
Joe Biden Interview With Fareed Zakaria Of CNN A Homerun!

President Joe Biden just had an extensive interview with Fareed Zakaria of CNN, and it clearly was a homerun.

Biden was very clear, concise and on target regarding American foreign policy, as he is about to begin a five day trip to the NATO summit, visiting Great Britain on the way to Lithuania and then Finland, to promote increased support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

Biden spoke about relations with China, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, along with Ukraine, and he demonstrated the tremendous advantage he has over anyone else in knowledge of American foreign policy.

Biden has had more experience and contacts with foreign leaders than any American President, more than George H. W. Bush, and at least equal with Richard Nixon.

One could argue more than Nixon, as Biden was Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and between that and being Vice President under Barack Obama for eight years, he has unparalled experience, and as he likes to say, when asked about his age, he also has “wisdom”.

No one on the Republican side of the aisle can match Biden, and certainly not Donald Trump, who undermined American foreign policy in so many damaging ways in his four years in the White House!

Momentous State Of The Union Address Tonight By President Joe Biden!

President Joe Biden is giving his State of the Union Address tonight to a joint session of Congress, in the midst of the Ukraine War being conducted by Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation.

This is the most disturbing event in Europe since World War II ended in 1945, and it has emboldened NATO, and led neutral nations to take actions unexpected, including Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, and Ukraine itself, putting up a valiant fight against the invaders.

It has also made Americans realize the lovers of Vladimir Putin, including Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity of Fox News Channel, along with former President Donald Trump, former Secretary of State and Central Intelligence Agency head Mike Pompeo, and a large group of other Republicans in Congress, who are Putin apologists.

At this difficult moment, America is fortunate to have a President of great diplomatic and foreign policy expertise in place. But they also realize that Donald Trump emboldened Vladimir Putin into his aggression, by his admiration and cooperation with Putin, including the Russian intervention that elected Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016, and encouraged the treason of Trump, which led to the January 6, 20201 US Capitol Insurrection!

Also, Biden will deal with the economics of the COVID 19 Pandemic, and will push to move ahead on more domestic legislation.

The United States Has Become A “Flawed Democracy”!

Americans want to believe that their nation is a paragon of “democracy”, but by estimates of many experts who watch how governments change in their level of democracy, the United States has become a “flawed democracy”.

The Economist Intelligence Unit, the research division of the publication THE ECONOMIST, has rated the nations of the world as “Full Democracies”, “Flawed Democracies”, “Hybrid Regimes”, and “Authoritarian Regimes”.

The United States is in the “Flawed Democracies” category as Number 25, second on the “Flawed Democracies” list behind France, which also has fallen out of the “Full Democracies” listing!

23 Nations are “Full Democracies”, led by Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand and Canada. Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia and The Netherlands are the next five, with the latter two actually tied for 9th!

Other major nations in the “Full Democracies” list include, among others, Taiwan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Chile, Costa Rica, Japan, Spain, and South Korea.

Inspiring is the fact that Taiwan, Chile, and South Korea have become democracies in recent decades, but sadly so many more nations have moved away from democracy, and the fact that the US and France are put at the top of “Flawed Democracies” is troubling! And Israel and Italy are 5 and 6 as “Flawed Democracies”. And Mexico is way down, near the bottom of 52 nations that are “Flawed Democracies”.

“Hybrid Regimes” are the next 35 nations, and “Authoritarian Regimes” were 57 in number, with the total of nations on the list being 167.

Twenty Nine “Developed” Nations Have Universal Health Care Coverage, But America Refuses To Come Into The 21st Century On Health Care!

Twenty nine “developed” nations in the world have Universal Health Care Coverage, including the following:

In Europe, 21 nations, including:

Great Britain
Czech Republic

Also, Turkey and Israel in the Middle East have Universal Health Coverage.

Additionally, in Asia and the Pacific, there are 4 nations which have such coverage.

South Korea
New Zealand

Also, Canada in North America and Chile in South America have such coverage.

So why does the United States NOT have it?

The power of the health insurance companies lobby is one factor, and the refusal of the Republican Party and the conservative movement to be willing to accept that health care coverage and the protection of life beyond the pregnancy stage should be a guaranteed part of government policy, through a national health care program that covers all Americans, including even undocumented immigrants, are the reasons.

It is time for America to come into the 21st century, and decide that health care is not a privilege, but a basic human right!

The Crisis Of American Education: Inability To Evaluate And Analyze Information

American education is in a major crisis, with the average teenager unable to evaluate and analyze information, part of the success story required as an adult competing in a world economy.

The nation is fraught with danger if this reality is not overcome and soon. How can we have a thriving democracy if much of the population is unable to make good judgments on all kinds of issues, including, but not limited to who should govern them?

Sixty five countries were evaluated on reading, science, and math skills, and American 15 year olds ranked 19th in reading, 22nd in science, and 29th in math!

Asian countries rank at the top, including China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and South Korea. European nations, including Finland, Germany, and Poland also scored much better than the United States.

Reading has become a lost art, as young people have demonstrated that their attention spans and concentration powers are weaker than in past generations, a lot due to too much time spent on video games social media, and cell phone trances, and in the process losing valuable time in learning that comes from reading all kinds of materials.

Science is in crisis, as more than ever, people are being influenced by religious fundamentalism, which denies scientific reality, and endangers the future of human existence, in favor of belief in faith over facts.

Math is also a disaster area, as most people cannot do basic math skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and percentages, let alone higher math requirements for society to advance.

Poverty is a major issue, but also the lack of enough days of schooling, with the average American only attending 180 days a year, while in many other nations, especially in Asia, students attend 230 days, a difference of 10 weeks of education annually!

Trying to attract the top talent into teaching is also in crisis, as pay is very low overall in America, and men in particular are not drawn into the profession in any field of study, with the potential to make more in the business world.