Continental War

Joe Biden Showing Vladimir Putin How Tough He Is, Not Easily Intimidated By Russian Threats!

The Ukraine Crisis is the most dangerous single moment in international affairs, since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962!

Vladimir Putin seems poised to have Russian troops invade and occupy Ukraine, changing the map of Europe in a way that could lead to continental war and even nuclear war, if the situation gets out of hand.

Joe Biden is showing Putin and the Russian Federation how tough he is, and made clear he will not be easily, or at all, intimidated by Russian threats.

A Russian move westward would also endanger NATO allies, particularly Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, and cannot be tolerated.

It does seem as if Putin is backing off at this writing, but still there are 130,000 troops at the Russian-Ukranian border, while Putin complains about 3,000 US soldiers being deployed to eastern Europe, specifically to Germany and Poland.

Putin is a bully, and the only way to deal with a bully is NOT to back down, so we are in a tenuous, scary period, but if it works out that Russia backs off on its threat to Ukraine, it will make Joe Biden look as good as John F. Kennedy standing off with Nikita Khrushchev sixty years ago!