Fox News Channel

The Midwest And Pennsylvania The Fulcrum Of The Presidential Election Of 2024

The heartland of the nation—the Midwest—is the fulcrum of the Presidential Election Of 2024 with its combination of electoral votes.

The states of Illinois (19), Ohio (17), Michigan (15), Wisconsin (10) and Minnesota (10), are likely to decide who wins the Presidency and controls both houses of Congress. Add “next door” Pennsylvania (19) to the mix, and that is a certainty!

All of these states, except Ohio, went to Joe Biden over Donald Trump in 2020; and Trump won four of these states in 2016—all but Illinois and Minnesota, which went to Hillary Clinton.

The first Republican debate, sponsored by Fox News Channel, this coming Wednesday, will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as will be the site of the Republican National Convention from July 15-18, 2024.

And the Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago, Illinois from August 19-22, 2024!

So both parties know that the Midwest, plus Pennsylvania, is the most important target in election of the next President of the United States!

One must realize that it was the Upper Midwest where the Republican Party was born in 1854, so next year it is 170 years since the founding of a party now in crisis, due to Donald Trump’s corruption!

Crazy: Many Republicans And Right Wing Media Calling For Revolution And Sedition!

It is crazy and unbelievable to see many Republicans and Right Wing Media calling for revolution and violence because Donald Trump is facing prosecution for endangering national security by his illegal possession of highly sensitive documents at his Mar a Lago estate in Florida!

This craziness is being heard and seen on Fox News Channel, NewsMax, and on talk radio shows.

Among those advocting revolution, violence, and retribution, besides Donald Trump himself, are members of his family; failed Arizona gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake; right wing lunatic Mark Levin; Right wing activist Charlie Kirk; disinformation super spreader Alex Jones; Fox News Host Tucker Carlson; Donald Trump Jr’s fiancee Kimberly Guilfoyle; Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs; Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene; and a host of other extremists.

And Republican Presidential contenders, except for Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson, are talking about pardons for January 6 insurrectionists and Trump himself, if any of them were to be elected President.

And top Republican leaders, at least in the House of Representatives, including Speaker Kevin McCarthy, are failing to realize how Trump endangered the national security of the US!

And Donald Trump, in two rallies since the announcement of the indictment, has promoted threats and violence against the prosecutor Jack Smith; the Department of Justice; and the FBI, making him “a clear and present danger” to the American government and nation!

Meanwhile, at least two former Trump Cabinet officers, Attorney General William Barr, and National Security Adviser John Bolton, have made it clear that the case against Donald Trump is very strong and powerful!

Mike Pence And Chris Christie Enter The Presidential Race

Between yesterday and today, two more contenders for the Republican Presidential nomination have announced their candidacies to challenge former President Donald Trump.

Former Vice President Mike Pence and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie have very little opportunity, as the situation stands at the moment, to be successful in their quest for the Presidency.

Pence will be on a CNN Town Hall tonight, and Christie is well known for having ability to speak up and gain interviews without any issues.

Christie will be the most critical of any Republican candidate, but Pence is expected to avoid much criticism of his former boss, wishing not to alienate MAGA supporters.

If anything, Christie might have more credibility than Pence, who comes across as very weak and unwilling to emphasize how his life was in danger on January 6.

But with the Republican Party demanding all participants in the first Republican debate on Fox News Channel on Wednesday August 23 to take an oath to support the party nominee, Christie might not be eligible to participate in party debates.

Mike Pence is trying to use evangelical Christians in Iowa to promote his candidacy, while Chris Christie is appealing to New Hampshire as his location to advance his candidacy.

Tucker Carlson Gone From Fox News Channel: Good Riddance!

A literal nightmare has come to an end, with the decision of Fox News Channel to part ways with the most watched cable show host, Tucker Carlson.

Carlson should be held legally responsible and prosecuted for his lies about the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, and his own promotion over the years of racism, nativism, misogyny, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, homophobia, and support of Fascism authoritarianism and autocratic dictators around the world, including Vladimir Putin. He has also promoted conspiracy theories about the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Carlson lied incessantly, and it was revealed that he despised Donald Trump, and yet continued to embrace the “Big Lie” about the election of Joe Biden in 2020, that the election was stolen.

Carlson is a very evil, vain excuse for a human being, and it could be argued since he was on Cable that he was even more dangerous and divisive than the leading radio talk show host, the late and despicable Rush Limbaugh!

If there is justice, he should be sued for his wealth, and incarcerated for a prison term for the rest of his life, as he provoked violence, bloodshed, and hatred at an obscene level!

If there was justice, he would never have his voice heard again on radio or cable, but sadly, he is likely to find a new home at another right wing cable channel, or will set up a podcast.

Or he might seek public office, spreading his venomous poison, but all efforts to prevent him gaining a new power position must be pursued!

There are no virtues to Tucker Carlson, and anyone who would defend his disgusting behavior should be vilified and be spurned in society!

And this event should start the process of ridding the nation of hateful political leaders who have no conscience and only wish to divide the nation!

And Fox News Channel has other hateful cable talk show hosts, and faces further legal challenges regarding its promotion of lies about the Presidential Election Of 2020, leading to the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

Facts: States With Weak Gun Laws And High Gun Ownership Lead In Gun Deaths!

In the midst of the endless number of gun massacres occurring daily in America, and with children being the primary victims, statistics demonstrate the reality that Second Amendment advocates do not want to acknowledge.

States with weak gun laws and high gun ownership lead in Gun Deaths.

The six highest states in gun deaths are Mississippi, Wyoming, Louisiana, Alaska, Missouri, and Alabama, all with lax gun laws!

The five states with lowest gun death rates, all of which have strong gun control regulations, are Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and New York!

Notice that it is Southern states which primarily have high death rates from guns, while Northeastern, highly urban states have low death rates from guns!

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, leading a Congressional hearing in New York City yesterday to go after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg due to prosecution and indictment of Donald Trump, comes from the Columbus, Ohio area, which has THREE times the crime rate of New York City!

Fox News Channel pedals lies and deceit, but it is clear that having stronger gun laws helps to lead to lower death rates, particularly among children!

It is clear that one major reason why Republicans, conservatives, Fox News Channel, and the National Rifle Association has no concern about death rates from guns, particularly among children, is the reality that many more African American children are victims than are white, Latino, or Asian children.

This is part of the continued racism and lack of concern, including police abuse against African American youths, so quick to shoot and kill, as compared to white youths!

Donald Trump Raves About Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, And Republicans Stay Silent!

Former President Donald Trump is demonstrating yet again how dangerous and crazy he is, and yet the Republican Party acts prostrate toward him!

Trump went on Fox News Channel and was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, who we know has said he hates him, but still has him on his show, as the goal is, ever after, to make money for Carlson and Fox News Channel by allowing Trump to spew forth his authoritarian impulses!

Trump praised Communist dictators Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, Xi Jinping of China, and Kim Jong Un of North Korea, lavishing them with glowing statements about how smart they are, and how brilliant they are, despite their well known record of human rights violations against their own populations, and threats to their neighbors.

And although one might say Putin is NOT a Communist, since the Russian Federation supposedly replaced the Soviet Union in December 1991, reality is that Putin WAS a Communist functionary in the Soviet KGB in the 1980s.

Imagine this, Communism was the enemy to decades of Republicans from the time of the Russian Revolution to the downfall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

It made the careers of innumerable Republicans, including the infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy, President Richard Nixon, and a massive number of others.

But along comes Trump, glorifying and praising these dangerous and unstable authoritarians, who could also be termed “Fascists” in their tactics, such as past horrors as Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, Juan Peron of Argentina, and Francisco Franco of Spain in the 20th century.

The differences between “old line” Communists and modern Fascists are miniscule, and to have an American President praise such tyrants, and his party stays silent, is truly proof that the Republican Party and Fox News Channel are a danger to American freedom, security, and democracy!

How is it that Republicans have completely changed their perception of foreign enemies, and are engaged in similar tactics to undermine the civil rights and civil liberties of millions of Americans, who do not fit the image of white supremacy Christianity?

What has happened that the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, and Reagan has reached this point?

Kevin McCarthy Handing Over January 6 Videos To Tucker Carlson Should Be Prosecutable!

In a time of shocking developments on so many levels, it is beyond comprehension why Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has released about 44,000 hours of videos taken at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, to Fox News Channel, and seditionist and massive liar Tucker Carlson!

What good could McCarthy have conjured up to do this, since Carlson has been lying and deceiving ever since January 6, 2021, claiming it was not the Capitol Insurrection that we know occurred?

Fox News Channel is now involved in a massive lawsuit that one could wish would lead to their bankruptcy and prosecution of the various propagandists at that station who KNOW what happened on January 6 and yet covered up, and continue to do so!

By all rights, Speaker McCarthy should be forced to resign, and should be prosecuted for undermining US Capitol security for the future!

If these videos end up being spread far and wide to right wing, anti government terrorists, they would have the information needed to cause a future US Capitol Insurrection, which would endanger all members of Congress, all law enforcement authorities, all US Capitol staff members, and all American citizens who might be on Capitol Hill at any point of time!

There can be NO justification for what McCarthy has done, and ALL news media sources, including reputable agencies, including CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and many others, should have the same right to such material, but all of them with careful control of how it is shared and spread to the American public!

Fox News And All Of Its Premier Commentators Caught In Open Lying And Manipulation Regarding The “Big Lie”!

Fox News Channel has been sued for its lies and deceit about Donald Trump and the 2020 election results, with evidence that its premier commentators–Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham—and others KNEW that Trump had lost the election, but continued to spread lies and mistruths. And the “Big Lie” still is believed by millions of Americans, who were and remain duped!

Dominion Voting Systems has sued Fox News for $1.6 billion, and now Fox faces this massive lawsuit, and Rupert Murdoch has been forced to testify, and the commentators have been shown to be totally repudiated.

But will it change the tenor of Fox News Channel, which has had no concern about reality, and makes money off gullible people who believe what they see and hear on the channel?

It is clear that you can “take a horse to water, but cannot make it drink”, a very sad set of circumstances, but if Fox loses the case, it will have a serious financial effect on the organization!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Is Appealing To Right Wing Authoritarians!

It has become clear that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is perceived as the likely alternative to Donald Trump, among other Republicans who might seek to run for President in 2024.

What is clear is that Ron DeSantis is smarter, more intelligent than Donald Trump, which makes DeSantis very dangerous.

DeSantis is appealing to right wing authoritarians, based on his utterances and actions in office.

He has promoted the “Don’t Say Gay” legislation in Florida, persecuting gays, lesbians, and transgenders in the public schools, and dictating what can be said by educators in classrooms regarding sexuality and students.

Along with other Republicans, he is aiming to avoid the subject of race in the teaching of history, distorting the truth of the American past. He has attacked CRT (Critical Race Theory), which is not taught in schools, but he also does not want the unfortunate reality of racism and discrimination in the American past to be taught at all in schools and universities.

DeSantis is promoting book banning, affecting libraries and schools, and encouraging parents and school boards to promote censorship, interfering with students right to read books that should continue to be available.

He has promoted the anti abortion movement, and weakened gun safety laws, making the state much more dangerous to its citizens.

Anyone who is critical of him is attacked, including Walt Disney World, and Democratic prosecutors elected to office, who he dismisses from their positions on political grounds.

DeSantis has suppressed the vote, aiming to make it more difficult for the basic right of citizens to vote.

He has promoted gerrymandering that took away two House of Representatives seats from African Americans.

DeSantis resisted the COVID 19 Pandemic, working against vaccination requirements, face mask mandates, and stay at home orders, and this has led to Florida having the third most deaths, but not far behind California and Texas, although they have much larger populations.

He sent 50 Venezuelan refugee migrants who had applied for political asylum legally to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, as part of his political strategy to challenge the Biden Administration, but showing no concern about the cost to the state of Florida, and the lack of concern or respect for people escaping a left wing authoritarian dictatorship in Venezuela.

DeSantis is very hostile and antagonistic toward the news media, and bans them from many press conferences, only allowing right wing news media, including Fox News Channel to be present.

He is seen as appealing to right wing authoritarian promoters, and therefore, is seen as a threat to American democracy and the rule of law, were he to be nominated for and elected to the Presidency!

Sad Conclusion: Donald Trump Has Violated The Espionage Act, And Must Be Arrested And Prosecuted!

The revelation of Donald Trump breaking the Espionage Act, and having top secret documents at Mar A Lago, that had to be removed by court order brought by the Justice Department, leads to a clearcut conclusion.

Donald Trump has undermined national security, obstructed justice, violated the Espionage Act, and must be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law!

Anyone in the Republican Party or at Fox News Channel or other right wing media channels is guilty of complicity if they continue to support Donald Trump with this new revelation!

There should be complete reversal by all Republicans in Congress and at the right wing media channels, or else they are to be regarded as collaborators, and a threat to civil order and American democracy!

Earliest indications are that Fox News Channel, by watching that station on Friday night, is still engaged in promoting the defense of Donald Trump, a very troubling development!

And threats against the FBI and other government institutions and individuals are a growing crisis, all due to the cult like worship of Donald Trump supporters!