Cruelty To Animals

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem And Animals: A Sign Of Cruelty!

Republican Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota is said to be on the “short list” of Vice Presidential running mates for Donald Trump.

Noem has been doing everything possible to flatter Donald Trump, including having suggested that Trump be added, somehow, to Mount Rushmore!

Noem has been a heartless governor on so many issues, including abortion rights, as she is vehemently “Pro Life”, or so she claims!

But now, in a newly published book, she informs us, which is weird in itself, that she shot and killed a 14 month old puppy and a family goat and threw them in a gravel pit on her farm, as she saw them as “untrainable” and “aggressive” in the case of the dog, and “nasty” and “mean” in the case of the goat.

There may have been problems with training the dog, but Noem displayed cruelty and heartlessness, and this from a political leader who, supposedly, values life!

Displaying cruelties to animals should be a major factor in eliminating Noem as potentially a heartbeat away from the Presidency!