Democratic Presidential Primaries 2024

Democrats Determining Which States Will Have Early Presidential Primaries In 2024

With the Presidential Election Of 2024 coming onto the horizon soon, the Democratic Party is holding hearings to decide which five states should be permitted to hold Presidential primaries early on, a major boon to the states that are selected.

It has been traditional for Iowa (a caucus), and New Hampshire and South Carolina (primaries), and Nevada (caucus) to lead the pack, but now there are 16 states and Puerto Rico competing to be among the first few to be allowed to do so in 2024.

They include by area of the nation:

New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland–Northeast

South Carolina, Georgia, Texas—South

Iowa, Oklahoma, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois—Midwest

Nevada, Colorado, Washington—Far West

Also, Puerto Rico

There is no way that one can predict what states will be chosen.

However, this blogger and author would suggest the following five choices:

New Jersey; Georgia; Michigan; Nevada; Washington

The order could be Nevada, New Jersey, Georgia, Michigan, Washington.

Of course, there are innumerable scenarios, but this would be my suggestions, and we shall see what happens.

The main point is that this blogger and author believes small rural states, such as Iowa and New Hampshire, should not have an unusual emphasis as in the past.

The five states sugggested above have diversity of population, and major urban and suburban areas, much more representative of the nation at large.

And ideally, Iowa and Nevada should be informed they must hold primaries, along with North Dakota and Wyoming, the only four states to do so in 2020.