Gun Regulations

Craziness Of State Laws And State Leadership On Gun Regulation Is Mindblowing!

Florida and Iowa allow ex felons the right to purchase guns, but make it nearly impossible for them to gain the right to vote.

Texas Governor Rick Perry and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell want teachers to be armed when they teach their classes to students of all ages.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Florida Governor Rick Scott see no reason to pass stronger gun laws, with both allowing concealed weapons, and Arizona allowing guns in bars and restaurants.

Other mostly “Red” states have state legislators and Congressmen and Senators totally unphased by the Sandy Hook Massacre in Connecticut.

The National Rifle Association has encouraged more purchase of guns as a safety measure, although already, there are more guns than people in America.

This country is living, at least in some parts, in their own delusional world, a world of bloodshed and violence, with people having paranoia about “enemies”, and our entire population endangered by the likelihood of continued “Sandy Hook” events in the future, and no plan to do anything constructive about it!

President Barack Obama has commissioned Vice President Joe Biden to come up with plans in the next six weeks for serious action, but the odds of actual accomplishment of goals with Republican opposition so severe, is highly speculative and unlikely!

Mitt Romney: The “Gutless Wonder”, Beholden To Wayne La Pierre, Grover Norquist, And Dick Cheney! Is This What We Want In Our President?

Mitt Romney refuses to come out squarely for ANYTHING, other than kowtowing to the extreme right of the Republican Party!

This man is a “Gutless Wonder”, not a man of courage and convictions, but simply a man who is afraid of his shadow, afraid to assert himself, afraid to tell the whacko elements of his party that they are wrong, and that he is not going to be beholden to them!

So he refuses to speak up for reasonable gun control policy; for reasonable tax policy; and for a foreign policy that has, as its main goal, avoidance of war unless it is totally unavoidable!

This man is a total coward, unwilling to show any principles, but just obsessed with the idea of having power, even though he has no conception of what he would do as President!

Based on his refusal to take a strong stand against extremist elements, one cannot have confidence that he would be tough and strong in any crisis with a tough opponent, whether domestic or foreign!

A Joint Statement And Press Conference Of The Four Former Presidents Now Needed To Call For Action Against Mass Murder Epidemic In America!

The crisis that America faces now after the Aurora, Colorado Massacre last Friday requires courage, principle, and determination being expressed by the men who have held the Presidency, and know of the need for some gun regulation, including banning of assault weapons and large capacity magazines.

Therefore, former Presidents Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, crossing party lines and doing what is moral, ethical, and essential, need to issue a joint statement, and go further.

They need to meet together in public in Washington, DC, hold a press conference, and all four need to make comments to the nation at large on the essential need for both political conventions to adopt resolutions at their national convention five and six weeks from now of the need for gun regulations to stop the mass murder going on in our nation!

Yes, this will stir controversy, and anger the National Rifle Association, but it is time for our former Presidents to forget politics, and bring their stature and dignity onto their parties, and put the opponents of such resolutions and actions on the spot, fully exposed for who they are, and embarrass the anti gun regulation opponents at the least!

This is a national emergency, really more significant than the economy, foreign policy or just about anything else. This is a “war” on America, a “terrorist” attack from within, more dangerous than Islamic terrorism, and it is time for action, and for our four former Presidents to be statesmen, not politicians!

Some Facts About Guns In America: The Toll They Take!

Every day in America, 87 Americans are killed by gun violence, close to four per hour!

Every day in America, 183 Americans are wounded by gun violence, close to eight per hour!

Every year in America, about 1,000 young people under the age of 21 are shot, about three per day!

Gun violence cost annually is about $100 billion, which could be used for health care or education, instead of the cost of the suffering that guns produce!

One would think such statistics would be more than enough reason for sane, rational people to say it is time for gun regulations to prevent acquisition of large amounts of ammunition, and to ban totally any possibility of assault weapons.

But of course, there is too much profit in gun sales, and the National Rifle Association enriches itself and its leadership, by stirring its members into a frenzy that legitimate purchase and use of guns would ever be totally banned!