Donald Trump Cabinet

The Most Dangerous Time Since September 11, 2001 Is Between Now And January 20!

Anyone with a brain and concern about the state of affairs in America today is holding their breath as we enter the most dangerous time in America since September 11, 2001, between now and January 20!

The Pearl Harbor attack on December 7, 1941 and the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 were the most shocking moments experienced by anyone alive today, but there was no foreboding, and the same with the Kennedy Assassination on November 22, 1963.

But literally, America is “sitting on a ticking time bomb”, far worse than even the Cuban Missile Crisis that went on for 13 days in October 1962, as even at that moment, there was hope that sane, stable leadership in the Oval Office and the Kremlin would prevent nuclear war.

But now, we have an unhinged, mentally deranged President, who is desperate, cornered, and unpredictable, and could start a war or unleash nuclear weapons, or call for his crazed followers to start attacks on government locations all over the nation, and the country is ill prepared to be able to deal with that!

Donald Trump being banned from social media makes him ever more dangerous, as time ticks off over 12 more days, as Mike Pence refuses to work with the Cabinet to remove the President under the 25th Amendment, Section 4, and Mitch McConnell says any impeachment trial if the House of Representatives under House Speaker Nancy Pelosi votes to impeach, would not begin until January 19!

This is pure insanity, and the thought that Donald Trump would copy the behavior of Richard Nixon in 1974, and resign, seems highly unlikely to occur.

So the nation is in danger, as the clock ticks minute by minute, and one has to wonder what will happen to the American nation before the scheduled inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on January 20!

Donald Trump Suggests He Might Leave America If He Loses: Prevent That By Seizing His Passport!

Donald Trump has told his adoring crowds at events without masks or social distancing that he may leave America if he loses the Presidential Election of 2020.

The answer is that he must be prevented from doing so by seizing the passports of not only Trump, but of his wife and entire family, including in laws.

The Trump Family and the President must be held accountable in a court of law, and must pay the penalty for their innumerable legion of crimes.

And that should also apply to all Trump collaborators, in and out of the Presidential Cabinet, including Rudy Giuliani, who is still causing trouble and disarray.

The American people will demand an accounting and punishment to deter any future Chief Executive and his or her family from trying to match or surpass the criminality of the Trump Family!

Anarchy, Chaos, Mayhem: The Donald Trump Presidency!

The best description of the Donald Trump Presidency is that it is a time of anarchy, chaos, mayhem!

The man in office is dangerous, unpredictable, and seems certifiably crazy, and yet the Cabinet and Vice President Mike Pence have gone along with his insanity, and are complicit in his crimes against humanity!

The nightmare is not over, as one cannot be sure that Trump will not find an illegal, unethical manner, with foreign collusion and voter suppression methods, to win a second term, although that seems highly unlikely, more than ever.

But the crisis if Trump loses, and refuses to concede or leave office, then we will have a situation that has never occurred before, as in every close contest and even challenge on the Presidency, including 1876, 2000, and 2016, the result was accepted, even if grudgingly.

But Donald Trump is not Samuel Tilden, Al Gore, or Hillary Clinton, and is sure to create anarchy, chaos, and mayhem even to the last minute of the term, sadly!

Trump Is Clearly A National Security Risk After Revelation About Russian Payments To Taliban To Kill American Military In Afghanistan

Donald Trump is proving what any sane American knows: that he is a traitor tied to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, and has been from the beginning of his Presidency.

The revelation that Russia made payments to Taliban fighters to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan, and that Trump has done nothing about it, and claims no knowledge had ever been given to him regarding this, is totally infuriating, and requires a swift removal from office.

If only Vice President Mike Pence had guts and courage, and worked to gain the support of a majority of the Trump cabinet, Trump could be forced out, but clearly, that is not about to happen.

There are rumors that Trump might resign, due to his poor reelection polls, but that is still hard to believe, and one has to wonder what Mike Pence and cabinet members knew, and whether they have been in on the scam.

America is in a very bad time, with the CoronaVirus Pandemic, the economic depression, the racial animus, and now this national security issue.

This is, more now than when the Impeachment trial took place, the most crisis ridden moment since the Great Depression, and possibly more so than the events of the 1930s.

There are signs of some Republicans in Congress starting to stir in anger, but the party has been so feeble, one wonders what will come out of the situation.

More than ever, for sure, it is urgent that Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump by a massive margin in November, or the nation is doomed long term!

More Turnover In Trump Administration As Two Year Mark Of Term Arrives Next Month

Yet more turnover is occurring in the Trump Administration as the half way mark of his term arrives in a month.

John Kelly is gone as White House Chief of Staff, and Trump had many people turn him down as Kelly’s replacement , and now the head of the Office Of Management and Budget, former Tea Party South Carolina Republican Congressman Mick Mulvaney, has agreed to be “Acting” head, as his insistence.  Mulvaney is actually worse than Kelly, more outrageous in his extremism, including when he headed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for awhile, with the aim of destroying this signature legislation and agency created by Elizabeth Warren and President Barack Obama in 2010.

And the despicable Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, under multiple investigations for conflicts of interest and widespread damage to the preservation of our environment and the national monuments and national parks, will be leaving by the end of the year.

This is after other cabinet members, including Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, Tom Price, David Shulkin, Nikki Haley, and Scott Pruitt have left, all under a cloud except Haley. 

Additionally, Betsy DeVos, Kirstjen Nielsen, Alex Acosta, Wilbur Ross, Matthew Whitaker, Steven Mnuchin, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry have faced major criticisms and investigations over policies and utterances.

This is, without question, the most corrupt and incompetent and investigated Cabinet of any Presidency in all of American history, and two more years to come.

Outrage After Outrage Endlessly, Making It Impossible To Keep Track Of The Level Of Venality Of The Donald Trump Presidency

As the Donald Trump Presidency is about to enter its 24th month, the outrages grow.

The conflicts of interest are multiplying, regarding Russian collusion, payoff for sexual affairs, business dealings, corrupt family and Cabinet,  constant lying and deception, undermining of the economy, the environment, and foreign policy, and so much more, that it is nearly impossible to keep track of the depth of evil of this Presidency.

Other Presidents had major faults and shortcomings, but none on the level and indecency of this man and the criminal gang that is his family and his staff, government agency leaders, and that third of the nation that has no concern, no compassion, no humanity.

The Democrats and Special Counsel Robert Mueller have a major challenge ahead, to hold this administration and the Trump family accountable, as we are dealing with a cancer on the nation, that is eating away at the great accomplishments of earlier Congresses and Presidents of both parties in past periods, where the two party system was one of different views and policies, but not the extremism and venality now showing itself daily.

What kind of government leader blames a family seeking refuge from violence and poverty for the death of a seven year old girl held in detention without food or water? How can Kirstjen Nielsen, the Secretary of Homeland Security, sleep at night with such a hard hearted, nasty, mean spirited assertion that the US government policy of imprisoning innocent children and their refugee parents, is not a criminal act, an act against basic human rights.

What has happened to the image of the Statue of Liberty, and America being a nation open to immigrants of all nations, desperately seeking safety and opportunity?

Karma is coming to Kirstjen Nielsen, Donald Trump, and all of the evil, corrupt collaborators in the criminal Donald Trump Presidency.

The Disaster Of Puerto Rico, 4,645 Dead, More Than September 11: A Violation Of Human Rights Perpetrated By The Trump Administration

The tragic disaster of Puerto Rico, whose population are US Citizens, is a massive violation of human rights perpetrated by the Trump Administration.

The total of 4.645 dead, not the 64 first stated, is an unbelievable loss of life, nearly two and a half times the loss of life in Hurricane Katrina (1833), and one and a half times the losses of September 11 (2996).

And yet, nothing is said or no apologies offered, or mistakes acknowledged, by Donald Trump or any of his underlings in the cabinet, and also in the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which has the primary responsibility in natural disasters.

There is no conscience, no sorrow, no regrets, as Trump and his advisers are openly racist against Puerto Ricans.

If this loss of life had occurred in Texas or Florida, we would have heard mass denunciation of the lack of response, but the Republican Party in Congress has nothing to say about this great tragedy.

And with the hurricane season upon us, and reconstruction of facilities not accomplished in Puerto Rico, there is great fear of the final decimation of the island, which deserves equal treatment and consideration as much as any state and any other group of people.

If the government cannot guarantee the safety and security of its own population, then the government has failed the ultimate test—protection of national security of all of its citizens.

On this ground alone, Donald Trump and his ilk should be forced out of office, and indicted, convicted, and imprisoned for basic violation of human rights!

Donald Trump Lacks Any Element Of Compassion, Empathy, And Common Decency: It Is All About Him And Him Alone!

All observers of Donald Trump and his Presidency know the basic character of the man.

He lacks any element of compassion, empathy, and common decency.

He does not care who he harms, insults, upsets, destroys, as long as he benefits in his ego and his pocketbook.

He disposes of people as if they are vermin, and demands total loyalty, while he has absolutely no such loyalty on his part to anyone, including his three wives and his children, and all of the people he has “used” in his quest for yet more wealth and power.

He does not have a sense of dignity and proper behavior, whether in public or private.

He has a hair trigger temper, and is a nightmare to work for and to be in his presence.

And yet, he has people who he uses and disposes of, who quietly leave, and so far, have not uttered a negative word about him in public.

Not one has yet held a press conference or agreed to an interview by any journalist to “spill the beans” about Trump.

Not one has yet published a book about his experiences with Trump.

It is clear, however, that many people who have worked with Donald Trump have, willingly or unwillingly, behind the scenes, testified to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

So now that it has been a year (on May 17) since Mueller was hired to investigate the Trump Administration, after the firing of FBI head James Comey, it would seem as if many revelations are coming, and that indictments are due to occur soon, and that the case against Donald Trump, the most disgusting human being imaginable, will finally be exposed, and Trump will meet his “Karma”.

Trump Cabinet Members: One Disaster After Another, From Tom Price To Ronny Jackson!

The Trump Cabinet is one disaster after another.

Trump has dismissed many people behind him, both those in his Cabinet, and others in positions of authority, and others have come under fire, but are still there.

Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, David Shulkin are gone, along with Reince Priebus, Michael Flynn, H. R. McMaster, and Sean Spicer, and Scott Pruitt, Ryan Zinke, Jeff Sessions, Steve Mnuhcin, Betsy DeVos, Wilbur Ross, Ben Carson, Mick Mulvaney, and now Ronny Jackson are under scrutiny. Even John Kelly, the second White House Chief of Staff, has lost his reputation serving Trump.

There has been more turnover, including the White House Chief of Staff, National Security Adviser, and White House Press Secretary, than under any President after just 15 months.

The above mentioned list of present cabinet officers, as well as Ronny Jackson, the White House Physician now nominated to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs, have had issues of corruption and malfeasance, and are under a cloud that may force all of them to leave the administration over time.

Just about the only Trump advisers who are seen as “clean” are Secretary of Defense James Mattis and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Richard Nixon, Warren G. Harding, Ulysses S. Grant, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush all had a substantial number of people who served in their administrations forced out, or indicted, convicted, and sentenced to prison, but it looks as if Donald Trump is presiding over the most disgraceful group of advisers we have ever seen in any Presidency!

Trump Only Supported On Present Prosperous Economy In CNN Poll, Nothing Else!

Donald Trump supporters will rave about the fact that the latest CNN poll shows the President’s support has risen to 42 percent.

Of course, it is still the lowest for any President in modern times, but his supporters seem to think that 54 percent against him is no big deal, because they have no understanding of math and statistics!

But the only reason Trump has risen to 42 percent is that the economy, at present, is doing well, thanks to the great economic recovery under Barack Obama, but of course, no credit is given to Obama, because he is the “black man”, who Trump is determined to do everything to destroy his legacy, and lying about Obama is a norm in the Trump White House! So on the economy, his rating is 48 percent, the only area in which he is in the positive category.

On the issue of protective tariffs, Trump only gains 38 percent; on foreign policy 39 percent; on gun policy 36 percent; and only 21 percent believe Trump regarding Stormy Daniels and other women, while 33 percent think Trump Cabinet choices are doing a good job, and not out to benefit themselves.

So public opinion continues to look down on Trump, as the Stormy Daniels and Robert Mueller threats against his Presidency continue to grow and fester!