Donald Trump Presidency

Fox News Channel: 25 Years Of Promoting Hatred, Bigotry, Lies, Fear, And Evil!

Fox News Channel, the purveyor of hatred, bigotry, lies, fear, and evil, is now celebrating its 25th anniversary, being created in 1996.

It has poisoned the media environment, and allowed demagogues to prosper, including, most notably, Donald Trump.

Their evening news anchors, past and present, have done great harm to the concept of truth and the need for cooperation and unity to deal with the problems the nation has faced in the past quarter century.

Such horrendous individuals, including Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Judge Jeanine Pirro, along with many others past and present, have misled Americans by promoting the “Big Lie” that Donald Trump won the Presidential Election of 2020; promoted white supremacy, racism and nativism; encouraged Americans to resist COVID 19 vaccinations and mask mandates; and so much else!

But the evil and lies are not just about the present, but undermining American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law in all of the events and controversies since the late 1990s, including the contentious Presidential Election of 2000; the September 11 attacks and the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars; the Barack Obama years; and the Donald Trump Presidency.

Merrick Garland The Right Person To Be Attorney General Of The United States!

Merrick Garland is the right person to be Attorney General of the United States in these difficult times legally, due to the disaster of Donald Trump.

Denied a hearing for the Supreme Court in 2016, after his nomination by Barack Obama, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senate not willing even to meet with him for consideration for the position, Garland now comes on the scene and will do what is right regarding the many outrageous legal actions and maneuvers of the Trump Presidency, including the horrifying Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021.

After a long career of prosecutions, including the investigation and the prosecution of the Oklahoma City Bombers in 1995, and service as Chief Judge for the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit for 23 years, Garland will restore the good name of the Justice Department, and will remind us of morality and ethics in law enforcement.

Garland could end up as the most significant member of the Joe Biden Cabinet!

Joe Biden Promoting Science And Truth On COVID 19 And Climate Change

It is truly refreshing to have a President who promotes science and truth, rather than half baked lies and phonies who advocate crazy solutions to important matters, including COVID 19 and Climate Change.

The lack of knowledge and education of so many Americans, and particularly those who follow their religious beliefs over science, is shocking!

But with all of the push on science, it is clear a substantial minority of Americans will refuse to take the COVID 19 vaccinations, and will continue to refuse face masks, social distancing, and postponing personal pleasures including being in crowds that endangers all of the rest of us.

The ignorance and susceptibility of millions of Americans who will accept conspiracy theories advocated by demagogues is a long term threat to the stability and security of the nation, even beyond the COVID 19 Pandemic emergency!

This is a major challenge to the Biden Presidency, to overcome the damage perpetrated by the Donald Trump Presidency in so many areas!

Public Education Gains By Leaving Of Betsy DeVos As Secretary Of Education, A Total Disaster!

One of the many blessings of the upcoming end of the Donald Trump Presidency is the leaving of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education.

Easily the absolutely worst Secretary of Education America has ever witnessed, there is a case for investigation of Betsy DeVos to be prosecuted for her illegal and unethical actions in that post.

This woman is evil and has no conscience in her efforts to destroy public education in favor of private and religious schools.

She has undermined transgender student rights, students of color, and survivors of college campus sexual assault. She also encouraged corrupt for profit colleges over traditional universities. She blocked the discharging of student loan debt for borrowers who were defrauded by unscrupulous lenders.

As an evangelical Christian, she overlooked the needs of Public Schools to promote religious education at the expense of poor, inner city schools.

Outrageously, she diverted COVID 19 Pandemic funds to private and religious schools rather than public schools and colleges. She proved to be a friend of the elite rich over the average working class person, and came across as tone deaf and incompetent, if not corrupt, but that needs to be investigated upon her departure.

All those who care or are involved in public education, including this blogger, are relieved she is leaving, and whoever is the next Secretary of Education is insured to be a great improvement, and we know that Dr. Jill Biden, the incoming First Lady and public educator herself, will be sure to be in the discussion on who that person shall be!

On Thanksgiving Day, An Estimated 26 Million Are Going Hungry And Facing Eviction

As the nation goes through the toughest situation on Thanksgiving Day since the Kennedy Assassination in 1963, an estimated 26 million Americans are going hungry and facing eviction from their homes.

This is the ultimate legacy of the Trump Presidency, at a time when 2,200 Americans died in 24 hours from the COVID 19 Pandemic, and when front line workers, both medical and others, are working harder than ever, with many of them falling fatally ill from the disease.

We have to look forward to a better Thanksgiving 2021, when the vaccine will have inoculated a majority of the American people; when the economy will have started to return to normal; and with a President and Vice President who will have put the American people ahead of their own greed and egotism, in their roles as the 46th President and 49th Vice President of the United States!

God bless Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!

The Self Styled “War Time” President: Greatest Economic Collapse Since 1929, And 32 Percent Drop In Less Than A Month, Back To When Barack Obama Left Office!

So here we are in mid March, less than a month after the all time high on the Stock Market, and we have just witnessed the greatest collapse since 1929, a 32 percent drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and other measurements of the stock market.

So now we are back to what the stock market was on the day that Barack Obama left office, after the greatest economic recovery in American history, greater than Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had to count on World War II to end the Great Depression totally!

Obama presided over a 250 percent increase in the stock market, and an unemployment rate left to him by George W. Bush and the Great Recession of 10 percent unemployment, which was lowered to 4.7 percent when he left office.

But of course, Donald Trump would never give credit to the “black man” for anything, so it is just desserts that his raving about the great performance on the stock market and in the unemployment rate, added on to what Obama had accomplished, is now totally gone!

And now, Donald Trump has the gall and nerve to call himself a “wartime President”, when he evaded the military draft with a fake medical letter claiming he had “bone spurs”>

This was Trump’s major argument for his reelection–the “great, fantastic” economy, and now it is gone! Meanwhile, Trump has done tremendous damage in a multitude of ways, and he is insured of being the absolutely worst President in American history!

There are now projections that the unemployment rate will skyrocket, maybe to an unheard of 20 percent, which would be by far the worst since the 1930s!

If Trump had any principles and decency, he would resign today as a total failure, and the only reason he will not do so is that he would face prosecution for his crimes, and hopes to avoid that.

America must defeat Trump, and send him as an indicted felon into a court of law, with just desserts being imprisonment for the rest of his natural life, but not stop there, but also go after his children and son in law, and all of the crooked people who worked for him and brought about the disaster, ongoing, of the Trump Presidency!

Three Years Of Donald Trump, One Year To Next Presidential Inauguration

It is hard to believe that Donald Trump has been in office, disgracing and besmirching the institution of the Presidency, for three years. With one year left to this term, hopefully, we will see next year on this day the end of this nightmare threat to civil order and international stability.

All possible efforts must be made to eradicate this cancer on the office of the Presidency, with commitment by voters and by those in public office to do everything needed to remove this man from the Presidency. We must then work to reverse the horrific damage he has done in so many areas of public policy.

There is no perfect candidate, but the nation must unite around the winner of the Democratic Presidential nomination as the only alternative to the horror of a second term for Trump, as that would create lasting damage to the nation, with little chance of reversal.

This is particularly true in the case of the federal judiciary, as if Trump is able to make the Supreme Court extremist right wing, it will reverberate on the nation in a deleterious manner for the next 20-30 years. It would insure domestic chaos and injustice long term, in a nation becoming rapidly a majority minority by the 2040s.

Two Thirds Of The Trump Term Is Gone: We Must Ensure That His Time In The Presidency Ends On January 20, 2021!

Yesterday, September 20, marked the end of 32 months of the Trump Presidency, two thirds of the entire term of 48 months.

This has been the most tumultuous 32 months in the history of the American Presidency, and with constant attacks on every institution and tradition imaginable, led by a crazed, mentally ill, morally bankrupt and totally evil man and his despicable cabinet and family.

And to imagine his attorneys in court this week declaring that the President cannot be challenged, and cannot be investigated, is an alarm bell in the night of the horrific dangers we are facing.

There is the potential of a new Middle East War, this time with Iran, in the service of a corrupt regime in Saudi Arabia.

There is the potential of a massive economic collapse after the longest economic expansion in American history, caused to a great extent by Donald Trump’s crazy tariff war with China and other nations.

There is the potential of more mass murders with firearms, and no moral leadership on Capitol Hill.

There is the ever present danger of climate change, with protests inspired by young people whose future is doomed if nothing is done to deal with the reality of what is occurring.

There is the power of religion, dividing people, and xenophobia, promoting racism and nativism on a large scale.

There is so much evil occurring, and an entire political party bows to the person who wishes to be a King, while the other party cowers in fear at standing up to the tin horn dictator and holding him accountable to the extent possible.

If Donald Trump is not impeached, it will be a sign to future Presidents of both sides of the political equation that they have been given license to extend the horrors of Donald Trump in the name of their own ambitions, rather than what is proper for the American people.

The fire is burning, and it is time for action, not only by the Democratic Party, but by all good citizens with a conscience and principles, willing to go beyond any personal economic gain that they might be having, and thinking of the nation above their own selfish interests.

230th Anniversary Of The American Presidency: Now In Greatest Crisis Of Its Entire History

Today, April 30, 2019, is the 230th Anniversary of the swearing in of George Washington as our first President in New York City in 1789.

Thirty years ago, George H. W. Bush commemorated the bicentennial of that first inauguration two centuries earlier, and the feeling was that the Presidency had finally overcome the crisis and tragedy of Richard Nixon, fifteen years earlier.

Now, however, 30 years later, the Presidency of Donald Trump has set records for its corruption, venality, crudeness, destruction of the American domestic and foreign policy created by earlier Presidents of both parties, and has just passed the 10,000 mark for lies and deception, as reported by the Washington Post.

The American Presidency is a great institution now under massive attack by evil people led by Donald Trump, who are systematically destroying the sense of an American Union, as they work to divide people by race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, and sexual orientation and identity, and take away our basic civil liberties and civil rights and promote an authoritarian dictatorship led by a monarch who has no regard for American history and traditions.

America could be on the verge of a new civil war, as we have gratuitous gun violence, a repudiation of the immigrant tradition which made America the last great hope of mankind, and an ever increasing challenge of climate change that threatens the future of our children and grandchildren and beyond.

It is a time which is hard to have optimism about the future, and the urgency of defeating Donald Trump, and removing him from office peacefully is a mandate!

The next President needs to be a unifier, a man or woman of statesmanship who can promote our better instincts and inspire hope and optimism, who has the character of empathy and human decency to guide him or her through the tough readjustment we will have to experience in the 2020s.

Donald Trump Being “Assaulted” On Multiple Sides About His Criminal Career, And His Ability To Survive In The Presidency Much Longer Has Diminished

Donald Trump, a true “Mob Boss”, a “Mafia Boss”, is now being “assaulted” on multiple sides about his criminal career.

His ability to survive in the Presidency much longer has been diminished dramatically by recent events.

The Democrats in a little over two weeks will control the House of Representatives, and will aggressively pursue him and his criminal enterprises.

Trump is being investigated about:

His Presidential campaign

His Presidential transition

His Presidential inauguration

His Presidential Behavior with Foreign Nations

His Real Estate Businesses

His Taxes

His Family Engagement in Crime

His Payoffs to many Women to remain silent

His Behavior at Beauty Pageants He Sponsored

His Misuse of Funds from The Trump Foundation

Trump is being investigated by a multitude of legal authorities in Washington, DC; Virginia; Maryland; New York City, New York State, along with the FBI investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

He is now facing a “living hell” of constant stress and exposure, and the pressure is growing on him, that will, this author believes, lead to his resignation in 2019.