Fake Religiosity

Stunning Reality: About 10 Million Fewer Americans Voted In 2024 As Compared To 2020!

One of many shocking realities of the 2024 Presidential Election is that an estimate 10 million FEWER Americans voted in 2024, as compared to the Presidential Election of 2020.

This, with a growing population, and millions of new potential voters, and it seems inexplicable!

And clearly, those who did vote based their decision on lies, deceit, ignorance, and thinking only OTHER people would be hurt by what Donald Trump proposes to do!

And clearly, no matter what is denied, there are many millions of Americans, who have no issue with white supremacy, racism, nativism, anti semitism, and misogyny, and this in a nation in which many profess to be “religious”, but do not believe in or follow the teachings of Jesus Christ!

The only hope is that once Americans see the reality of the second term of Donald Trump, that the reaction against it will affect the Congressional Elections of 2026 and the Presidential Election of 2028, and lead to a Democratic Party revival.

Super Wealthy Put Low Personal Taxes Ahead Of Nation’s Welfare

The super wealthy in America are proving that only their money and fortune matter, not the nation’s welfare!

Many of the super wealthy turned against Donald Trump after January 6, 2021, but now are finding excuses to support him, primarily to avoid higher taxation, as if they are going to take their super fortunes to the grave with them, or simply want to spoil their children with lack of motivation to have to accomplish in their own lives, without “Daddy’s” fortune!

The fact that the super wealthy gained massive tax cuts three times, under Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and then Donald Trump is not enough for this super wealthy class!

So they come up with excuses, such as the supposed poor mental state of Joe Biden, which is purely a myth, while anyone who pays attention can perceive that Donald Trump is in a much poorer mental state, clearly in dementia, and having proved it by his public appearances where he cannot even express himself in an intelligent manner!

The fact that Trump would bring into office evil people who would promote a Fascist dictatorship is of no concern, as long as these super wealthy do not have to pay taxes to help the nation and its population, that includes many who live in poverty and deprivation!

But these individuals think they are “good Christians” and “Good Jews”, and see themselves as “religious”, a total farce, clearly fake religiosity, as they clearly have no interest in anything outside their own selfish interests!

So the downfall of American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law is secondary to their own greed and selfishness!

Open, Abusive And Non Embarrassed Lying Now The Republican Playbook!

It is now perfectly clear to anyone with a brain, ethics, morality, and common decency that the Republican Party has become a party of open, abusive, and non embarrassed lying about everything imaginable!

It has also become a party with fake religiosity, and willing to take away the basic civil rights of racial minorities, women, and gays and transgender individuals!

The Republican Party backs a tyrant who did great harm to American democracy, and most members of that party, with a very few exceptions, have no issue with the possibility that Donald Trump might be their nominee again in 2024!

The horrific US Capitol Insurrection, in which Republicans, as well as Democrats, were in dire danger of their lives, seems to have been pushed to the wayside by gutless members of the party, who have no concern about the damage, injuries, and deaths caused by a lawless mob of traitors and seditionists!

How can a person such as Kevin McCarthy sleep at night with a clear conscience, knowing he is truly a coward and a sycophant who puts his own personal advancement ahead of everything else?

How can criminal elements who want a Fascist authoritarian government, be allowed to move forward on their plans for the future in 2024 and beyond?

This crisis America is in could end up worse than the Civil War, if decent people stand by and allow a corrupt party and obscence individuals to steal our government and impose the potential of martial law on this nation, which has survived so many earlier challenges!