Gun Crime Victims

9th Anniversary Of Sandy Hook Massacre, And “Pro Life” Republicans Have No Concern!

It has been nine years since the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre in Connecticut, whick killed 26 young children and teachers.

In February, it will be four years since the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Massacre in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 students and teachers.

Most recently, we had the Oxford High School Massacre in Michigan that killed four and wounded seven others.

And the list goes on, and not only with educational institutions, but also with all public places imaginable over many years!

But “Pro Life” Republicans who are consistently anti abortion have no concern about the massive loss of life due to the reality that there are no guidelines or regulations on gun purchase and ownership!

The hypocrisy is massive, and there is a need for commitment to change!

The Government Responsibility To Provide Support To Victims Of Terrorism And Gun Violence

With the ever widening reality of home grown terrorism of religious and political fanatics of all ideological stripes, we are witnessing more and more victims of terrorism and gun violence, and many of the survivors are left with a lifetime disability, but added onto by unbelievable medical and rehabilitation costs that many cannot handle, and just add to their suffering and emotional turmoil.

The loss of loved ones who have died must also be considered as something that needs to be understood and considered, so therefore, there is a need for a compensation system for victims who are survivors–whether from Virginia Tech, the Tucson shopping center, the Aurora movie theater, the Sandy Hook Elementary School, the Boston Marathon shootings, or any other terrorist or criminal act similar to these in the future.

All of us who are fortunate enough to be able to avoid such tragic circumstances must understand that it is the job of government to be compassionate to victims of crimes, as there “but for the grace of God go I”, even if one is not religious!

The price of terrorism and gun crimes is that we, who avoid those circumstances, must help to pay for and support those who have lost loved ones, or those who live on and suffer for the rest of their lives, while we go about our business!

The price of terrorism must be shared by everyone, and if anyone disagrees, that says a lot about their so called “patriotism”!