
Two Men With Common Trait Of Empathy, Compassion, And Humanity, Born 17 Years Apart: Robert F. Kennedy (1925) And Joe Biden (1942)

Tonight, June 4, a tragedy occurred 52 years ago, just after midnight so early June 5, the shooting of Senator Robert F. Kennedy just after he had accepted victory in the California primary, and seemed likely on his way to becoming the Democratic Presidential nominee in 1968.

This author and blogger was watching when RFK was shot and mortally wounded early on June 5, and passed away about 26 hours later, on June 6, 1968.

The world changed, and has never been the same, and one could say the whole history of the past half century could have been dramatically different had Kennedy lived.

It is not that RFK was perfect, and there was no absolute certainty that he would have been the nominee against Richard Nixon, or would have defeated him.

But there are many who think RFK was our destiny, and he was taken from us tragically.

With his faults and shortcomings, which all political leaders and all of us have, what stood out about RFK was his empathy, his compassion, his humanity.

Now, a half century later, we have a Democratic Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, who has similar traits of empathy, compassion, and humanity, and who was inspired as a young man by what RFK represented. Biden was in his mid 20s, and starting his nearly half a century of public service as a US Senator for 36 years and Vice President for 8 years.

And imagine the irony: Both RFK and Joe Biden were born on November 20, in 1925 and 1942 17 years apart!

It can be hoped that what RFK represented can be accomplished in some way by Joe Biden, when he, hopefully, will take the oath of office as the 46th President of the United States!

Joe Biden Makes Himself Available Regularly On The Internet: New Method Of Campaigning For President

The Presidential campaign of 2020 for Joe Biden has begun in a distinguished manner. There were people wondering where he was, but he has answered by presenting his ideas and concerns on a daily basis now that we are just about five months to Election Day!

Joe Biden is on the internet just about every day with a video or interview, as campaigning person to person is not possible with the COVID-19 Pandemic raging across the globe, and just today, the horrid figure of 100,000 deaths in three months, an average of 900 a day, stares at us.

At the rate that this pandemic is expanding, and with the expectation that there will be a second wave, based on history and science, we can expect, sadly, that there will be 200,000 dead by the end of August, and 300,000 by Thanksgiving!

So Joe Biden must campaign in a new way, and he manages to express thoughts of concern, empathy, compassion, decency, and humanity, but that is nothing new for Joe Biden, as that is who he is!

Meanwhile, Donald Trump expresses none of the above traits, and disgusts more Americans every day, who rightfully blame him for the inadequate response to the pandemic. There is the belief at least one third to maybe one half of the deaths could have been averted if actions had been taken in January and February and early March, rather than waiting to mid to late March, when the virus was spreading widely!

Joe Biden gives us hope and a Presidential presence, even though he is not President, reminding us of Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama in his ability to deal with a crisis, although not of his making.

Donald Trump More Desperate By The Day, As Every Poll Shows Him Losing Massively!

Public Opinion Polls have been amazingly consistent in 2020, with even Fox News Channel Polls showing Donald Trump losing badly.

His horrific reaction to the CoronaVirus Pandemic is sealing his fate, if there was ever any doubt.

It is not that Joe Biden is a perfect candidate, but he is the alternative, and his empathy, compassion, authenticity and decency shine through, and always has.

Donald Trump is the new Herbert Hoover, without his intelligence, ability, and life accomplishments.

But the Pandemic and the highest unemployment rate since Hoover left office 87 years ago insure a major repudiation of the 45th President!

Donald Trump Should Be Charged With Negligent Homocide For His Horrific Handling Of CoronaVirus Crisis!

Donald Trump every day adds to his reputation as the absolutely worst President in American history, and the nightmare of his horrific handling of the CoronaVirus Pandemic only adds to the destruction of his name in the long run of history.

It is so bad now, with 32,000 deaths in the last five weeks, and Trump proving totally incapable of crisis leadership.

Trump has shown no awareness of the massive loss of life, and has the total inability to have compassion, empathy, or a sense of common decency, as he sees it all as an opportunity to assert his absolute authority, even though he has no clue as to how to deal with this most significant crisis in the past 75 years since World War II and the Great Depression.

By all rights, Donald Trump should be removed from office right now, be arrested and charged with involuntary homicide or manslaughter, and face the death penalty by law.

But our weak, ineffective Vice President, Mike Pence, is too much of a slavish sycophant, and the cabinet is the most corrupt, incompetent such group in American history.

So we will have to suffer through eight and a half more months of this nightmare, but once upon leaving office, the Trump family and Trump enablers all need to face legal consequences, not be pardoned or excused for the crimes they have committed.

CoronaVirus Pandemic Proves Need For An Empathetic President, And Another “New Deal” And “Great Society” In Future!

The present CoronaVirus Pandemic proves the need for an Empathetic President, and another “New Deal” And “Great Society” in the future!

“Big” Government is needed, as it was in the 1930s “New Deal” and the 1960s “Great Society”!

We need leaders such as Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson, as with all their foibles, as all human beings have, they demonstrated empathy and understood the need for federal government action!

Yes, state governors, such as Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, and many others, have stepped up in this present crisis, but the lack of concern and competency of Donald Trump and his advisers, only concerned about politics rather than human lives, needs to be repudiated once and for all!

Conservatism and limitation of national government since the time of Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich and many others has led to this debacle, and now needs to be in their death throes, as they have caused this debacle!

We need a nation where we do not have a few people having as much wealth and assets as half of the nation!

We need a nation where everyone is entitled to decent, affordable health care, and the opportunity for an education that meets their needs and abilities!

We need a nation where we do not have a wide percentage of people who are homeless, or are unable to gain enough nutrition, and where racism, nativism, and misogyny are actively prosecuted, rather than becoming government policy!

We need the kind of nation where everyone has opportunity to move forward, as was the aim and policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson!

Donald Trump’s Values: Money And Self Glorification Over Lives, Compassion And Empathy!

For anyone who is naive and clueless enough at this point of time to think that Donald Trump is a decent human being, now such people are being made fully aware of his total warped sense of values in the midst of this CoronaVirus Pandemic affecting the entire world!

Donald Trump is a narcissist to the extreme, with his values being gaining more and more money, as if he can take it to the grave with him. His life is based also on self glorification, and having everyone tell him how great and successful he is, even in the midst of reality that he has been a failure in his business life, his personal life, and now his political life!

The difference that exists is that he is in the process of destroying the lives of millions upon millions of Americans with his desire to return to so called “normal”, everyone back to work and everyday life in the midst of an aggressive virus that is the greatest health crisis for the nation and the world since the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918-1919.

His stupid followers will follow his lead down to destruction, and mass loss of lives, and not just the elderly!

But Donald Trump lacks a sense of reality, and has no compassion or empathy for the suffering of others, as all he cares about is the damn stock market, down now close to 40 percent from what it was at its all time high, February 22, 2020, just 31 days ago.

This crisis, and how Trump is dealing with it in such an horrendous manner, will be recorded in history for the survivors of this pandemic, at the same time that many state governors and mayors will be remembered for their courageous leadership, much more “Presidential” than this excuse for a human being!

It is more important for Donald Trump to be reelected, so he can wage further war on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, than to save lives by requiring sacrifice by all of us! This has become mantra of the Republican Party, the so called Pro Life Party, a mockery of the truth that the GOP is the party of death and destruction!

Donald Trump: Compulsive, Massive Liar,Obsessed With Money And Profit, And No Conscience

Donald Trump is the most compulsive and massive liar in modern American history, and rivals Adolf Hitler in his use of the Big Lie Technique, that the more one lies, the more gullible people believe. what he utters.

Trump has a cult like a religion, including evangelical Christians, who distort and manipulate the teachings of Jesus Christ, and overlook all of his egregious sins, including his lack of concern for human life, in the quest and obsession he has with money and profit. He will throw any group under the bus in his quest for economic advantage, including children, the poor and disadvantaged.

If it comes to taking a stand for morality and ethics, for common decency and empathy, Donald Trump is long gone.

He is a very evil man who will go down in history as a true villain, and will be condemned in history for the human suffering and lack of concern for the harm he has done and is doing daily.

America Needs A “Mr. Rogers” Type Personality As President Of The United States

Having just on Saturday night seen the Mr. Rogers film, “A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood”, with Fred Rogers brilliantly portrayed by actor Tom Hanks, this author and blogger came away from this wonderful tribute with the thought that this is the precisely kind of person we need to be our future President.

Mr. Rogers was a wonderful, compassionate, caring, empathetic, decent human being, promoting good will and concern and genuineness about the present and future condition of children and, really, of all mankind.

We have been through the most monstrous evil imaginable, in a President who has absolutely none of the attributes of Mr. Rogers.

We have a nation where children are mistreated by their own government for the sin of being the children of undocumented immigrants, or because they are poor, or of minority status.

We have a political party that exhibits the same ugly, disgraceful, sinful behavior of their President, and have no conscience or morality about what they have been doing to divide America, and promote white supremacy.

The sins that America has witnessed must be overcome, and a new beginning in the direction of what Mr. Rogers lived his life to do, must be the successor, or the American dream of openness and opportunity will be irreparably lost.

Hallelujah! Jimmy Carter Reaches His 95th Birthday, A True Gentleman And Statesman!

Hooray! Hallelujah! Former President Jimmy Carter has reached the age of 95 today, and this is a moment of great celebration!

The longest lived President, now almost 39 years out of office, and his wife and Carter about to set a record of longevity of their marriage on October 17, as longer than George H. W. and Barbara Bush, and with former Vice President Walter Mondale nearing 92 in January—these events are worthy of national celebration!

Carter had a rough time in office from 1977-1981, but much of it was not his fault, but circumstance, and his longevity has added to his stature, and his historical stock is rising, although certainly not top third of Presidents by any measurement. But as a human being, almost no President surpasses Jimmy Carter!

But Jimmy Carter, whether one agrees with him on policy or utterances in his long lifetime, is such a contrast to the present incumbent of the White House.

Carter is compassionate; has empathy; truly cares about people; and has done so much good in his life. His post Presidency is a time of great achievement in promoting human rights, encouraging democracy, fighting diseases, building housing personally even at his advanced age with Habitat For Humanity, and demonstrating what true religiosity is all about.

Anyone who could be overly critical of Carter because of some failed policies is a person who would not be worth one’s time, as most likely, he or she would be a supporter of Donald Trump, a complete and total opposite.

The fact that Carter is diametrically different from Trump will be explored by this author and blogger in an History News Network article scheduled to be published around October 20, to celebrate the two achievements of the Carters in this month of October. This article will coincide with the 1,000th day of the Trump Presidency, as he moves ever more so toward danger for the nation with his insane utterances and mental instability.

It cannot be soon enough for Donald Trump to be removed from the Presidency in order to save the nation and democracy!

Health Care IS The Issue That Will Determine The Future Of Congress And State Governorships, Above All Other Issues

With five days to go until the Midterm Elections of 2018, it is more clear than ever that HEALTH CARE is the issue that will determine the future of Congress, as well as many state governorships, next week.

Other issues matter, but first and above all, every person is concerned about their own health and that of their loved ones and friends and neighbors, and it is clear that the Republican Party is running scared, as it lies and tries to convince gullible voters that they are NOT against health care and protection for preexisting conditions, when the record is clear that they have opposed exactly that for the past ten years since Barack Obama was elected in 2008.

A total of 70 times, the Republicans in Congress have tried to kill the Affordable Care Act, but now they are running commercials and ads denying what is fact, and looking in the cameras and stating bare faced lies.

The facts are that the Republican Party claims to be pro life, but are anything but that, including wanting fetuses born, but if they are disabled in any way, deny such children health care.

A party so mean spirited and lacking in compassion and empathy, just as Donald Trump exhibits every day, deserves a smashing defeat on Election Day next week.

And do not forget, the Republican Party is determined to strip Medicare and Medicaid as well, which makes them willing to see people die, while the wealthy get major tax cuts.

This is selfishness and greed and lack of morality and ethics which needs a total repudiation next Tuesday!