The Republican Party is again out on a tear promoting a so called “Balanced Budget Amendment” to solve the future problem of national debt!
This idea has been promoted on and off since the 1980s as a solution to the growing national debt! It is as preposterous an idea now as it has always been!
It puts the federal government in a “strait jacket”, unable to react to economic collapse or foreign war! Just as no family can be certain as to their expenses in any calendar year due to unforeseen circumstances, the government also cannot possibly know ahead of time what the total government expenses will be!
The proposed amendment is just an excuse to avoid the ultimate responsibility of government beyond defense of the nation: to deal with the nation’s basic needs, domestic and foreign, through TAXATION, every person’s basic commitment as a citizen to pay taxes as part of their patriotic duty!
And just remember that it was under Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush that the national debt multiplied, with SEVEN TRILLION out of the $10 Trillion national debt in 2008 being due to Reagan ($2 trillion) and Bush ($5 trillion)!