Greg Abbott Texas

The Urgent Need For Beto O’Rourke And Charlie Crist To Win Governorships Of Texas And Florida!

Texas and Florida are the second and third largest states in population, and have a massive influence on Congress and on state government policies beyond their own states.

These two states are strongly “Red”, Republican, in the past 25 years, and have had a deleterious effect on American politics!

Their US Senators and many of their House of Representatives members are horrendous examples of how evil politics has become, and their state legislatures are so one sided as to give a sense that both states are “lost” to any sense of sanity or common decency!

But as long as America is a democracy, which is under vicious attack now in the age of Donald Trump, one must not give up the fight to convince the growing Hispanic-Latino populations of both states to “see the light”, and participate in restoring decency and compassion to American politics, and setting an example for smaller, less populated states!

So therefore, the battle to defeat Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida is in full motion, as defeating both of them would eliminate either as a potential Presidential nominee in 2024!

The Democrats have excellent candidates in Beto O’Rourke (former Congressman from El Paso, and giving Senator Ted Cruz a close race in 2018); and Charlie Crist (former Republican Governor of Florida 2007-2011, and Democratic Congressman since 2017).

Both would restore dignity and principle to the Governorships, that combined, represent 52 million Americans, approximately one of every six Americans!

Dictatorial Republican State Governors Against Historic Republican Party Philosophy Of Decentralization!

The Republican Party has long been a conservative oriented party against big government and executive authority.

But now, the Republican Party has embraced the authoritarian Donald Trump, and it gets worse that that!

It also embraces dictatorial state governors, who take away power from local counties and school boards.

This is true in the following Republican governed states:

Greg Abbott–Texas
Ron DeSantis–Florida
Doug Ducey-Arizona
Kim Reynolds–Iowa
Tate Reeves–Mississippi
Mike Parson–Missouri
Peter Ricketts–Nebraska
Kevin Stitt–Oklahoma
Kristi Noem–South Dakota
Glenn Youngkin–Virginia

The 10 Leading Villains Of The Year 2021 In American Politics!

There are so many villains in American politics in the year 2021, that trying to make a list of the 10 worst is difficult, but here goes, in no special order:

Notice they are all Republicans:

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas
Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky
Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California
Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio
Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
Congresswoman Lauren Boebert of Colorado
Governor Greg Abbott of Texas
Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida

Right Wing Propaganda Attempts To Portray Joe Biden And Kamala Harris As Disasters, When Much Has Been Accomplished!

Right Wing propaganda, whether the Republican Party, Fox News Channel, OANN, Newsmax, or various interest groups that promote domestic terrorism and white supremacy, is working incessantly to portray President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as disasters.

This is all designed to advance the cause of a Republican Congress and state government domination by partisan gerrymandering, as well as whitewash and avoiding responsibility for support of the “Big Lie” of Donald Trump and his criminal backers who incited the January 6, 2021 Insurrection on the US Capitol!

One would think that Donald Trump and Mike Pence accomplished so much in office that was positive for the American people and nation, when exactly the opposite is the truth!

Trump did great harm in so many areas of domestic and foreign policy, and the only “winner” was the extremely wealthy, who gained a massive tax cut which added greatly to the national debt, without improving the daily lives of the American people!

Mike Pence proved how much of a sycophant he was, a person supposedly “religious”, “devout”, “moral and ethical”, when he was simply a total hypocrite, with his promotion of hatred, division, and narrow mindedness. He had to be convinced by, of all people, former Vice President Dan Quayle, to follow the Constitution on January 6, 2021, and uphold the Electoral College vote that Joe Biden had won the Presidency.

Pence will go down in history as one of the absolutely worst, most disgraceful Vice Presidents in American history!

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has accomplished a great deal, including providing relief to the American economy through the American Rescue Plan, a total of $1.9 trillion in the spring of 2021. The Physical Infrastructure legislation, providing $1.2 trillion to rebuild roads, bridges, airports rail systems, broadband, environmental cleanup, and electric vehicle, is being signed into law today by President Biden.

Also, Biden has changed the harsh policy toward refugees promoted by Trump, and cracked down on the abuses of Immigration and Customs Enforcement toward innocent children.

Additionally, Biden returned America to the Paris Climate Accords, and reversed the action of Trump cutting down the Bears Ear National Monument and the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and he restored protection of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument.

Biden has taken strong action on vaccinations and masking, and brought about a commitment to combating the COVID 19 Pandemic, after Trump minimized the crisis and promoted false solutions. And Biden has not allowed renegade governors Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott to stop necessary action to protect the American people during this pandemic!

The “Build Back Better” Social Infrastructure legislation, held up by moderate Democrats, hopefully will be accomplished soon, as it should be, but with Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema or Arizona, and some in the House of Representatives causing problems, no certainty at this moment, but important for the future of both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and the nation at large.

Biden withdrew US military forces from Afghanistan, an action that was promoted by Donald Trump, who wanted to remove them in May 2021, rather than the actual time frame of August 2021. It was a tough decision, but America had been in Afghanistan for 20 years, and most Americans knew it was time to leave.

The NATO nations and others have seen a massive change in American foreign policy by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, restoring our good relations with our allies.

Kamala Harris has been more in the background, but Vice Presidents historically have not been in the forefront so early in an administration, and if one looks back at Mike Pence, for instance, who recalls him playing a leading role in the first year of Donald Trump’s Presidency, or really ever?

This negative portrayal of Harris simply is the reaction of having a mixed race woman a heartbeat away from the Presidency, when she has excellent credentials, were she to have to assume the Presidency!

Adam Kinzinger Not Running For Reelection, But Should Begin A Presidential Campaign For 2024

This author and blogger is not in agreement with Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger on most issues, as he is a conservative in his views.

But Adam Kinzinger is an honorable man, with courage, guts, and principle, and has demonstrated it by the reality that he is one of a very small brand of Republicans in Congress who has voted to impeach Donald Trump, and has agreed to join the January 6, 2021 House Committee investigating the US Capitol Insurrection, and Donald Trump’s role in that tragedy!

His congressional district has been wiped out by reapportionment and gerrymandering in the Democratic dominated state of Illinois, but this should not stop him from running for President.

He has had 12 years in Congress by the time he retires, and has served in the US Airforce as a Lieutenant Colonel rank, and was engaged in both the Iraq War and Afghanistan War, so his credentials are top notch!

He is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, an important credential for anyone considering running for President.

Kinzinger needs to challenge Donald Trump or his lackeys, who bow to him, such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, and innumerable others who kowtow to Donald Trump, and promote the “Big Lie”, that Trump won the Presidential Election of 2020.

Texas Government Becomes Authoritarian And Fascist Under Governor Greg Abbott

The state government of Texas has become the closest to a Fascist government that we have seen in America.

The Republican Party is totally corrupt in Texas, with all of its executive branch officials, led by Governor Greg Abbott, outdoing each other to take obscene actions that take away basic human rights and safety.

So we have the abortion legislation that oppresses women’s rights to control their own bodies.

So we have the lack of any gun regulations, and allowing anyone to carry a firearm in public, with no check on mental stability of gun owners.

So we have the ban on teaching of the truth of American history, with the attack on so called critical race theory.

So we have the restrictions on voting rights that will make it impossible for many people of color, young voters, senior citizens, and poor people of all backgrounds to be able to protect their basic rights guaranteed under several constitutional amendments.

So we have the banning of mask mandates in a time when 68,000 Texans have died from the COVID 19 Pandemic, and this includes not only government agencies, but also private businesses, making the state government basically a Fascist dictatorship!

Texas And Florida Governors Are Promoting Mass Death By Reckless Policy On Vaccine Mandates!

The second and third largest states in population, with about 50 million people, are Texas and Florida.

Their Republican governors, Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis, have demonstrated they are totally reckless in their attack on vaccine mandates, including dictating not only to school boards, but also all private businesses.

Both governors are promoting mass death, with 68,000 deaths and counting in Texas, and 56,000 deaths and counting in Florida.

So about one out of every six deaths is in those two states alone, as the COVID 19 Pandemic has killed about 700,000 Americans and counting.

And people of color are even more often the victims, and both governors have no concern, as they both work to be potential Republican Presidential candidates in 2024.

Both Abbott and DeSantis will go down in history as two of the absolutely worse governors in American history, and not just on vaccine mandates, but on so many other issues, including racism, women’s rights including abortion, and refusal to have serious attempts to promote gun regulations.

Additionally, both states are trying to deny people of color, poor people, young people, and the elderly the right to vote!

2021 Elections, And Plans For Running For Office In 2022 Is Upon Us

Here we are, about a month out from the comparatively small number of elections taking place this November.

This includes the gubernatorial elections in Virginia and New Jersey; the Mayoral Election in New York City; and many other municipal elections in smaller cities.

The only real concern for Democrats is Virginia, where former Governor Terry McAuliffe is being challenged by Republican Glenn Youngkin.

The New Jersey gubernatorial race seems an easy win for Governor Phil Murphy, and the NYC Mayoralty race seems an easy win for Eric Adams.

Once these elections are over, the real competition for the Senate and House of Representatives seats in 2022 Midterms begins, as well as gubernatorial races, particularly the latter for Republicans, who plan to run for President, such Trump lackeys as Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas, and Kristi Noem of South Dakota!

Reckless Behavior By Some Republican Governors Should Lead To Criminal Indictments!

A substantial group of Republican Governors are abusing their power, recklessly endangering the lives of their constituents, and causing unnecessary deaths by fighting the federal government on the issue of vaccinations and masks.

Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas, and Kristi Noem of South Dakota, all angling to run for President, are demonstrating criminal behavior, and should all face criminal indictments brought by the US Department of Justice.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has now caused more deaths than the American Civil War over four years; the Spanish Flu Pandemic at the end and after World War I over three years; and the combination of the two World Wars.

If these three Republican governors, and others such as Kim Reynolds of Iowa, Tate Reeves of Mississippi, and a number of others had taken the health crisis seriously, we would not have lost so many people, and the likelihood is the final total will be more than one million deaths.

Donald Trump, ignoring the health crisis, and promoting wrong medical alternatives, should also be held criminally liable for the disaster we are still facing!

The Battle Is On: Joe Biden Vs. Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Kristi Noem, And Other Reckless GOP Governors!

The Republican Party and its leading reckless governors—Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, and many others—are engaged in a battle against President Joe Biden and his Vaccination and Mask Mandate, and Biden is on the side of history on this!

There will be mortal wounds against these disgraceful governors who are waging war against life itself, with the numbers of dead from COVID-19 a total of 3,160 on Thursday, September 9–equivalent to the 2,977 on September 11, 2001!

One would think with 660,000 dead in 18 months, as much as the loss of life of Union and Confederate military in the Civil War over the longer period of four years, that these governors and the Republican Party, and right wing cable and talk radio, would wake up to the dire threat of COVID-19 and unite to combat the crisis!

Many children are dying, and yet we have crazy parents and political leaders furious over masks and vaccinations!

The public health and safety are primary over so called “freedom”!