Face Masks

National Face Mask Mandate Urgently Needed As Covid-19 Spreads, And With Flu Season On The Horizon!

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have come out swinging on the need for a national face mask mandate, desperately needed as the CoronaVirus Pandemi spreads wildly, and with the flu season on the horizon.

If only Donald Trump and Mike Pence had promoted this, the number of deaths, nearing 170,000, would have been far less, possibly half or two thirds lower.

Instead, Trump and Pence have encouraged aggression and violence by their nutty supporters, and have endangered our nation, which has, by far, the highest number of deaths and cases, due to their negligence.

If we are the greatest nation in the world, this should not be happening, but sadly, Donald Trump has no concern for the loss of life, and neither does the hypocritical, supposedly Pro Life, Mike Pence!

It is estimated that at least 40,000 future deaths between now and Election Day could be saved, if only what Biden and Harris call for, was done by Donald Trump.

But he has no regard for the losses of so many Americans, so when Biden comes into office, we will impose a national policy with penalties for those who refuse to obey.

And some people who say this is Marxism, are demonstrating how clueless, ignorant, and purely dumb they are, and need to study up on political philosophies and history, as they need to be educated on true authoritarianism, the constant threat of Donald Trump in office!

Government can impose requirements for public safety, and face masks are now such a requirement that needs to be mandated !

The Republican Attack On Kamala Harris Begins, Including “Birtherism”, But It Will Not Succeed!

The Trump Presidency, the Republican Party, and the extreme right wing Fox News Channel and conservative talk radio and propagandists are already deeply in attack on Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris in every possible and obscene way imaginable.

This includes preposterous claims that Harris was not born in America, when she was born in Oakland, California, and therefore the “birtherism” charge used against Barack Obama is coming back.

She is being called too progressive or not progressive enough, and being portrayed as becoming the future President, since Joe Biden, supposedly, is close to being feeble mentally, and will resign soon. This is said after Biden conducted a great speech yesterday and today, as well as Harris doing so, and inspiring people that there is a coherent future after Donald Trump.

Joe Biden can bike vigorously, and is in good physical shape, while Trump rides in a golf cart, and becomes more incoherent by the day, totally delusional, and clearly terrified that Biden and Harris have such a large lead in all polls.

So now Trump is trying to prevent people from voting by causing massive postal service delays, which also endangers people getting their medications on a sustained basis by mail.

Trump is totally out of control, hysterical, while Biden and Harris are promoting a national mask policy for the next few months, as a consistent manner to curb the number of people who get the CoronaVirus and cut the number of deaths, which are at a high now, more than anytime since May!

Donald Trump Responsible For One Person Every Minute Of Every Day Dying From CoronaVirus Pandemic!

President Donald Trump has been a total failure in dealing with the most significant crisis of his Presidency: the CoronaVirus Pandemic.

It has been six months since the nation was given notice of the emerging Pandemic, and 155,000 people have died, many of them unnecessarily if only Trump had respected science, and told all of his followers to wear masks and practice social distancing.

But he has put his reelection ahead of everything, and has wanted everyone to return to “normal”, meaning go back to work and students go back to school.

By being reckless and irresponsible and self centered, he has encouraged boorish behavior which has made America the number one nation in the entire world in positive cases of the virus, hospitalizations, and deaths.

How can we say we are the greatest nation in the world after this total disaster, which, if there had been a different President, the death rate would have been much lower?

What Trump has wrought should lead to criminal charges when he leaves office for failing to protect and preserve the lives of tens of thousands of Americans!

We now see an American dying every minute of every day, and if that is not perceived as a Holocaust, then what is such?

Donald Trump Seems To Be Wanting To Bring America To Its Knees And Destroy The Nation As He Sees Defeat On The Horizon

President Donald Trump is moving to block extra funding for the Centers For Disease Control and for testing and tracing, an absolutely insane move.

Additionally, despite evidence that wearing face masks will work to end the CoronaVirus Pandemic over time, Trump refuses to call for a national commitment, and that encourages his crazy followers to refuse to do so.

Meanwhile, the death toll continues to rise, and America is the only major nation to have been unable to avoid the worsening of the pandemic, with one out of four deaths worldwide being in the United States. We are moving toward Dr. Anthony Fauci’s fear that we will soon have 100,000 cases per day, with the numbers now up to 70,000 daily.

Dr. Fauci has been prevented from speaking through the White House and has had to go to outside interviews, but his advice on the pandemic is being totally ignored.

This is pure insanity, and Trump’s poll numbers on handling of the Pandemic show that 60 percent disapprove of what he has done, but he is tone deaf and blind to reality.

It is almost as if he is like Adolf Hitler, as he was nearing defeat in World War II, ignoring reality and wanting to take Germany down to total death and destruction.

Donald Trump is a very sick man mentally, and he seems to have no concern about the loss of life, having no empathy, and refusing to express sorrow or concern about what is going on.

He senses that he is losing, and wants to take the nation down to degradation and massive deaths that might surpass the Civil War total in four years of 620,000 in a year.

If there was ever a time to remove him under the 25th Amendment, even with the election soon upon us, it is now, but Vice President Mike Pence and the Trump cabinet will not do that, and they will all be disgraced in history for the most destructive possible disaster we have witnessed in modern times!

The “Red State” Governors Presiding Over Major Disaster Because Of Refusal To Enforce Mask And Other Limits: The Downfall Of Trump Strongholds!

What began as a primarily “Blue State” health crisis has now hit Southern and Western states, what are known as “Red States”, as hard, and in many cases, harder than New York and New Jersey and other states that vote Democratic.

The governors of these states, particularly Brian Kemp of Georgia, Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas, and Doug Ducey of Arizona, can be blamed for this by their lax policies on dealing with the CoronaVirus Pandemic.

This is specifically the issue of face masks being mandated, and since they have not been, the disease has spread like wildfire, causing mass loss of life, and alarming increases in cases.

Donald Trump’s refusal to set a national standard is also causing this crisis, which will destroy the Trump reelection bid, but he has refused, as them, to promote a unified approach.

Donald Trump strongholds will see many Trump supporters dying, but sadly, also those who hate Trump and the Republican Party.

But the Republican Party will pay the price in the fall and in the future, as it now seems possible Trump will lose all of these four states, and also Senate and House seats.

People suffering and dying is not a winning strategy for the Republican Party, which could now be called the Party of Death, not of Life!

Pandemic Now Affecting Sun Belt “Red” States, Not “Blue” States, And Yet Trump Ignores It And Refuses To Wear Face Mask As Example To Americans!

The COVID-19 Pandemic is raging in the Sun Belt, more furious than ever, the so called “Red” states, including Florida, Texas, and Arizona, while before it was more manifested in the Northeast and the Pacific Coast, so called “Blue” states.

But Donald Trump is ignoring the pandemic, which has killed 125,000 Americans in four months, more than World War I, or more than Vietnam and Korea combined!

He continues to refuse to set an example of the importance of wearing a face mask, and has, in a grievous manner, held political rallies in Oklahoma, Arizona and Wisconsin, and intends to do more such rallies, and is exposing thousands to the potential of spreading the virus.

This includes dozens of Secret Service agents, which demonstrates his lack of respect even for those who protect him!

Donald Trump is a total failure in this crisis, and will go down as responding worse than even Herbert Hoover in the Great Depression or James Buchanan in the pre Civil War years!

Trump Rally In Tulsa, Oklahoma A Reckless Act In Midst Of Pandemic

Donald Trump is once again proving his lack of basic decency, by following through on a massive indoor rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the day after the celebration of the end of slavery on June 19, 1865, when African Americans in Texas were informed that the Civil War was over, and that they were free men and women, what is called Juneteenth.

But it is also the 99th anniversary of the worst race riot in American history, destroying the prosperous black community in Tulsa, and at least 300 people killed.

But Donald Trump, being an open racist, does not care about the history, and also the exposure of a large number of Trump followers who will be close together, without social distancing and no requirement to wear face masks, in the middle of the CoronaVirus Pandemic, that has killed 120,000 people so far.

How much more immoral and unethical could Donald Trump be? But he has shown a total lack of concern for human life, and loves to promote hate and division.

So expect a major increase in the pandemic in Oklahoma and nearby states in the days and weeks after this massive rally!

US Covid-19 Deaths Now Greater Than US World War I Losses

America has surpassed the losses the nation suffered in World War I over a year and a half, with COVID-19 losses in just three and a half months.

But the nation is moving on, accepting a loss that will reach 200,000 by Labor day, and likely a third to a half million by the end of 2020.

Most people are tired of sacrifice, and Donald Trump and his crazy followers are clearly not interested in using face masks, engaging in social distancing, or denying themselves any pleasures, whatsoever.

So the thought of death as something that is to be ignored, and using the argument that people die every day, is ignoring the reality that we have become a nation which no longer values the elderly. We are forgetting that one day those of the population who are younger, and have lost concern about their parents, grandparents, and others of older age, are showing a total lack of respect for age, and what these older people have contributed to this nation and its successes.

Death has, sadly, become a cheap commodity, even for those who claim false religiosity, but are not serious in preserving life!

The Face Mask Controversy: Surgeon General Jerome Adams, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, Mitch McConnell, Sean Hannity Et Al, Versus Donald Trump, Mike Pence And Deniers Of Science

It is shocking that we are having a debate about face masks, when it is well known that it is effective in lowering exposure to the CoronaVirus Pandemic.

And yet, we have a stubborn group of Trumpites and others who refuse to use them, demonstrating they have no knowledge of science and have no concern that they could be spreading the virus to others!

The Surgeon General, Jerome Adams; Dr Anthony Fauci; Dr Deborah Birx; Joe Biden; Nancy Pelosi; Andrew Cuomo; Mitch McConnell; even Sean Hannity, and so many others, all have said face masks should be used!

But Donald Trump worries about how he would look, instead of worrying about saving lives, and setting an example for others!

So Trump, Mike Pence, and other people around Trump are taking the chance of being exposed, as there are people around both Trump and Pence who have become infected with the Virus, including Stephen Miller’s wife!

100,000 Dead And Total Lack Of What That Means To Clueless And Selfish People Who Only Think Of Their Own Desires!

It is shocking and disgusting how after 100,000 dead from the CoronaVirus Pandemic in just about three months, it clearly means little to about 30-40 percent of the nation who are clueless and selfish, and only think of their own desires!

They do not care about the loss of health care workers, senior citizens, African Americans, Latinos, meat processing workers, prisoners, and others who are bearing the burden of death in outrageous numbers!

These are people who will not allow their temperature to be taken; who will not wear face masks to show their concern about other people’s health; insist on having “fun” in the midst of a great national tragedy; and clearly demonstrate how they do not have any concerns about loss of human life unless it affects them directly.

This pandemic is a great national tragedy, but too many people just go about their merry way, and have no thoughts of the great human tragedy.
This is a sign of the collapse of the American nation, and it is connected to the cancer we call Donald Trump and his supporters, who are the most despicable possible excuses for human beings!