Donald Trump Impeachment

Public Impeachment Hearings Begin Wednesday

The Donald Trump impeachment hearings begin on Wednesday of this week, and they will be covered fully by the cable networks, the three major networks (which will cancel regular programming), and even the BBC.

Whether it will change any Republican elected official’s mind about the lawlessness of Donald Trump is highly doubtful, and whether it will undermine Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign is also very speculative.

Truth will come out, but American democracy is in crisis, as we have a President who has colluded with Russia, is still colluding with Russia, and now even plans to visit Russia in May of next year, the celebration of Russian communism and nationalism, standing alongside Vladimir Putin to celebrate the end of World War II, and the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.

Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon are turning over in their graves at the sequence of events! And the fact that Mike Pompeo and William Barr are deeply involved in covering up for Donald Trump, and yet remain members of his cabinet, the most corrupt in American history, is stunning. And yet, all of the Republican leaders who pushed the impeachment of Bill Clinton remain unwilling to accept the damage Donald Trump has done, and are condemning their historical reputation to be in tatters, only concerned about their own financial welfare and out to protect their power in Congress!

Republican Party Totally Unprincipled On Trump Impeachment, While Going After Bill Clinton On Flimsier Grounds Twenty Years Ago

The Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush has gone totally bonkers, as the 2019 Republican party has demonstrated it is totally unprincipled on the growing evidence of the clear cut obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and other crimes that call for President Donald Trump to be impeached.

By comparison, Bill Clinton was a choir boy, with the worst action he took being engaging in sex in the Oval Office, and lying about it, for which the late 1990s Republican Party impeached him on far flimsier grounds.

Now, we see those engaged in going after Bill Clinton, including Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Newt Gingrich, and a multitude of other hypocrites, willing to overlook every misdeed by Donald Trump, and sacrifice their reputations to defend a President who deserves no defense.

It is as if a religious cult has emerged, and as if Donald Trump is a God like figure. Republicans are willing to sacrifice their reputation in history, as they will not stand up well in the future for their willingness to bow down to Trump, when he is always willing to throw them under the bus, having no loyalties to anyone, and only concerned about his own selfish, greedy desires to grab more power and destroy the US Constitution.

Will the Republican Party ever come out of its fog and unreal state of consciousness?

Finally, The Impeachment Of Donald Trump Is Moving Toward Action, With Likelihood Of Four Articles Of Impeachment

Finally, the House of Representatives is ready to begin a formal move toward impeachment of President Donald Trump, with the vote to come tomorrow, Thursday.

There are so many crimes and abuses under Donald Trump, but having too many impeachment articles would be counterproductive. Easily, Trump is much more a long list of outrages in office, than a combination of Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton combined.

It seems clear that four counts would make the best sense:

Obstruction of Justice

Abuse of Power

Contempt of Congress

Violation of the Emoluments Clause

It is likely that the articles of impeachment will occur either before Thanksgiving or in early December, with the Senate trial taking place in January 2020, hopefully resolved before the Iowa Caucuses, the New Hampshire Primary, the South Carolina Primary. and the Nevada Caucuses.

Certainly, by the time of Super Tuesday on March 3, 2020, when 14 states vote, the issue should be resolved, with little chance of gaining a two thirds vote to convict and remove Trump, but it should not be regarded as a long shot. There will be some Republican Senators voting to remove, and with more evidence coming out, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that more Republicans than a few could vote to convict, although to accomplish 20 or more Republicans out of the 53 in the Senate seems unlikely.

Donald Trump Comparing Impeachment Probe To Lynching Is Totally Disgraceful And Reprehensible!

Donald Trump has the gall to compare the impeachment probe going on in the House of Representatives to a lynching, demonstrating his total lack of the history of lynching, and his lack of concern for the racism that he continues to display incessantly!

Lynching went on for a century after the Civil War and reached its peak in the post World War I years, with thousands of African Americans, and some Hispanics, Jews, and Catholics also being tortured and murdered and set on fire in a brutal fashion, that was long covered up.

But now there is a Lynching Museum in Montgomery, Alabama, called the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the Legacy Museum, and there are other Civil Rights Museums that demonstrate through horrible photographs and contemporary accounts the obscene abuse and lack of concern for human life in the American South and much of the Midwest and even California, as well, where African Americans were seen as less than human.

The photos are hard to look at, and the realization that children and large crowds often witnessed these miscarriages of justice, cheered it on, and took human flesh as souvenirs of the “sporting event” they had just participated in or lost all sense of morality, ethics and religiosity by not caring about the suffering of thousands of mostly men, but also some women.

Donald Trump comes across more every day as a totally obscene, disgraceful excuse for a human being, who has no concern about the human suffering that goes on around him in America and in the world at large.

If there was ever a President as deserving of impeachment, conviction, and imprisonment for the crimes he has conducted or endorsed by his incendiary, reckless rhetoric, it is Donald Trump, as no one else, not even Richard Nixon was anywhere near as evil as the 45th President of the United States!

And for Senator Lindsey Graham to defend Trump’s comment is beyond belief, and John McCain would be furious at his former friend for defending Trump!

Abandonment Of Kurdish Allies Who Fought ISIS Will Reverberate In History As One Of Worst Blunders Of Any President

The decision of President Donald Trump to give license to the Turkish Government to slaughter America’s Kurdish allies is a horrendous blunder, which will reverberate in history, and will, sadly, lead to ISIS attacks on Europe and the United States in the short and long run.

After having successfully neutralized ISIS, which formed in 2014, and with thousands of Kurdish troops in the Middle East sacrificing their lives in the effort, now we see our President abandoning them to slaughter, an action which will make it difficult for any nation or nationality group worldwide to ever trust America again.

Trump’s action also emboldens Vladimir Putin, as now Russia has more involvement in the Middle East than ever before, and it is assured that Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan are turning over in their graves at what Trump has done.

It also insures that Iran will have a greater role in the area, which Trump has been, previously motivated to prevent.

One would think that Israel should be very concerned, as Trump has made their security position much more difficult to insure.

Many Republicans in Congress have finally spoken up against this despicable action, more than any other issue that has arisen to alienate them, and it just further promotes the impeachment move against the President, which now seems much more assured to occur soon.

John Kasich Comes Out For Impeachment

Former Ohio Governor John Kasich has taken a big step and endorsed impeachment of Donald Trump, a big step, which will, hopefully, lead to more Republicans moving in that direction.

The horrible news about the abuses of office, and the collaboration of Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Attorney General William Barr, Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and others in the administration has made the constitutional crisis worse than Watergate and Richard Nixon, and requires action not only in the House of Representatives, but also by Republicans in the US Senate.

To gain 20 or more Republicans to convict Trump still seems like a long shot, but Kasich, one of the few reputable Republicans, hopefully will assist in convincing a “Profile in Courage” by Senators putting the nation ahead of their own personal ambitions and agenda.

We are in uncharted waters, and the future looks extremely scary!

The Most Powerful Woman In American History (Nancy Pelosi) Faces The Most Dangerous President In American History (Donald Trump)

When the history of America from 2017 to the present is chronicled, there is no question that it will be acknowledged that the most powerful woman in American history was Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and that she successfully combated the most dangerous President in American history, Donald Trump.

Trump is a bully, a misogynist, and totally out of control, but Pelosi has shown fantastic skills in confronting him, as at the White House gathering on Wednesday, where she told him that he had proved that he was connected to Russia and Vladimir Putin, and would be held accountable for that transgression.

Pelosi has been very careful in the promotion of the impeachment of Donald Trump, and has been criticized by many in her own party for the laid back approach, but Pelosi is simply making the case stronger against Trump by his own actions and utterances.

The outcome of the struggle between Pelosi and Trump is not clear, but it is without doubt that she is a “Profile in Courage”, and she will be so honored in American history long term.

Donald Trump Foreign Policy A Total Disaster!

President Donald Trump has totally destroyed American foreign policy, creating a massive disaster which will impact the nation and the world for long beyond his tenure in office.

He has damaged our relationships with our democratic allies in NATO, along with our alliance with Japan and South Korea.

He has developed a total admiration for authoritarian dictatorships, including Russia, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, the Philippines, and Brazil.

He has created a situation in the Middle East that is causing disintegration of any hope of stability, by helping Russia, Iran, Syria and Turkey massacre the Kurdish minority that helped the world against ISIS. And he claims to be unwilling to trust Iran on the repudiated Nuclear Deal, but now is helping them and Vladimir Putin to increase their influence in the Middle East, a situation which also endangers Israel.

ISIS now is again a major threat to the world, particularly to our allies in NATO, and Trump seemed to encourage that with his outrageous comments last week, showing lack of concern with that reality. But it will also affect the United States as well over time, and will make it more dangerous for Americans to travel world wide, as ISIS will be out to attack Americans, as well as Europeans.

Trump is totally clueless on foreign policy, and has fired anyone who has any sense of reality on the subject, and now has sycophants working to destroy the Foreign Service and the State Department, a long range detriment to any future President who will follow Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

This is only one of a multitude of reasons why Donald Trump needs to be removed from the Presidency, but will 20 Republicans join 47 Democrats in doing what needs to be done, to rid the Presidency of this menace to the nation and to the world?

Sadly, the odds are strongly against it!

Support For Trump Impeachment Becomes A Majority In Latest Public Opinion Polls

As Donald Trump makes clear that he will not cooperate in any fashion with the Democrats wanting testimony and documents, support for impeachment and removal from office has reached a majority in public opinion polls, including the Fox News Channel poll.

That never happened with Bill Clinton, and Richard Nixon only two weeks before his resignation in 1974, and Trump is too confident that nothing can happen to him, but it is clear that his refusal to cooperate with a legitimate investigation is undermining public support, and further harms his campaign for reelection.

With suburbanites, educated women, farmers, and many working class whites seeing that Trump is a loose cannon and has harmed many with his insane tariff policy toward China and the European Union, Trump is clearly delusional, and thinks he can survive impeachment by wild Twitter statements, including calling for impeachment of Republican Senator Mitt Romney, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. His ignorance shows through, as he seems not to understand that only people in the executive and judicial branches of government can be impeached.

His public statements and Twitter feed only are undermining him more by the day, and sealing his fate as a failure as President, never having had a majority in any reputable public opinion poll supportive of him and his Presidency!

Two Democratic Presidential Candidates Now Harmed In Quest For Nomination: Joe Biden And Bernie Sanders

It turns out that the two oldest Presidential contenders in 2020–Democrats Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, who would both reach 80 early in their term, if they won the Presidency–are both much more in danger in their quest to be the Presidential nominee by recent events.

Donald Trump’s claim that Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden were involved in Ukraine corruption seems clearly to have no logical or factual basis, but Trump is pushing the conspiracy theory, and it seems to be having some effect on public opinion, as a growing number of people polled want an investigation and more facts about the supposed “conspiracy”. So Joe Biden needs to be aggressive in dealing with this matter, as trying to ignore it is not going to work. It is clear that the upcoming election will be a “mud fight” with no holds barred, and one must be tough and willing to get involved in a boxing match, as Donald Trump has no limits in his indecency and willingness to corrupt and manipulate the truth!

At the same time, Bernie Sanders, no matter what his supporters wish, by having had a mild heart attack, only emphasizes his age, and makes one wonder could he, indeed, take the brunt of a rough campaign over the next 13 months, and whether one could expect him to serve a full term in good health. One wishes him the best, but it is an issue which will not go away.

All this, plus the fact that Joe Biden sometimes seems mentally lacking in alertness makes one worry if he also is truly capable of serving a full term, and either Biden or Sanders could have a health crisis after being nominated and during the fall campaign, and that would be devastating for the Democrats in their quest to retire the most corrupt and mentally unstable President in all of American history.

The facts are that Donald Trump has shown ability to overcome all detriments and shortcomings so far, but we cannot be certain that Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders can do the same.

And again, it brings up the idea that it would be better to have a new generation of leadership facing the future, rather than Trump, Biden or Sanders, all in their mid to late 70s or early 80s in the new decade of the 2020s!