Empathy And Compassion

The End Of A Half Century Of Statemanship, Leadership, And Contributions!

President Joe Biden is in his last full day of his four years in the Oval Office.

This is a time for celebration and pride in the leadership of the 46th President of the United States.

Joe Biden did not do everything perfectly well, but no President or any other political leader can insure constant success.

But his Presidency, already rated as number 14 in one scholarly poll, will remain in the top third and likely will rise over time, particularly and sadly, after his future demise.

Joe Biden gave the nation a half century of statesmanship, leadership, and contributions, and he showed Americans what a leader is like who has true character, morals, ethics, compassion, decency, and empathy, rare in the Presidency historically.

His years in public office were only surpassed by one President, John Quincy Adams, who spent more than half his time in appointed office, not elective office, as Biden did with 36 years in the US Senate, 8 years in the Vice Presidency, and 4 years in the Oval Office.

This author and blogger “fell in love”, so to speak in the 1970s, after his original “hero”, Senator, Vice President and Presidential nominee Hubert Humphrey passed away, as Biden came across to me as the closest equivalent to the nature of Humphrey.

There is a sense of great pride and satisfaction that after two failed tries for the Oval Office, Biden finally won it, and took us out of the horrendous once in a century Covid 19 Pandemic, and restored faith in the Presidency after the disastrous, crime ridden, abusive four years of Donald Trump.

We now enter a very sad return of Trump, but all decent Americans cannot give up, but must fight in every legal fashion to limit the harm and damage that Trump will certainly wage.

The quest for a return of the Democratic Party and its common decency must be waged without pause.

Meanwhile, God Bless Joe Biden and his lovely wife, First Lady Jill Biden, and wish them the best in future years!

Republicans, Conservatives, And Disrespect For Immigrants: Infuriating!

America is a nation of immigrants, and all of us are “immigrants”, in the sense that our ancestors, if not us, migrated to America, and found the only true “natives”, native Americans, whose land and resources were taken from them by European settlers.

America, historically, has mistreated native Americans in a horrible, horrendous fashion, and still do so when they decide to do mining on native lands, one of the major reasons why organizations, such as the Conservation Lands Foundation, exist, to promote proper treatment of the “original” Americans.

But America is also a nation that constantly, throughout history, has treated various groups migrating to North America, in a totally unacceptable fashion.

This has occurred to the Irish; the Italians; the Polish; the Jews; the migrants from Japan and China and elsewhere in Asia; people from Latin America; and of course the treatment of people of African origin, both slaves and those who have migrated since the end of the ugly institution of slavery!

It is infuriating when Texas Governor Greg Abbott makes the comment about the horrendous gun murders in Cleveland, Texas, referring to the victims as “illegal immigrants”, as if their status matters, as if their lives do not matter!

Immigrants come to America to excape persecution, bloodshed, discrimination, looking for a better life, as generations of immigrants have done, and they contribute their talents and skills to their adopted nation.

Just because they speak a different language, are possibly of different skin color and religion, does not make them inferior or unworthy of our sympathy, empathy, compassion, and to be treated with respect!

People like Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and others who are bullies and have no regard for human life, unless it is white European Christians, need to be drummed out of office by demand of decent Americans, who do not want such despicable people to govern us!

It is past time for Republicans and conservatives who are only pro-life on fetuses, but not for gun regulation, or women’s rights, to be repudiated, and allow American to move forward in a positive fashion, and stop promoting hate!

Contrasts In Leadership: Queen Elizabeth And Donald Trump

Leadership characteristics matter, whether ceremonial, such as the late Queen Elizabeth II, or leaders with power and impact on the destiny of their nations, such as Donald Trump.

Character, decency, dignity, compassion, ethics, morals, sincerity, empathy, genuine nature are all terms that describe what people need to see from their leadership at any level of government or society.

But we live in an era where there are many evil, nasty, uncaring, immoral, unethical, insincere leaders.

The model should be Queen Elizabeth, not Donald Trump and his ilk!

Sadly, too many Republican party leaders are very much like Donald Trump, not like Queen Elizabeth in nature.

All public figures leave a legacy, and historical reputation does matter!

This is an issue that should become the major factor in electing future leaders at all levels, to work toward the advancement of human existence, not the pursuit of power for selfish, personal interests!

Rand Paul And Ted Cruz Are The Most Obnoxious Republicans Of All!

In 2016, there were 17 Republicans contending for President.

Many would say that Donald Trump was the most scary of the 17, but I would argue, that despite the horrors that Donald Trump has imposed on the American people, at the time, two other contenders seemed even more terrifying.

And these two scary and despicable candidates are still potentially interested in being President, and would be no better, and possibly worse, than Donald Trump, believe it or not!

I am speaking about Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul!

Cruz and Paul both promote division and hate, and can be seen as totally evil characters, who would undermine American democracy, and promote Fascist ideas, as they already have done so in the Senate.

One wonders how the citizens of Texas and Kentucky do not have the common sense to dump these villainous Senators, who have no concern about common decency, empathy, and compassion.

Both have lied, manipulated, deceived, and have no ethics, scruples, or morals!

Rand Paul is up for election this year, and for the benefit of poor Kentuckians of all faces, needs to be retired, as his libertarian craziness is a total disaster.

He has not stopped causing threats on Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the crazies have threatened Fauci, due to the recklessness of Paul, as outlined today in a Senate hearing by Fauci.

And Ted Cruz, who conspired to overthrow the election of Joe Biden, has degraded himself by kowtowing to Donald Trump, and clearly is afraid of Demagogue Tucker Carlson of Fox News Channel, after having a moment of sanity and stating that January 6 was indeed a terrorist attack and insurrection, before backing off to the evil Carlson, who is provoking a potential civil war!

Right Wing Predictability: Call For Joe Biden Resignation, While Ignoring Threat Of Donald Trump For Five Years!

Not an hour passed after President Joe Biden called for a national vaccination and mask mandate, and the right wing, including Fox News Channel, One America News Network (OANN), Newsmax, and a whole slew of talk show hosts on cable and radio, and many Republicans, have called for his resignation!

Of course, they also want Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats to resign, based on their opposition to any government intervention in the worst health crisis in a century!

So they are libertarians, who believe all fetuses must be born, but have no concern about life of those already born, including children, who are endangered by adults and teenagers who think it is their “religious” right to refuse to consider their public responsibility to all around them, clearly “Pro Life” hypocrisy!

Ironic that those who had no issues with the infuriating moral, ethical, and illegal actions of Donald Trump, and refuse to admit that January 6, 2021 was a violent insurrection, an act of domestic terrorism, are now attacking Joe Biden for having decency, compassion, and empathy. Ultimately, the final responsibility to protect the American people, even if many of them do not appreciate federal government intervention!

Joe Biden is in a fighting mood, and he will NOT be intimidated by people who have no concern other their own selfish interests, instead of what is good and necessary for the American people at large!

Republicans Are Outrageous In What They Do NOT Care About!

The Republican Party of 2021 is not offended by the destruction of the environment that has been going on in the past four years under Donald Trump.

They are not offended by the growth of childhood poverty due to the COVID 19 Pandemic and the economic collapse of the past year.

They are not offended by white supremacists carrying the Confederate flag into the US Capitol on the day of the Insurrection, January 6, 2021.

They are not offended by the loss of life to gun violence.

They are not offended by the reality of African Americans being killed by the police so often, and without consequences.

They are not offended by the dangers that members of Congress faced, along with the sitting Vice President Mike Pence, as a result of the traitors and seditionists who saw to bring harm to the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.

They are not offended by the racism, nativism, misogyny, and homophobia of so many Republican members of Congress, as well as former President Donald Trump.

They are not offended by the inability of tens of millions of Americans to have a living wage, an increase in the minimum wage, while the top few percent of the nation keeps on gaining obscene levels of wealth.

These Republicans, who dominate the party, have no ethics, morals, scruples, conscience, common decency, compassion, empathy, or a sense of justice!

Inauguration Day Has Arrived: A New Beginning, And Need To Insure Donald Trump Will Never Hold Office Again!

Inauguration Day 2021 has finally arrived!

A new beginning under a very decent, compassionate, empathetic, and genuine man, Joe Biden, who cares about unity and progress, is awaiting us in a few hours, and the cancer of Donald Trump, the great national nightmare, is over!

Let us all pray for a peaceful celebration of the inauguration of the 46th President, and yet feel sadness that 25,000 National Guardsmen are needed today to insure the safety and security of the new President and the entire group of government leaders that will commemorate the transition of power!

Every effort must be made to insure that Donald Trump will never hold public office again!

And every decent person must work to insure that anyone of the mentality of the extreme right wing, hateful and anti democracy, never again is a threat to come to office in America!

So those who wish to be the new Donald Trump, such as Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and others, must be denied any chance to be a national leader!

Both of those disgraceful Senators, as well as all others who attempted to overthrow an election result by insurrection, need to be expelled from Congress, and be prosecuted for their crimes!

These people who have committed treason must be added to the list of such traitors in history, including, the following—-Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Joseph McCarthy, and Donald Trump!

COVID 19 Pandemic And Health Care Crisis Will Be Decisive Factors That Decide 2020 Elections

The 2020 Presidential and Congressional Elections are being decided based on the COVID 19 Pandemic and the Health Care Crisis related to it, and to the reality that 20 million or more Americans are in danger of losing their health care under the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care).

Obama Care is far from perfect, but to strip it away from desperate people who have it as their only lifeline is cruel, heartless, and terrifying, and the voters clearly will decide to punish the party and the President very willing to harm people, even though they claim to be the part of Life, while having no concern about the loss of 215,000 lives, likely to be doubled by Inauguration Day.

The American people may not love the Democratic Party and Joe Biden, but they do love living and having a government that cares about them, and they see in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris leaders of empathy, decency, compassion who would change the course that Donald Trump and the Republican Party have taken us on, causing the greatest loss of life since World War II, and in just seven months time.

So Joe Biden will win handily in three weeks, and the Democrats will gain control of the US Senate and add to their numbers in the majority of the House of Representatives, and will take action after January 20, 2021, with commitment to purse a policy similar to the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt nine decades ago!

It Is Official: The Republican Party Has Become A Cult Around A Strong Arm Authoritarian Out To Destroy American Democracy!

The Republican National Convention began today during the daytime hours, and Donald Trump and Mike Pence were renominated for President and Vice President of the United States.

Donald Trump avoided tradition and spoke for an hour, ranting and raving against his “enemies”, reminding those who know history of Adolf Hitler at his Nuremberg rallies.

We are witnessing the Republican Party officeholders swearing their loyalty to a man who has lied 20,000 times in office; has promoted racism, nativism, misogyny, white supremacy; has become a friend of authoritarians and alienated democratic nations; has undermined the judiciary, intelligence agencies, the foreign policy apparatus, and attacked the news media as “the enemy of the people”; has bullied and attacked all of his critics incessantly; has undermined our environment and civil liberties; has refused to take strong action against the CoronaVirus Pandemic; has shown no sense of compassion, empathy, decency or dignity in any form; and a legion of others sins and shortcomings that has never been matched by any previous President in more than two centuries of American history!

The party of such Presidential luminaries as Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush has been shamed by Donald Trump!

The party of such Congressional luminaries as Charles Sumner, Robert LaFollette, Sr., George Norris, Arthur Vandenberg, and Everett Dirksen has been embarrassed by the weak kneed refusal of today’s Republican members of Congress to show some backbone to Donald Trump!

Face the facts: the Republican Party has become a cult, and is unlikely to come back into respectability, even after Donald Trump leaves the scene, as he has done so much damage and harm, that the Republican Party name may very well go into oblivion!

Joe Biden Proves He Is Mentally Stable, And Hits A Home Run In His Acceptance Speech At The Democratic National Convention

Joe Biden had a masterful performance last night, as he accepted the Democratic nomination for President!

He proved he was mentally stable and competent, and his speech was flawless.

It demonstrated the man he is–one of empathy, decency, compassion, competence, experience.

He made clear that America is in a crisis, and that he, with Kamala Harris by his side, will have the best people available to assist him in dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Second Great Depression, racial matters, and the crisis of climate change.

He will make it an issue of patriotism for the American people to have a national commitment to wear face masks and sacrifice for the common good, as otherwise, the pandemic will destroy us if the American people do not cooperate.

I have followed Joe Biden for a half century, and while I have not always agreed with him on every issue, I believe he is a unique politician, as he truly cares and is sincere, in a manner rarely found in politicians.

He will, when elected, follow through on progressive reforms, in the tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and especially, Barack Obama.

And Joe Biden will have his college professor wife, Dr. Jill Biden, by his side, and she will become of the most outstanding First Ladies in American history.

The crimes of the Trump Presidency must also be pursued and prosecuted, as that should be a priority of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Early public opinion polls since Biden chose Harris show him gaining more of a lead, a good sign, while Donald Trump is flailing aimlessly!