
Texas And Florida Governors Are Promoting Mass Death By Reckless Policy On Vaccine Mandates!

The second and third largest states in population, with about 50 million people, are Texas and Florida.

Their Republican governors, Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis, have demonstrated they are totally reckless in their attack on vaccine mandates, including dictating not only to school boards, but also all private businesses.

Both governors are promoting mass death, with 68,000 deaths and counting in Texas, and 56,000 deaths and counting in Florida.

So about one out of every six deaths is in those two states alone, as the COVID 19 Pandemic has killed about 700,000 Americans and counting.

And people of color are even more often the victims, and both governors have no concern, as they both work to be potential Republican Presidential candidates in 2024.

Both Abbott and DeSantis will go down in history as two of the absolutely worse governors in American history, and not just on vaccine mandates, but on so many other issues, including racism, women’s rights including abortion, and refusal to have serious attempts to promote gun regulations.

Additionally, both states are trying to deny people of color, poor people, young people, and the elderly the right to vote!

Automatic Mail Ballots Should Be Sent By All States To All Voters As A National Law To Insure Voting Rights!

Nine states and Washington, DC send automatic mail ballots to all eligible voters who reside in their states.

These states include:

New Jersey
Washington State
Washington, DC

There is no viable reason why voters have to show up in person to vote, as long as they are registered and live in the state they reside in.

Such a system of mail in voting boosts voting, particularly of poor people, racial minorities, the disabled, members of the military, and the elderly.

Voting rights were guaranteed over time, and then added to by the Voting Rights Act of 1965, along with Constitutional amendments 15, 19, 23, 24, and 26, and so therefore, there should be ZERO boundaries for voting!

If we are to remain a democracy, this needs to become a national law that goes into effect by the Presidential Election of 2024, if not earlier with the Midterm Congressional Elections of 2022!

56th Anniversary Of Medicare And Medicaid: A Salute To Lyndon B. Johnson And The Great Society!

The nation is celebrating the 56th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, a time to salute President Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Society of the 1960s.

It is impossible to imagine how much worse off this nation would be if Johnson had not used his powers of “Wheeling and Dealing” to accomplish the health care legislation which has saved millions of American lives in the past half century, and made the lives of the elderly, the disabled, and the poor far better.

Government is not there just for the wealthy to get tax breaks, but also to serve the needs of the American people, and it is soothing to know how much Medicare and Medicaid have changed the lives of the American people.

Along with Social Security, passed into law under Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal in 1935, Medicare and Medicaid have transformed lives over the decades, despite the naysayers, mostly conservatives and Republicans, who love to call these laws “Socialism”!

If these transformational legislative achievements are “Socialism”, so be it!

US Covid-19 Deaths Now Greater Than US World War I Losses

America has surpassed the losses the nation suffered in World War I over a year and a half, with COVID-19 losses in just three and a half months.

But the nation is moving on, accepting a loss that will reach 200,000 by Labor day, and likely a third to a half million by the end of 2020.

Most people are tired of sacrifice, and Donald Trump and his crazy followers are clearly not interested in using face masks, engaging in social distancing, or denying themselves any pleasures, whatsoever.

So the thought of death as something that is to be ignored, and using the argument that people die every day, is ignoring the reality that we have become a nation which no longer values the elderly. We are forgetting that one day those of the population who are younger, and have lost concern about their parents, grandparents, and others of older age, are showing a total lack of respect for age, and what these older people have contributed to this nation and its successes.

Death has, sadly, become a cheap commodity, even for those who claim false religiosity, but are not serious in preserving life!

CoronaVirus Pandemic Will Harm Trump Prospects In Key “Swing” States

It is a fact that many senior citizens, the elderly, like Donald Trump, not sure why, but reality.

The number of senior citizens is particularly high in states that voted for Trump, and are often seen as “Red” states, but also as “Swing” states.

This includes the warm weather states of Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Arizona.

And it is reality that senior citizens, sadly, all over the nation, are dying in higher percentages than other groups, due to medical conditions and immunity shortcomings, from the CoronaVirus Pandemic.

It now seems highly likely that a larger number of elderly who tend to like or love Trump, have passed away, and that more will, and will help to swing some “Red” states, particularly the “warm” ones mentioned, and help to elect Joe Biden.

Donald Trump’s Values: Money And Self Glorification Over Lives, Compassion And Empathy!

For anyone who is naive and clueless enough at this point of time to think that Donald Trump is a decent human being, now such people are being made fully aware of his total warped sense of values in the midst of this CoronaVirus Pandemic affecting the entire world!

Donald Trump is a narcissist to the extreme, with his values being gaining more and more money, as if he can take it to the grave with him. His life is based also on self glorification, and having everyone tell him how great and successful he is, even in the midst of reality that he has been a failure in his business life, his personal life, and now his political life!

The difference that exists is that he is in the process of destroying the lives of millions upon millions of Americans with his desire to return to so called “normal”, everyone back to work and everyday life in the midst of an aggressive virus that is the greatest health crisis for the nation and the world since the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918-1919.

His stupid followers will follow his lead down to destruction, and mass loss of lives, and not just the elderly!

But Donald Trump lacks a sense of reality, and has no compassion or empathy for the suffering of others, as all he cares about is the damn stock market, down now close to 40 percent from what it was at its all time high, February 22, 2020, just 31 days ago.

This crisis, and how Trump is dealing with it in such an horrendous manner, will be recorded in history for the survivors of this pandemic, at the same time that many state governors and mayors will be remembered for their courageous leadership, much more “Presidential” than this excuse for a human being!

It is more important for Donald Trump to be reelected, so he can wage further war on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, than to save lives by requiring sacrifice by all of us! This has become mantra of the Republican Party, the so called Pro Life Party, a mockery of the truth that the GOP is the party of death and destruction!

Trump And Right Wing Media Put Economy Above Lives

It is clear that Donald Trump and the right wing media (Conservative Talk Radio and Fox News Channel) are ready to put the economy above lives of elderly people and even those of all ages.

Ignoring science and the reality of the CoronaVirus pandemic raging worldwide, the mood is to “get back to business” and have people interact rather than isolate themselves at home.

Certainly, the collapse of the stock market, almost 40 percent in a month, and millions of people going jobless, is a very disturbing development.

But to stand by and encourage social interaction that will likely kill millions of Americans is simply suicidal behavior!

For the conservative movement and the Republican Party to back Donald Trump in worrying more about the economy than life itself is beyond reasoning, particularly for an ideological movement and a party so hellbent on ending abortion.

The Republican Party and conservatism may be remembered in the long run for their lack of concern for people’s health, and willingness to sacrifice the elderly.

That is a horrific condemnation of the party of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt!

Donald Trump Declares War On The Poor, Sick, Disabled, Children, Elderly

Donald Trump is increasing his cruel war on the poor and elderly, with intentions of cutting Food Stamps, and cutting regulations on nursing homes.

As the top one percent continue to accrue more wealth exponentially, Trump is making clear what his agenda is for the nation if he wins reelection.

Take food out of the mouths of poor people, including children and the sick and disabled, and allow nursing homes to mistreat the elderly, by providing no oversight as to conditions of health and safety!

What could be more obscene than that, but actually, just added to the long list of crimes and human rights violations of the Trump Administration. This includes the horrific separation of migrant children from their parents at the border, without any tracking of where the separated families are, and causing, therefore, likely permanent separation, even of infants from their mothers.

Trump should face trial in the Hague, Netherlands, for violation of basic human rights, as he has committed crimes against humanity, including his support of war criminals that he has given pardons to, against the advice of the military themselves!

Speaker Of The House Paul Ryan: A Failed And Disgraceful Figure In American Political History, And Total Sham!

Back in 2012, when Paul Ryan was chosen by Mitt Romney to be his Vice Presidential running mate, this author made clear his total distaste of the Wisconsin Congressman, who had made his career on balancing budgets, and cutting social programs from the New Deal on through the Great Society. He has now proved once again that he is a failed and disgraceful figure in American political history, and is a total sham!

It was made clear that Ryan was a disgraceful choice to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, had Mitt Romney won the Presidential Election of 2012.

As a result of my harsh criticism, I was bitterly attacked by the right wing, in a very vicious manner.

But I was correct in my assessment then, and since, and now, Paul Ryan is quitting Congress, and leaving the Speakership of the House of Representatives, at a time when he was facing a major challenge from Democrat Randy Bryce, an iron worker, who was totally disgusted by the hypocrisy and self serving of Ryan over his 20 year Congressional career.

Ryan set out from a young age, based on his Ayn Rand philosophy, to destroy the Social Safety Net of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and other programs to help the millions of poor, disabled, sick, children, and elderly in our society. And yet, when his father died when Paul Ryan was not yet an adult, he received Social Security benefits, but now wishes to destroy FDR’s signature program!

At the same time, his goal was to cut taxes dramatically for the wealthy, and he succeeded under Donald Trump, blowing a massive hole in the budget, and now creating a $1 trillion increase in the national debt by so doing.

Ryan has done more to harm the future of the nation economically than just about anyone, and he has been unwilling to take a strong stand, or any stand, against Donald Trump’s abuse of power.

It almost seems as if he gets sexual thrills from hurting people, and yet, he claims to be a “good Catholic”, which most decent Catholics would totally disagree with.

The best response to Ryan leaving is “good riddance”!

Donald Trump, Fox News Channel, The Evangelical Right, And The “Caravan”

For nearly three years, since Donald Trump announced his Presidential candidacy on June 16, 2015, he has, every day, demeaned himself by his utterances and actions, more every day.

So has Fox News Channel, becoming a propaganda machine for Donald Trump.

And so has the Evangelical Right, which has demonstrated how much they can distort and manipulate the true teachings of Jesus Christ.

Hypocrisy and corruption and a mean spirit has dominated, but now, hard to believe, these three forces have joined together to lower themselves to an even more disgraceful level.

They have promoted the myth of a “caravan” of about 1200 people who are migrating through Mexico, and it is alleged, are about to “invade” the United States with their evil intent, consisting of intentions of rape, murder, and terrorism.

Who makes up this caravan, in reality?

Large number of young children, their mothers, many elderly people make up the bulk of the group, and they are poor and deprived, escaping violence, bloodshed, and fear for their own safety, wanting a better life!

This is often, historically, the reality of immigrants throughout American history, and also, world history, people who are striving for opportunity, a new life, and to avoid death.

How could ANYONE be against such people, who have done nothing wrong, except to be born and living in nations that are death traps for so many, with so much human suffering, that they wish to find “a promised land”?

This is the story of the Jewish people escaping Egypt; the story of Irish and Italians and Jews and Polish and other parts of Europe escaping to America; of Muslims escaping bloodshed and persecution in the Middle East and Africa in coming to Europe in recent years; of people in Central America migrating northward; and of the constant quest for freedom and opportunity and a chance to live, throughout the history of the world!

This is the “American Dream”, how the ancestors of Donald Trump came to our shores; how the ancestors of Joseph P. Kennedy came to our shores; how the ancestors of all of us came to our shores! America is the nation of all nations!

But now we have a President, a news channel, and a religious group who are rejecting the basic tenets of organized religion, and particularly of Christianity, totally rejecting common decency, common humanity, common compassion, for those who are poor, deprived, and facing persecution and death!

The so called Pro Life movement is a farce, and Fox News has no morals or ethics, and Donald Trump is a disgrace to the Presidency and to human behavior, willing to lie and distort for his own advancement. He has no concern for the American people, and has shown he has no consideration about the damage he is doing daily.

It cannot be too soon to see this cancer excised from the Oval Office!