Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut is promoting legislation that would provide the President the power to take over the internet in a moment of danger due to a cyber attack from overseas, such as from China!
There is no question of the concerns about cyber security, as we have become so dependent on the internet that we could easily be paralyzed by a foreign attack in cyberspace!
But the thought of the President being able to shut down or control access to the internet is an absolutely terrifying concept! 🙁
Even if one believes President Obama is a man who could be trusted, what about future Presidents who many would not feel comfortable with in gaining such absolute power?
Would we want a future Richard Nixon or George W. Bush having this authority? The answer clearly is NO! 🙁
Of course, one might argue that already the President possesses extreme and absolute power in many ways dealing with military and foreign policy matters.
But one is reluctant to authorize any additional power being granted, as unwise and worrisome! 🙁
However, probably in a realistic sense, this eventuality will come about, whether we like it or not! 🙁