Domestic Terrorists

Republican Party In Death Throes, Will NOT Recover, And New Conservative Party Needed!

The Republican Party has existed since March 1854, when the first meeting of those opposed to slavery and its expansion met in Ripon, Wisconsin.

The party came to national power with the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.

It has had its ups and downs, but gave us outstanding Presidents, including Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush.

It has had its failed Presidents too, including the mediocre ones in the Gilded Age and the 1920s, and a flawed President, Richard Nixon, who, however, actually had some great accomplishments while sadly engaged in scandal that brought his downfall.

But never has the party been as corrupted and unethical as it has become under Donald Trump, with the vast majority of Republican officeholders and candidates for this upcoming Midterm Elections of 2022 chaining themselves to this Fascist authoritarian figure in a cult like atmosphere!

American democracy is endangered, as well as the rule of law, and those Republicans and conservatives who have been loyal to the long held conservative principles of the party must organize and strike out against the Republican traitors and seditionists and terrorists, and form a new conservative party as the alternative in a democratic system to the Democratic Party!

The House January 6 Committee Makes It Clear: Donald Trump Promoted Sedition And Revolution, And MUST Be Prosecuted!

If there was any doubt about the criminal involvement of former President Donald Trump in the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, yesterday’s hearing of the House January 6 Committee, settled the issue.

Donald Trump conspired with the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys and other domestic terrorists (racist and white supremacist) to provoke violence and bloodshed and stage a coup, endangering the lives of Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and all members of Congress and law enforcement and other staff on Capitol Hill.

Donald Trump is a criminal, the worst since Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America, and MUST be prosecuted for sedition and treason by the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland!

If he is not held accountable, then the danger of further domestic terrorism by extremist right wing groups will flourish, and America could face the loss of its democracy!

And all those around Trump, including family members, and staff and advisers who went along with what he provoked, must also face prosecution!

And members of Congress who helped promote the conspiracy and violence must also be prosecuted, and barred from ever holding public office again!

Growing Threats To Election Officials In States, Members Of Congress From Right Wing Trump Supporters!

The refusal of Donald Trump to concede in the Presidential Election of 2020 one year later and counting has created a poisonous, threatening situation for dozens of election officials in many states, AND members of Congress who have been courageous enough to be critical of Trump, including supporting his impeachment and support the infrastructure legislation that passed by a bipartisan vote.

It has also caused threats and confrontations of election board and school board members in many states, including threatening phone calls and emails, designed to discourage people from participating in promotion of American democracy and educational curriculum and more.

Private security and police support is required for so many public officials and staff who never had to worry before now about dangers to their lives and families.

We are in the midst of a “Reign of Terror”, by domestic terrorists and white supremacists, egged on by the 45th President, and yet, so far, nothing seems to be working to hold him accountable, and deal with the horrific situation the nation faces.

And the next rounds of elections, state and congressional in 2022, and the presidential election of 2024, seem highly likely to be a time of potentially greater crises and threats than even the events of the past year, from the US Capitol Insurrection of January 6, 2021 onward!

There is a growing sense that America may experience the kind of Fascist authoritarian threat presented in the mid 20th century by Fascist Italy and Benito Mussolini, and Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler, as well as other authoritarian leaders in other nations past and present!

Potential Domestic Terrorism Threats In Days To Inauguration Day

With 11 days to go to Inauguration Day, there is intelligence information indicating many of the insurrectionists, domestic terrorists, supporters of Donald Trump, who mounted the attack on the US Capitol building on Wednesday, January 6, are planning further violence, and will be out to create a crime wave in Washington, DC and in all 50 state capitals between now and Inauguration Day.

There are already indications that Sunday January 17 will a see major invasion by armed traitors and seditionists, and that Inauguration Day, three days later, will present a massive crisis.

So it seems to this author and blogger that the smart thing would be to do what was done on Inauguration Day 1985, when President Ronald Reagan was sworn into his second term inside the US Capitol, instead of the traditional outside ceremonies.

The reason was Reagan was the oldest inaugurated President, nearly 74, and the temperature was 7 degrees Fahrenheit, the coldest ever temperature on Inauguration Day!

Crowds that might gather near the Capitol Building would need to be limited, and an ordinance passed to disallow anyone with a firearm at the event.

And law enforcement of various agencies must be at its maximum, and plans made to arrest thousands of domestic terrorists, with the aim being to protect the government and its new leadership.

There must be no sparing of efforts to protect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Chief Justice John Roberts, and all of the government leaders and members of both political parties.

We must not allow domestic terrorists to hijack our tradition of a stable Inauguration Day 2021!

The Growing Militarization And Right Wing Nature Of The Nation’s Law Enforcement Network A Danger To Democracy In America!

There is growing evidence of the militarization and right wing nature of the nation’s law enforcement network, a true danger to democracy!

We see more police officers breaking the law in the handling of suspects and the general public, including easy willingness to shoot and kill, rather than less aggressive tactics, particularly with African American and Latino young men.

We see law enforcement being uncovered as secret members of the Ku Klux Klan and other domestic terrorist and right wing militia groups, and preaching racism and hatred in many forms.

We see hints, strong hints, that members of the Secret Service are, in some cases, unfit for duty, as they harbor deep resentment against our first African American President, Barack Obama, and his family, and being less than zealous in their handling of his security, in a way not seen to such an extent for earlier Presidents.

The feeling is growing, that the American public can no longer feel relaxed with their local police, as there are many signs of aggressiveness, abusive language, and the wielding of power by law enforcement who have too much military style hardware and weapons, as in Ferguson, Missouri, way more than is needed in almost all situations.

The concept that the law enforcement authorities are out to protect us has become one of rather of some of them lacking proper training in sociology and psychology, and getting a power and ego trip by their ability to threaten us or mistreat us with impunity.

This is a feeling that some would say reminds historians of the concept of storm troopers and secret police in Fascist, Nazi, and Communist dictatorships, far from the concept of equal justice and fairness that is the benchmark of the American legal and judicial system over the history of our nation, and a warning sign for the future, to be alert and aware of possible abuses!