Drilling And Mining

Donald Trump’s Treasonous War On Nature And The Environment

Donald Trump is guilty of so many crimes, but his war on nature and the environment is a true act of treason!

The Trump Administration has decided to allow trophy hunting of elephants in Africa, and has no concern about the rapidly dwindling wild animals in Africa, including rhinos, lions, tigers, and many other species.

The Trump Administration has declared war against clean air and clean water, and promotes drilling. mining, and also cutting down of forests.

The Trump Administration has declared war against our national parks and monuments.

Every aspect of nature is under attack, and the effect of undermining the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Interior is to destroy all of the wonderful laws and actions of Presidents of both parties for more than a century.

Lawsuits have begun by many conservation and environmental organizations in courts, slowing up the damage, but right now, it seems like a losing battle.

Warring on nature and the environment is an act of treason which should, on its own, be enough to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency rapidly!