Gun Regulations

June 27 Presidential Debate Most Important Ever Held!

We are six days away from the most important Presidential debate in American history.

Presidential debates took place in 1960, and then every four years since 1976.

But none have mattered as much as the upcoming debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

This is the first time two Presidents, with one being a former President trying to return to office, have competed for the Oval Office since 1892, when President Benjamin Harrison was challenged by former President Grover Cleveland, who went on to defeat him decisively, but with no debates in that era.

Why is this the most important Presidential debate ever in our history?

Because Donald Trump represents a dire threat to the American Constitution, the rule of law, American Democracy, and to world peace and stability.

Donald Trump is a threat to women, African Americans, all immigrant groups, Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, Health care, gun regulations, the environment, labor rights, federal government agencies, the federal judiciary, military stability, Intelligence Agencies, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, all other international organizations, the potential of nuclear war, and every other imaginable group or issue.

Trump had the most corrupt Presidency by far in American history, and the danger is that the people he brings in would wield tremendous power, and have evil intentions, much of which could occur even without his personal knowledge and support, even more so as his mind deteriorates, and he is manipulated by them.

Mitch McConnell, Longest Serving Senate Leader, To Leave, After Tremendous Damage Done Over The Years! :(

Kentucky Republican Senator Mitch McConnell, who has served longer in party and Senate leadership than anyone in American history, will leave his role in the Senate after the Presidential Election of 2024.

Arguably the single most important Senate leader since Lyndon B. Johnson was Majority Leader from 1955-1961 before his rise to the Vice Presidency and Presidency, McConnell single handedly caused tremendous damage in so many ways.

Among them was his refusal to allow a Supreme Court nominee by Barack Obama in 2016 after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia; McConnell’s ramming through the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett in the Fall of 2020 before the election after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg; his promotion of a massive number of right wing judges onto the federal courts; and his unwillingness to vote to convict Trump on impeachment charges in the days before the end of the Presidential term after the horrendous events of January 6, 2021.

The extremist right wing tilt of the Supreme Court, and its moves against abortion, affirmative action, and promotion of lack of regulation of guns, is primarily due to this man, and he will not look good in the annals of history, for having helped emboldened Donald Trump, even though Trump does not appreciate what McConnell did!

Gerrrymandered State Legislatures–Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, Texas And Other Republican States!

Gerrymandering of many state legislatures, particularly in “Red” states, has led to the movement to take away democracy.

This is particularly noted in Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, and Texas, as those state legislatures take unprecedented action to strip voting rights, abortion rights, gay rights, and to reject any regulation of guns, despite consistent, every day, occurrences of gun massacres!

The “red” states are the centers of greater carnage than in “blue” states, which are totally the opposite of the “red” states on the major issues of civil rights.

Many state legislatures have become the center of autocratic leadership, such as Ron DeSantis in Florida and Greg Abbott in Texas, but also including many other states!

Republicans, Conservatives, And Disrespect For Immigrants: Infuriating!

America is a nation of immigrants, and all of us are “immigrants”, in the sense that our ancestors, if not us, migrated to America, and found the only true “natives”, native Americans, whose land and resources were taken from them by European settlers.

America, historically, has mistreated native Americans in a horrible, horrendous fashion, and still do so when they decide to do mining on native lands, one of the major reasons why organizations, such as the Conservation Lands Foundation, exist, to promote proper treatment of the “original” Americans.

But America is also a nation that constantly, throughout history, has treated various groups migrating to North America, in a totally unacceptable fashion.

This has occurred to the Irish; the Italians; the Polish; the Jews; the migrants from Japan and China and elsewhere in Asia; people from Latin America; and of course the treatment of people of African origin, both slaves and those who have migrated since the end of the ugly institution of slavery!

It is infuriating when Texas Governor Greg Abbott makes the comment about the horrendous gun murders in Cleveland, Texas, referring to the victims as “illegal immigrants”, as if their status matters, as if their lives do not matter!

Immigrants come to America to excape persecution, bloodshed, discrimination, looking for a better life, as generations of immigrants have done, and they contribute their talents and skills to their adopted nation.

Just because they speak a different language, are possibly of different skin color and religion, does not make them inferior or unworthy of our sympathy, empathy, compassion, and to be treated with respect!

People like Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and others who are bullies and have no regard for human life, unless it is white European Christians, need to be drummed out of office by demand of decent Americans, who do not want such despicable people to govern us!

It is past time for Republicans and conservatives who are only pro-life on fetuses, but not for gun regulation, or women’s rights, to be repudiated, and allow American to move forward in a positive fashion, and stop promoting hate!

Celebration Of Journalism At White House Correspondents’ Dinner!

Last night, for the first time since 2016, the profession of journalism was celebrated at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington DC.

The years in between had included Donald Trump boycotting the event, and then the COVID 19 Pandemic made such events not possible for a few years.

President Joe Biden saluted the importance of the profession of journalism, which has been under vicious attacks by the extremist right wing Republican party elements, led by Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and a multitude of other authoritarian leaders, with only a small percentage resisting such condemnation of the truth of events.

Journalism is what keeps a nation free and informed, and it is the job of journalism to expose facts, truth, reality, no matter what or who it exposes to the light of day!

Journalism and journalists are under constant attack, and in many nations, including the Russian Federation, Iran, mainland China, North Korea, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and a multitude of other nations that attack democracy, journalists are arrested, tortured, and murdered.

These journalists are true heroes, and America must not allow the forces of evil in this nation to destroy the First Amendment, and suppress the reality of the attack on women’s rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, gun regulations, voting rights, education, environmental advancement, and so much more!

Facts: States With Weak Gun Laws And High Gun Ownership Lead In Gun Deaths!

In the midst of the endless number of gun massacres occurring daily in America, and with children being the primary victims, statistics demonstrate the reality that Second Amendment advocates do not want to acknowledge.

States with weak gun laws and high gun ownership lead in Gun Deaths.

The six highest states in gun deaths are Mississippi, Wyoming, Louisiana, Alaska, Missouri, and Alabama, all with lax gun laws!

The five states with lowest gun death rates, all of which have strong gun control regulations, are Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and New York!

Notice that it is Southern states which primarily have high death rates from guns, while Northeastern, highly urban states have low death rates from guns!

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, leading a Congressional hearing in New York City yesterday to go after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg due to prosecution and indictment of Donald Trump, comes from the Columbus, Ohio area, which has THREE times the crime rate of New York City!

Fox News Channel pedals lies and deceit, but it is clear that having stronger gun laws helps to lead to lower death rates, particularly among children!

It is clear that one major reason why Republicans, conservatives, Fox News Channel, and the National Rifle Association has no concern about death rates from guns, particularly among children, is the reality that many more African American children are victims than are white, Latino, or Asian children.

This is part of the continued racism and lack of concern, including police abuse against African American youths, so quick to shoot and kill, as compared to white youths!

Republican Party Is The Party Of Death!

The Republican Party of 2023 is clearly the “Party Of Death”!

The potential Presidential contenders are all speaking at the annual convention of the National Rifle Association, declaring full backing for no regulation of guns, despite the horrendous number of gun massacres occurring daily in the United States!

So called “good Christians” and other “Religious” people are showing no concern for the loss of life, while at the same time declaring they are “Pro Life” on abortion, even if women end up in critical health condition or die due to refusal of doctors to help them in pregnancy crises that are occurring regularly across the nation!

In 2003, there were 100 million guns in America, with only about one percent being AR 15s and other semiautomatic weapons.

Twenty years later, there are over 400 million guns in America, and a full 25 percent are AR 15s and other semiautomatic weapons which literally obliterate any human being who becomes a victim!

There have been more than 150 mass shootings in just about 100 days of this year!

So we have a political party that has no ethics, morals, scruples, or conscience, as they seek to worship the gun industry that promotes mass loss of life in such a common way, that guns have passed automobiles as the major cause of deaths in America!

Republican Party On Wrong Side Of History And Public Opinion On Abortion And Guns!

The 2023 Republican Party is clearly suicidal in nature, resisting the tide of American history and public opinion toward the concept of tolerance, freedom, and advancement.

Clearly, public opinion is for abortion rights to be retained; acceptance of different ethnic, racial, and religious groups; and for protection of society from weapons of war being limited as a danger to all Americans!

And yet, the Republican Party has bowed to the extremist religious and conspiracy groups, in taking away the rights of women; of racial and religous minorities; and the right of Americans to protection from the evils of the gun lobby, which promote a state of war in America waged by evil forces that insist on total access to weapons of war in the hands of demented and dangerous criminal elements!

Only a smashing defeat of Republicans in 2024 and beyond will end the cancer of a party beholden to Donald Trump, and against the best interests of the American people at large!

13 Year Anniversary Of Obama Care (Affordable Care Act)!

We have reached the 13 year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care), which despite vehement Republican opposition, and multiple attempts to repeal the legislation, survives today.

It has transformed the lives of millions of Americans whose lives have been saved, despite their being poor and low income.

And North Carolina has just become the 40th state to expand Medicaid, the program begun by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966, but with 10 states, including the megastates of Florida and Texas still resisting helping the poor and disadvantaged to be able to acquire health care.

Conservatives and Republicans have no concern about human life, other than fetuses being born, but they still promote denial of health care, and promote expansion of gun violence, by refusing to support any gun regulations, a true outrage!

And today, we had another mass loss of life in an attack by a woman against a religious elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee, as the number of victims of gun assaults multiply daily!

Any intelligent, caring human being understands that conservatives and Republicans, if they had their way, would obliterate not only Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act, but also Medicare and Social Security!

President Biden And The State Of The Union Address: A Grand Slam Homerun!

President Joe Biden hit a grand slam homerun last night in a magnificent State of the Union Address before a joint session of Congress, lasting more than an hour, and touching on all issues that needed to be addressed.

And the MAGA Republicans hurt themselves by their horrendous behavior and lack of respect for the President, including heckling and jeering, something Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy tried to prevent ahead of the gathering, but failed in his mission to do so.

The scene of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and other extremists misbehaving in a way that was totally inappropriate in this venue will be used by Democrats in the upcoming Congressional and Presidential campaigns of 2024!

Biden confronted the Republicans on the debt ceiling issue; on the danger to Social Security and Medicare; on immigration; on the issue of gun regulations and police abuses; on climate change; and so many other issues.

The Republicans were on the defensive and denied reality that they had caused one fourth of the entire national debt under Donald Trump, and had raised the debt ceiling three times, but now are being resistant on doing so this time!

Anyone who had doubts about Joe Biden’s ability to deal with complex issues saw a President highly energetic, giving a fantastic speech that put the Republicans on the defensive.

Biden is ready to take the case of his reelection to the nation, and he will, clearly, give the opposition “hell”, as Harry Truman did in the Presidential campaign of 1948!