“Clear And Present Danger”

Donald Trump Is Inciting Violence, And Is A “Clear And Present Danger”, Who Needs To Be Prosecuted!

Former President Donald Trump is openly inciting violence and domestic terrorism, causing threats against even members of the Republican Party who have the “gall” to have voted for an infrastructure bill that helps the nation, and the people in all congressional districts and states.

Trump is totally out of control, and the one third of Americans who are “brainwashed” to follow him, as if he is a cult leader, have become a serious threat to the stability and security of America.

Trump needs to be prosecuted as a “clear and present danger” to the party, to Congress, and to all sane Americans, who now have to fear domestic terrorists daily.

There is a serious issue with mentally ill, unstable people being a threat to law abiding Americans, and Trump is at their leadership, very troubling!

The “Clear And Present Danger” Of A Fixed Presidential Election In 2024!

The Republican Party under Donald Trump has become anti democratic organization, bent only on winning and maintaining power, no matter what the cost involved!

With so many Republican states working to limit voting rights, and many such states trying to gain control of the counting of votes in elections by putting Secretaries of State in office who will do the party’s bidding, whether for Donald Trump or someone else, we could have the national Presidential election of 2024 with a true constitutional crisis!

Republican state legislatures could work to deny a Democrat the electoral vote of a state even when such Democrat has won the popular vote!

Also, the presidential election could be contested to the point that neither candidate wins a majority of electoral votes, and the election goes to the House of Representatives, with gerrymandering likely insuring a majority of states having Republican controlled state delegations in the House, and leading to 26 or more states with a Republican majority choosing to give their electoral votes to the Republican nominee, no matter what the vote count demonstrates!

So the possibility of a “clear and present danger” of a fixed Presidential Election in 2024 is real, not imagined, and is very worrisome!

Crazy Religious Lunatics Are Undermining National Security And Health!

In the midst of the most dangerous moment for national security and health in our lifetimes, we are witnessing crazy religious lunatics insisting they have the right to conduct Easter and other weekly services, and Orthodox Jews saying the same for Passover services!

They argue freedom of religion, ignoring the dangers they are presenting to their congregants, who in many cases, seem to think that if a clergyman speaks, it is God personified!

Sorry, but the right to worship is not primary over safety, security, and public health, and it will lead to a massive number of unnecessary deaths!

It has already occurred in the South, where the hold of evangelical Christianity is strongest, and also occurred in Orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn, New York, as well as in Israel.

When will common sense finally come to the minds of these congregants and their clergymen? Only when many have died out of pure cultish behavior?

The answer is to shut down all churches and synagogues for worship, and lock the buildings, and arrest anyone who defies this emergency!

Your right to worship exists only as long as it does not affect the public safety and health, as worshiping in large numbers at this time is “a clear and present danger to others”, quoting a Supreme Court decision of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in Schenck V US (1919)!

The Growing Threat Of Donald Trump Against The Life Of His Opponent, Hillary Clinton: NOT A Laughing Matter!

Donald Trump has done it again–a threat against the life of his Democratic Presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton.

On August 8, Trump spoke of “Second Amendment” remedies, that those who oppose the limiting of gun rights in any fashion, and see Hillary as a threat to those rights, might have a solution to the threat, implying action against Clinton.

He was roundly condemned for this assertion, and Michael Hayden, the former head of the CIA and NSA, said if anyone outside the hall where the speech was given had said such a thing, he would be in a police wagon being questioned, and facing prosecution.

And Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, referring to the Newtown Massacre that killed 24 young children and six teachers in December 2012, said Trump was reckless and would have blood on his hands if such an event occurred.

But Trump went ahead and said on September 16 that Clinton should agree to have her Secret Service team lay down their arms and “see what happens”, so he has not learned from the earlier incident.

Trump should be told now that his freedom of speech does NOT include such reckless language that could endanger his opponent, and that if something untoward were to happen, that he could face prosecution for having presented “a clear and present danger”, under Supreme Court case Schenck V US (1919), which limits freedom of speech.

And this is all happening in the month when there were eight incidents involving President and assassination threats, and also the assassination of Huey Long in 1935, all covered in the chapters of my Assassinations book, which will be in paperback by March 2017.

Rocker Ted Nugent, Mitt Romney, And Threats Against Barack Obama

Ted Nugent is a long time singer and musician, defined as a hard rocker and hevy metal musician, performing since age 10 in 1958.

Nugent has been a great influence on others in the hard rock and heavy metal music business, and has become well known for his conservative views on politics and public affairs over his long career.

Nugent is certainly entitled to have his views and to express them, but as with any public figure, and really any person, there is such a thing as going too far, if one threatens anyone, and particularly a public figure, and most significantly the President of the United States, whoever he happens to be.

In other words, there is the concept of “clear and present danger’, which allows government to prosecute anyone who threatens the breakdown of law and order, the promotion of bloodshed and violence and anarchy by one’s use of language.

Ted Nugent has reached that level of objectionable and dangerous language, and is being investigated, appropriately, by the Secret Service.

What did Nugent say?

At the National Rifle Association conference this past weekend in St. Louis, Missouri, Nugent said that if Barack Obama is reelected, he (Nugent) will either be dead or in prison. He spoke to a group of mostly young men, riling them up, by talking about decapitating Barack Obama and calling him a piece of excrement. He also bitterly criticized Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Attorney General Eric Holder, and used threatening language against them.

One could sense that Nugent was provoking these gun enthusiasts with feverish language against the Commander in Chief, and could certainly have the effect of making some young man, similar to John Hinckley, Arthur Bremer, or Lee Harvey Oswald, be motivated by the comments of this famous rock star to attempt to bring harm against President Obama, or actually assassinate him, which would be a horrible tragedy beyond belief.

Mitt Romney has been endorsed by Ted Nugent, but he needs to make a clear statement of condemnation of Nugent, and repudiate his endorsement, as who would seriously wish to have the backing of an unstable public figure who, despite his right to criticize, shows a total lack of respect for the office of President, if not the individual in that office.

But don’t bet on Romney taking a principled stand, as he has failed to do that constantly during his political career.