David Duke

Hard To Believe: The Worst Week Of The Trump Presidency, And Every Week Is Worse Than The One Before!

Hard to believe, but this past week has been the worst week of the Trump Presidency and every week is worse than the one before!

Trump has gone after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the GOP Party Leader this week, alienating Republican Senators, and making for an awkward situation for McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, who is Trump’s Secretary of Transportation.

He has ratcheted up the possibility of nuclear war against North Korea if any danger comes to our territory of Guam, or the possibility of a conventional war which would bring great destruction and death to our ally, South Korea, where the capital, Seoul, is less than a hour from the Demilitarized Zone, and millions of people live, including hundreds of thousands of Americans, a few million foreigners, and 28,000 American soldiers and their dependents.

Trump has also brought up the possibility of military intervention in Venezuela, which is a major problem, but we do not worry about human rights in other nations around the world, and instead promote the image of America, the imperialist nation, throwing its weight around in Latin America.

The last thing we need is to have military intervention in northeast Asia and in South America, to add on to the wars in Afghanistan, and against ISIS (ISIL) in the Middle East, along with alienating China, which we need as a supporter to curb the ambitions of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

Trump is out of control in foreign policy, and foreign leaders are shocked at his loose language, and building up the tensions on the Korean peninsula, something never witnessed with any other American President. Our allies in Europe, and in Canada, Australia, Mexico, Japan and South Korea are not quite sure how Trump can be contained in his dangerous rhetoric and impulsive actions.

And Trump also has ignored the mosque bombing in Minnesota, refusing to condemn it, and now the right wing White Supremacists (Neo Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Alt Right) have provoked violence at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, leading to the death of one person and nineteen injured, and Trump refusing to condemn these groups, and acting as if all sides in the debate over the statue of Robert E. Lee being removed are equal, when that is the furthest from the truth. To compare left wing groups to the right wing as equals is totally preposterous, but Trump continues to refuse to repudiate the right wing extremists who promote racism, antisemitism, nativism, and misogyny, including such hate mongers as David Duke and Richard Spencer.

All this adds up to the reality that Donald Trump has been a disastrous President, is getting worse by the week, and the move ahead by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to question those who have worked in the West Wing of the White House is a major move toward bringing closer the end of the Trump Presidency, as grounds for impeachment are growing.

Many Republicans and conservatives have repudiated Trump in various ways, and my article on History News Network, just published on August 6, and on the right side of this blog, details the growing opposition to Trump, and makes clear the dangers he faces as we finish Month 7 of the Trump Presidency!

From 9-11 To 11-9: One American Tragedy To Another!

The 21st century began with the horrific attack on September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, killing nearly 3.000 civilians of many nations.

It ushered in a 15 year period of turmoil, division, and tremendous spending to fight terrorism and wage two unwinnable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It has led to persecution of Muslims in America, and promotion of nativism, racism, and antisemitism.

It has caused the two major political parties to fight each other in a way that prevents any cooperation on just about anything.

And then, in the midst of all this chaos and anxiety, along came a charlatan, a rookie in politics, a crooked businessman, a narcissist to the extreme, who was able to convince working class white males that he was their “Superman”, and would end terrorism, crime, and fight Wall Street, all fabrications.

So from the 9-11 tragedy, we went to 11-9, November 9, 2016, the declared victory of Donald Trump, who has caused more division and hatred than anyone in the past 15 years.

And he won due to the quirks of the Electoral College, having only one serious opponent who won electoral votes, but only winning 46 percent of all votes cast.

And November 9 is also the day in 1938 when we had Kristallnacht, the “Night of the Broken Glass”, when thousands of Jews became victims of a pogrom, as businesses and synagogues went up in flames and ushered in the beginning of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, which killed six million Jews by 1945.

With the rise of white supremacy, and characters such as Richard Spencer and David Duke backing Donald Trump’s attacks on Mexicans. Muslims, and all immigration under attack, one can sense that we might be moving toward Fascism, with only the scandals around Donald Trump giving us the hope that his agenda may be stalled and prevented permanently.

Donald Trump Dangerous To The Mental And Physical Health Of Tens Of Millions Of Americans

It is now clear, 85 days into his Presidency, that Donald Trump is dangerous to the mental and physical health of tens of millions of Americans.

Trump’s erratic, immature, reckless, and constantly changing behavior is a danger to America and the world community, as he is totally unpredictable, and he clearly has no principles or beliefs other than his own glorification and self aggrandizement.

We have had strong egotists before in the Presidency, including Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Richard Nixon, but nothing on the scale of Donald Trump.

Trump has caused serious mental depression and heart problems in tens of millions of Americans, who wake up daily worrying how their lives will be affected, and the fear of more foreign wars caused by his Twitter feed and loose mouth, by a President who has the sick need to express every waking thought so that we all know it and pay attention to him.

Imagine what it is like to be a senior citizen, a disabled person, a person of color or of Muslim faith, an immigrant, a woman, a gay or lesbian or transgender person, with all of these groups being targeted to be harmed by radical changes in government policies and programs, administered by the most mean spirited, narrow minded, intolerant, uncaring cabinet officers in all of American history!

Imagine how hate groups and leaders, such as David Duke and Richard Spencer, are being emboldened by the race baiting, nativist, antisemitic rhetoric emerging from the Trump Administration.

Donald Trump is a true nightmare, who is not only working to deny 24 million Americans from having health care altogether, but also undermining the health of at least as many Americans who will see their lives shortened, by the high level of stress, and the resultant danger of overdosing with medication, and causing planned or unplanned suicide of people in danger, but knowing their government does not give a damn about them, only wealthy people of white Christian heritage.

Donald Trump’s Slights Toward The Jewish Community Another Reason Why He Should Be Removed From Office

Donald Trump may have Jewish relatives, including son in law Jared Kushner and his converted daughter Ivanka, but there is simply too much evidence of his latent antisemitism.

Failure to acknowledge the mass murder of Jews in the Holocaust on Holocaust Remembrance Day is unacceptable.

Associating with, and refusing to repudiate the antisemitism of David Duke, Richard Spencer, and other white supremacists, is unforgivable.

Deciding not to attend a Passover Seder in the White House, while he is upstairs, is totally uncalled for, particularly after Barack Obama participated in Passover Seders all eight years he was in the White House, a tradition begun by George W. Bush.

Having his Press Secretary Sean Spicer claim that Adolf Hitler did not use chemical weapons in World War II, and that six million Jews were sent to “Holocaust Centers”, rather than concentration camps, where they were systematically executed, is a sin which only a summary firing by Donald Trump, and Trump’s own public apology, added to that of Sean Spicer already, can possibly rectify.

But seriously, this is simply another reason why Donald Trump should be removed from office, as his administration has already victimized immigrants, Muslims, African Americans, Latinos, gay and lesbian and transgender people, and women, simply by establishment of bigoted, racist, and misogynistic policies in 80 days in the White House!

Reality Of American Politics: Win Majority Of Hispanic And Latino Vote Or Lose Presidency In The Future!

Statistics now show that any Presidential nominee from now on MUST win the majority of the Hispanic-Latino vote or lose the Presidency, which insures that Democrats will continue to win the Presidency until and when the Republican Party and its candidates stop attacking the issue of immigration, and accept that the white vote is simply not enough to win the White House. In 2016, it is estimated that to win the Presidency, Donald Trump would have to win 47 percent of the Hispanic-Latino vote, which means by 2020, it will be necessary to win the majority forever after.

George W. Bush won the Presidency with 35 and 40 percent of the vote, while John McCain won 31 percent and Mitt Romney won 27 percent and lost the Presidency.

The latest estimate is that Donald Trump is winning 19 percent of the vote, and that is before his vicious, nasty, hard line speech in Phoenix, which certainly lost him many more Hispanic and Latino votes.

The Hispanic and Latino vote, particularly the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, are growing rapidly, and already in population, all Hispanics and Latinos are about one out of every six people in America.

And when you add in the Asian American vote and the African American vote, it is clear the Republican Party is doomed long term, as 73 percent of the former and 90 percent of the latter group voted Democratic for President in 2012, and that both numbers will probably go up for Hillary Clinton.

So allowing white nationalists and hate mongers like KKK former leader Davide Duke to be connected to Donald Trump only insures disastrous defeat for Donald Trump and any future GOP nominee who continued to promote nativism and racism.

Trump “Pivot”: Appealing For African American And Hispanic Votes, While Not Repudiating Racist Supporters. This Is A Pivot?

Donald Trump is suddenly trying to convince people of decency that he is not a bigot, a racist, a nativist, by appealing to African American and Hispanic voters, after 14 months running for President advocating bigotry, racism, and nativism, and NOT repudiating the support of racists, including David Duke and other white supremacist individuals and groups.

Trump is a total phony, who finally realizes he is losing the election in a massive way, and is trying to change the result, without any real commitment to doing anything that would benefit either African Americans or Hispanics.

Trump is suddenly telling us that if he was President, in four years he would win 95 percent of the African American vote, when right now he might win ONE percent of their vote.

And suddenly, he is saying that the issue of the “deportation force” for eleven million illegal, undocumented immigrants was “to be determined”, when he has advocated a harsh deportation and the building of a wall for 2,000 miles across the Mexican border.

Does any intelligent person really believe that Donald Trump gives a damn for any minority person, other than gaining his or her vote?

This so called “pivot” is a joke, not to be taken seriously by anyone!

Has Trump gone before any African American or Hispanic group or audience? The answer is NO, and it is odd that he would talk about a change before an overwhelmingly white audience which supports him, and could not care less about what happens to any minority group of Americans, as they endorse his bigotry, racism, and nativism.

When Trump formally repudiates hate groups in an open way, which will not happen, then we might start to consider his sincerity, his “pivot”, but even then, his record on race and ethnicity, even in his business dealings before becoming a Presidential candidate, makes it clear he is not to be trusted or believed one iota!

Hillary Clinton Formally Nominated As First Woman Presidential Candidate By Bill Clinton, Who Knows Her Best!

Hillary Clinton was formally nominated last night by the Democratic National Convention in an emotional and historic gathering in Philadelphia, and then was celebrated by her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton avoided policy discussion, his specialty, and also avoided naming his wife’s opponent, Donald Trump, by name. But he came to a strong defense of his wife, and despite his own record of cheating, highly reprehensible, it is clear that he truly loves his wife. He gave us personal anecdotes about her, and made her real persona come through, including her being a mother devoted to daughter Chelsea. It was made clear that her goal was to do good, not aim to get rich as her only goal in life. Bill Clinton made the case for his wife in a way that no one else could.

But he also gave us an understanding of the Hillary Clinton we have never seen or understood, as a woman who has devoted her life to public service and to concern about the poor, the disabled, the disadvantaged, and particularly to women and children. We also saw ordinary citizens speaking at the convention, who have been involved in situations in which Hillary Clinton intervened and showed her concern and empathy, and not just for a moment or two, but long term, demonstrating how sincere and engaged she really has been over the past four decades of dedication to public service.

There has been a lot of bad mouthing and nasty hearsay and rumors spread around about Hillary Clinton, most of it false, unfounded, and vicious.

Hillary Clinton has been more vilified, condemned, and mistreated by her enemies and much of the news media than anyone in public life, and over a longer period of time than any other public figure, but she has always stood strong and persevered in the midst of attack.

She is a strong, principled woman, who despite recent doubts about her ability to win, will become the 45th President of the United States on January 20, 2017.

She comes to the Presidential race as among the best qualified ever to be nominated for the nation’s highest office.

Is she perfect? Of course not, but then there has never been a perfect person to run for or serve in the Presidency.

But we know that the alternative is the worst nominee ever chosen by the Republican Party in its long history, including Barry Goldwater 52 years ago, who if he was here, would not have supported a person clearly a racist, a nativist, a xenophobe, a misogynist, a person who consorts with anti semitic demagogues and white supremacists like David Duke, a bully, a braggart, a narcissist, a person who loves to insult everyone, and has no moral or ethical base–Donald Trump!

What Is It About Donald Trump That No Matter What He Says Or Does, It Seems Not To Affect His Supporters?

Donald Trump seems able to say or do anything, and somehow, it does not affect his supporters and undermine his candidacy!

He insults John McCain for being a Prisoner of War, an insult to the Arizona Senator and to veterans, and yet he survives criticism.

He ridicules a disabled journalist, an insult to disabled citizens, and yet he survives criticism.

He attacks women on their looks or intelligence, including Megyn Kelly, Carly Fiorina and others, and yet his misogyny does not seem to hurt him.

He attacks Mexicans in a derogatory manner, and talks of building a wall that will never happen, and yet he survives criticism.

He promotes the banning of anyone of Islamic faith from entering America, against our constitutional principles, and yet he survives criticism.

He does not reject David Duke and other white supremacists, and claims not to know about them, and yet he survives criticism.

He has followers who promote antisemitism, including David Duke but also others, and even has an Orthodox Jewish son in law, and he does not condemn such hatred, and yet he survives criticism.

He insults all of his political opponents, gives them all kinds of names, and makes up stories about them and their families, and yet he survives criticism.

He encourages harsh criticism of the news media, and promotes violence at his rallies, and yet he survives criticism.

He attacks Bill Clinton’s sexual exploits and blames Hillary Clinton for it, and he has scandalous sex scandals in his own background, and yet he survives criticism.

Donald Trump is, seemingly, not held accountable for his lack of specifics on any issue, and his reckless statements about domestic and foreign policy make him dangerous, and yet he survives criticism.

This is a man who is clearly a nativist, a racist, a misogynist, courts antisemites, is scaring our allies around the world, and has created a mob psychology similar to Mussolini and Hitler.

One has to wonder whether we are on the way to choosing an authoritarian figure who will destroy the Constitution and the traditions of this country, and maybe, just maybe, most of the American people will not give a damn!

Donald Trump Is A Dangerous Authoritarian Figure Who Threatens The Maintenance Of Civil Order And Democracy In America!

This past weekend, the nation learned just how dangerous Donald Trump really is!

We saw violence and bullyism at public events by racists and nativists who were being rough, assaulting demonstrators at Trump rallies, and journalists being harassed by Trump aides, and Trump said he would support paying the legal fees of a 78 year old man who gave a sucker punch to someone being removed by police from a rally.

Trump blamed Bernie Sanders supporters, and called Sanders a Communist, and said he would send his supporters to disrupt Sanders’ s rallies. He would not tone down the rhetoric or tell his followers to avoid violence, and would not take responsibility for the hostile atmosphere his rhetoric and oratory has caused!

This display by Trump and his followers shows clear cut evidence of Fascist tactics, and it is clear to anyone who wished to keep his or her eyes open, that Donald Trump is a dangerous authoritarian figure who threatens the maintenance of civil order and democracy in America!

Trump is more dangerous than George C. Wallace was, or Pat Buchanan, or David Duke ever was, as he has millions of followers who are deaf, dumb or blind about the dangers of Trump becoming President.

It seems that Trump is someone who could, if a major untoward event occurred, such as a terrorist strike or the collapse of the stock market, convince enough Americans to elect him President, although if there is no such horrible event, the odds of a Trump victory are miniscule!

We cannot afford to have a demagogue, who could be a threat to the nation at large, ever reach the White House, and all efforts must be made to oppose Trump vigorously, before he gains power and threatens our way of life!

No Comparison Between David Duke And Robert Byrd! Or For That Matter, Hugo Black, George C. Wallace, Or Strom Thurmond!

A massive controversy has arisen over the initial refusal of Donald Trump to repudiate the support of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke of Louisiana, who ran for Governor 25 years ago, and later for the US Senate as a Republican, losing both times, and being denounced by President George H. W. Bush and other reputable Republican leaders in the 1990s.

Those defending Trump’s hesitation are now comparing the despicable hate monger David Duke, who is not only a racist but also an anti Semite of a major order, to the late Democratic US Senator Robert Byrd, who served longer in the Senate than anyone in American history (from 1959 to his death in 2010).

No one is saying that Byrd cannot be criticized, as he was a youthful member of the Klan in West Virginia, and opposed the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s.  But over time, he evolved, and repudiated his despicable past, and even supported Barack Obama in 2008 for the nomination and election as President, and helped to make ObamaCare make a successful journey through the legislative process, including being brought in a wheel chair to cast votes for the legislation, in his last months of life.

David Duke has never done anything to repudiate his past record, and is still defiant as a racist and anti Semite, unlike Byrd.

Also, former Alabama Senator Hugo Black sat on the Supreme Court for 34 years (1937-1971), repudiating by his words and actions the fact that he was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in his youth.

Also, Alabama Governor George C. Wallace, after running racist campaigns for President in 1968 and 1972, repudiated his past and apologized, although he was never, actually, a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Even Strom Thurmond, who ran as  a racist for President in 1948, and served in the US Senate from South Carolina from 1954-2003,  later modified his views, even if not formally apologizing for his earlier behavior and statements.

No one is saying that we cannot criticize Byrd, Black, Wallace, and Thurmond, but none of them were on the level lifetime on racism and anti Semitism of David Duke, so the comparison is preposterous!