
Growing Threat To Members Of Congress, Their Staffs And Even Presidential Staffs!

The growing threat to members of Congress and their staff, and to all government employees, even those who work for the President of the United States, is alarming!

The number of threats has quadrupled in the past four years overall, and to members of Congress ten fold, and the attack on staff members of Virginia Democratic Congressman Gerry Connolly, and the intrusion in the home of Joe Biden’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, in the past few days, are just the latest examples of constant threats posed by domestic terrorists!

There is a dire need for upgraded security for all government workers, wherever they work and wherever they live, as working for government should not be a threat to the lives of dedicated employees!

Inspirational Speech By President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Before Congress!

Tune Magazine’s Person Of The Year, Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, just delivered a very inspirational speech to a joint session of Congress, after traveling to the United States, and meeting in the Oval Office with President Biden.

Zelenskyy asked for more military support, making clear that he was not requesting US Troop involvment, as Ukranians want to defend their own country from the 300 day war waged by the Russian Federation.

This was an appropriate time to have Zelenskyy visit, and anyone who is unwilling to support Ukraine is clearly against the promotion and sustaining of democracy in the world.

Hopefully, with a tough winter ahead, Ukraine can continue, with US and NATO support, to push back Russia’s aggression, and undermine Vladimir Putin!

Republican Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler A Hateful Homophobe!

This past week, the Congress approved the protection of same sex marriage and interracial marriage, insuring protection of the marriages or future marriages of people, who, sadly, face many so called “good Christians” promoting hate and discrimination and denial of a basic human right to marry who one loves!

We saw a displapy of pure hypocrisy and viciousness by Missouri Republican Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, who became teary eyed, claiming that Christianity and people of faith were being threatened by such action, to prevent a right wing Supreme Court from taking away a basic right, as they did in June on abortion rights!

Now her gay nephew has denounced her rightfully, as Hartzler put on a display that embarrassed her and demonstrated her vicious nature, an aunt who should be ashamed of herself, because she is trying to promote theocracy, rule of religious views over a nation based on separation of church and state and freedom of religion.

The fact is that religious institutions, including schools, are being state supported, while promoting discrimination, and that should not be permitted.

Thank goodness this excuse of a so called “religious” woman is leaving Congress, as she gave up her chance for reelection to pursue a Senate bid in Missouri, but failed to accomplish her goal. Good riddance is the best statement to make on this woman!

Women And Young People Are Registering To Vote In Record Numbers, Due To Abortion Issue!

Women of all ages and backgrounds, and young people in general, are registering to vote in record numbers, and the main reason is the denial of abortion rights by the Supreme Court in June.

That, plus the danger to American democracy represented by the “MAGA” Republicans, who are Fascist in orientation and empower Donald Trump, no matter what is emerging about his treason and sedition, are motivating Americans to realize that the Midterm Elections of 2022 are crucial for the future.

While the Democrats have a major problem historically, with the reality that the party out of power gains in the midterm elections that follow, this time, more than ever before, it is absolutely essential that Democrats keep control of both houses of Congress and do better in state legislatures and governorships, as otherwise, the Consitution and rule of law will be in danger!

The House January 6 Committee Makes It Clear: Donald Trump Promoted Sedition And Revolution, And MUST Be Prosecuted!

If there was any doubt about the criminal involvement of former President Donald Trump in the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, yesterday’s hearing of the House January 6 Committee, settled the issue.

Donald Trump conspired with the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys and other domestic terrorists (racist and white supremacist) to provoke violence and bloodshed and stage a coup, endangering the lives of Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and all members of Congress and law enforcement and other staff on Capitol Hill.

Donald Trump is a criminal, the worst since Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America, and MUST be prosecuted for sedition and treason by the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland!

If he is not held accountable, then the danger of further domestic terrorism by extremist right wing groups will flourish, and America could face the loss of its democracy!

And all those around Trump, including family members, and staff and advisers who went along with what he provoked, must also face prosecution!

And members of Congress who helped promote the conspiracy and violence must also be prosecuted, and barred from ever holding public office again!

Assault Weapons Massacres An Epidemic With No Solution!

America has become the murder-massacre capital of the world, and Congress and the Supreme Court seem unconcerned to take action against assault weapons, which should only be available to police and the military.

There is absolutely no need for any citizen to own and use AR-15s and AK-47s and other assault weapons, as they are not needed to go hunting, only to obliterate the flesh of unfortunate victims, often by people who are mentally deranged and/or have anger that is uncontrollable!

Every day, and often every part of a day, we have multiple Americans in all locations imaginable being murdered, as no other civilized nation on earth experiences!

There are so many cases of a few to large numbers of people becoming victims, that only the most extreme cases as Buffalo New York, Uvalde Texas, and now Highland Park Illinois, over the past two months gain widespread attention!

Right Wing And Republicans Gone Mad: The Threat To Destroy Modern Times!

It is becoming very clear that right wing conservatism and Republicans have gone mad, as they wish to destroy modern times, and the advancements of the New Deal, Great Society, Warren Supreme Court, and promotion of change under Barack Obama and Joe Biden!

If they had their way, and it is becoming more likely, we would see women’s rights, civil rights of racial minorities, gay and lesbian rights, and privacy rights of the past generations being erased!

And corporate domination over workers’ rights would be worse, and agencies designed to make America a better place, such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Consumer Product Safety Commission, would be denied the ability to do their work, or even maybe be eradicated!

And the role of evangelical religion would grow ever more rapidly, despite the fact that the majority of the nation is far less religious over time than it has been in the past!

It is difficult to be optimistic about the future in a nation which has gone into reverse on so many issues, both within Congress and in the federal judiciary, due to appointments by former Republican Presidents, including George W. Bush and Donald Trump!

Enforcing 14th Amendment, Section 3, Will Eliminate Threat Of Donald Trump Being President Again!

A simple solution to the threat of Donald Trump running for President again is to enforce the 14th Amendment, Section 3, as passed and added to the Constitution after the Civil War and during the Reconstruction Era.

Congressman Steve Cohen of Tennessee, the Chairman of the Judiciary Subcomittee on the Consitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties has proposed a measure to enforce this section of the 14th Amendment, and Senator Amy Klobucar, Chair of the Rules Committee, has done so in the Senate.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment reads as follows:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House remove such disability.

The US Attorney General could move to enforce this section of the Constitution before a three judge panel. Such individual would be disqualified from holding public office, once clear and convincing evidence that an office holder or former office holder engaged in insurrection or rebellion. Such individuals would also forfeit all benefits derived from their service in federal office, and would be prohibited from obtaining contracts with the federal government. And a former President would not be considered such for the purpose of receiving benefits under the Act.

Additionally, members of Congress who were involved in inciting and promoting what happened on January 6, 2021, would face the same penalties and lose their rights to serve or gain benefits from their past service!

Two Profiles In Courage: Liz Cheney And Adam Kinzinger Voting To Censure Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar!

This author and blogger is not a fan of conservatism, and definitely not a fan of former Vice President Dick Cheney, or his daughter, Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming.

He is also not a big fan of Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger, whose conservative views are not his idea of leadership.

But both of them, Cheney and Kinzinger, have shown they have principle and are true profiles in courage, who someday will have an historian write a book on their willingness to stand up to extremist Fascist rhetoric and the danger of Donald Trump!

Both are on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 US Capitol Insurrection, and both voted to impeach Trump after that event.

And both now have condemned Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar, just about the most extreme member of the Republican Party, who put a anime cartoon on Twitter which portrayed the assassination of New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a sword combat of Gosar with President Joe Biden.

This advocacy and portrayal of violence is not a laughing matter, and led to the censure of Gosar in the House of Representatives, with only Cheney and Kinzinger, of all Republicans, joining the Democratic majority to take such action, which has only occurred 23 previous times in the history of the lower chamber since 1789!

Gosar should be expelled from the House of Representatives, but that cannot happen unless there was a bipartisan vote of two thirds of the chamber, which will not happen.

But for Republicans to defend the advocacy of violence, and for Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to refuse to condemn Gosar’s action is an outrage that will cause much grief in the future, and particularly if the Republicans, due to gerrymandering, are able to regain control of the House of Representatives in the midterm Congressional Elections of 2022!

This whole situation reminds historians of the Congressional violence and advocacy of violence in the pre Civil War period, particularly in the decade of the 1850s!

Terrifying to think that Congress itself is becoming a battleground of extremism and violence, due to the extremism and danger of Donald Trump!

Growing Threats To Election Officials In States, Members Of Congress From Right Wing Trump Supporters!

The refusal of Donald Trump to concede in the Presidential Election of 2020 one year later and counting has created a poisonous, threatening situation for dozens of election officials in many states, AND members of Congress who have been courageous enough to be critical of Trump, including supporting his impeachment and support the infrastructure legislation that passed by a bipartisan vote.

It has also caused threats and confrontations of election board and school board members in many states, including threatening phone calls and emails, designed to discourage people from participating in promotion of American democracy and educational curriculum and more.

Private security and police support is required for so many public officials and staff who never had to worry before now about dangers to their lives and families.

We are in the midst of a “Reign of Terror”, by domestic terrorists and white supremacists, egged on by the 45th President, and yet, so far, nothing seems to be working to hold him accountable, and deal with the horrific situation the nation faces.

And the next rounds of elections, state and congressional in 2022, and the presidential election of 2024, seem highly likely to be a time of potentially greater crises and threats than even the events of the past year, from the US Capitol Insurrection of January 6, 2021 onward!

There is a growing sense that America may experience the kind of Fascist authoritarian threat presented in the mid 20th century by Fascist Italy and Benito Mussolini, and Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler, as well as other authoritarian leaders in other nations past and present!