America faces its greatest crisis in preserving democracy since World War II.

In that regard, Joe Biden is following the lead of Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War and Franklin D. Roosevelt in World War II!