Harvard Law School

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Being A Vaccination Denier Will Doom His Presidential Candidacy!

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has been riding high since his overwhelming victory in the 2022 gubernatorial election, but his cockiness and arrogance has gone to his head, and he is on the way to self destruction as a Presidential candidate!

DeSantis has been reckless when it comes to science and public health, and has stirred a tempest in fighting against masks, vaccinations, and government promotion of science and public health guidelines regarding COVID 19!

Promoting an anti intellectual attitude and ignoring science and attacking the retiring and highly respected and honored Dr. Anthony Fauci may stir up the “KNOW NOTHINGS” in the radical right wing Republican camp, but it will NOT lead to his being elected President, even if he wins the nomination!

He is a supposedly “smarter” person than Donald Trump, since he has Ivy League credentials, from Yale University and Harvard Law School, but that does not mean anything other than that he has an enlarged ego without common sense!

One can be assured he will crash and burn, as many other so called “front runners” in past Republican Presidential contests have experienced, as for instance, Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and many others of their ilk!

Alan Dershowitz Trashes Laurence Tribe, Fellow Harvard Law Professor, But Only Undermines His Own Credibility On Presidential Power

Retired Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz went out of his way yesterday, in the first of two days of questioning of the prosecution and defense lawyers in the Donald Trump Impeachment Trial, to trash fellow Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe.

Dershowitz has come under fire for arguing that Trump has NOT committed an impeachable offense, and he went further yesterday to claim that anything a President does to help his political campaign, even using foreign nations’ assistance, is legal and not an abuse of power, a startling statement with zero merit!

Dershowitz has undermined his own credibility as an expert on the subject of impeachment, with his complete reversal from the time of the Bill Clinton impeachment trial, and with almost all law professors and historians taking the completely opposite view.

According to the view of Dershowitz, Presidential power is unlimited, and if that is the trend of the future, then the Constitution is in shreds, and the idea of a republic is destroyed!

To trash a respected professor such as Tribe is a terrible tactic, and shows the lack of ethics and common sense of Alan Dershowitz!

Trump’s Impeachment Defense Team The Most Obnoxious, Obscene, And Crooked Imaginable!

Donald Trump is employing Alan Dershowitz, a clearly demented, egotistical, unethical former Harvard Law Professor, who is totally contradicted by most prestigious law professors, including those at Harvard, to present his case in the upcoming impeachment trial.

Dershowitz has represented many of the most despicable criminals imaginable, and while he says he is a “Liberal Democrat”, he clearly has no principles other than his own economic aggrandizement and egotistical glorification. Dershowitz is a criminal lawyer, not a great constitutional lawyer, and he is undermining American democracy with his willingness to defend the abuse of power by Donald Trump.

Trump is also employing Ken Starr, the prosecutor who brought about the ultimate impeachment trial against Bill Clinton, glorying in providing precise sexual details about Clinton’s love life, and then, being President of Baylor University, which had a football player sex scandal which he handled terribly, and resigned in disgrace.

The worst of humanity is what Dershowitz and Starr are, and their ethical violations should lead to their disbarment and disgrace, as they are the most obnoxious, obscene, and crooked defense teams of lawyers ever conceived!

Laurence Tribe And Andrew Napolitano Vs. Alan Dershowitz On Obstruction Of Justice Of Donald Trump

Laurence Tribe is a Harvard Law School professor, highly renowned and respected.

Andrew Napolitano is a well known Fox News Channel legal commentator and an attorney, known for his conservative views.

Alan Dershowitz is, like Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law School professor, well known for drawing attention to himself, and controversial for the people he has represented in court, including O J Simpson 25 years ago.

Tribe, a well known liberal, and Napolitano, a well known conservative who often has been supportive of Donald Trump, have joined together in their assessment of the Robert Mueller report and recent statement, making it clear that Donald Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice, and should face impeachment. Napolitano also has said that a sitting President can be indicted, despite the statements of Robert Mueller. Tribe has also said that America could lose its soul and constitutional democracy if Trump does not face impeachment.

Dershowitz has argued against impeachment, and claims that there is no evidence to demonstrate that Donald Trump has done anything to deserve such proceedings. He is often on Fox News Channel, and is seen as an apologist for Donald Trump. He has been sharply critical of the Robert Mueller investigation and its conclusions.

The battle over possible impeachment is riling the Democratic Party and the House of Representatives, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi still opposed to action short term, and instead wanting a buildup of evidence before such a move commences, while many say there is already a tremendous amount of material to promote such an initiative.

Law Professors, Lawyers, And Donald Trump: A Time For Patriotism Over Sycophancy

In the midst of the national and international crisis of Donald Trump’s “love affair” with Vladimir Putin, we are seeing law professors and lawyers who are acting like sycophants, and in the process harming their reputations, at a time when patriotism should win out over sycophancy.

Law Professors, including Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley are finding ways to justify Trump’s illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional behavior, while Laurence Tribe is adding to his reputation as a respectable and legitimate scholar.

Meanwhile, well known attorney Joseph diGenova is promoting conspiracy theories about the “Deep State” and is undermining the FBI and the intelligence agencies, while Theodore Olson is showing how dignified, decent and credible he has always been.

And these are just the best known law professors and attorneys, splitting and dividing, as we learn who the legitimate law professors and lawyers really are, in this greatest of all constitutional crises.

Dershowitz, a former professor at Harvard Law School, and a renowned attorney in the O J Simpson case and many others, has said that Special Counsel Robert Mueller should never have been appointed, and that a “witch hunt” is being conducted against Donald Trump, using the exact language of the President. Dershowitz sees no evidence of any crimes by Trump, but also does not see it as likely that Trump would fire Mueller, although last June, Trump came close to firing Mueller, a month into the investigation. This is crazy legal judgment, and makes one wonder what Dershowitz’s whole purpose is.

Turley is a professor of law at George Washington University, claims there is no evidence of collusion by Trump with Russia, and he agreees with the idea of a second Special Counsel to investigate the FBI, a mind boggling example of sycophancy by Turley, undermining the ability to investigate the illegal actions by Trump. Turley has become a favorite to be on Fox News Channel, and it undermines his whole career as a law professor.

Tribe, a renowned professor at Harvard Law School, has been a strong critic of Donald Trump, and has advocated his impeachment, and is publishing a new book on that topic, out in May, but already number one on the Amazon list of best selling books. Tribe has been a credit to his profession and to the law school community for decades, and is not selling his soul to the Right Wing which has no problem with the disgraceful Presidency of Donald Trump.

diGenova has long been seen as an attorney who relies on conspiracy theories and undermining of respect for the law, so it is not surprising that he has now joined the Trump legal team, out to destroy the FBI and the intelligence community, and overlook the facts on the case against Trump.

And Olson is a well respected attorney, who defended George W. Bush in the 2000 Presidential election controversy; then lost his wife Barbara in the plane that crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001; followed by joining fellow attorney David Boies, his rival in the 2000 election controversy in fighting the case for gay marriage in court, leading to the Supreme Court decisoin in 2015. Olson has rejected the idea of joining the Trump defense team, and adds to his stature by doing so.

This is a time for patriotism and justice over sycophancy and demagoguery, so Tribe and Olson are to be commended, while Dershowitz, Turley, and diGenova are to be condemned!

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine A Great Choice For Vice President, And Possible Succession If Need Arises!

Hillary Clinton has made a great choice for Vice President, in selecting Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her partner to run the executive branch for the next four to eight years.

Tim Kaine comes from a crucial swing state, and would be the third Virginia leader to be Vice President, after Thomas Jefferson and John Tyler, who both became President. He is also the first Virginian to be on the Presidential election ballot, since Woodrow Wilson in 1912 and 1916, not a native Virginian, however, as Governor of New Jersey.

Kaine would be the second Catholic Vice President after Joe Biden, with John F. Kennedy the only Catholic President.

Kaine is a steady, stable, pleasant, well liked political leader who has proved by his experience and interaction with other government leaders that he is well qualified to be President, if the emergency arises. He is also, like Joe Biden, well liked personally by Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives who have dealt with him.

Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are very comfortable together, and Kaine has a tolerant and mild temperament that engenders confidence.

Kaine has served as Richmond Mayor, Lieutenant Governor, Governor, Senator, and chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and his resume is very diverse and broad.

Kaine has served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senate Armed Services Committee, crucial committees and experiences in an age of terrorism.

Kaine has the great advantage that he speaks fluent Spanish, a big plus for the Latino community, which is now one out of every six Americans.

If Kaine is elected, his replacement is appointed by Virginia’s Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe, which would not be true had Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, or New Jersey Senator Cory Booker been selected.

Kaine was already on the short list for Vice President with Barack Obama in 2008, a sign that he is well regarded in Democratic circles.

Kaine went to the University of Missouri, Columbia as an undergraduate, and to Harvard Law School, so has excellent academic credentials.

Kaine’s Catholicism and Spanish language ability will help him in states including North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada, and his working class roots will help in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Tim Kaine can be criticized on the issue of free trade, and on supporting the Iran deal, but it will not have that much of an effect on the election, as this blogger sees it. He is certainly not “perfect”, but then no one is.

This blogger was correct when he said that Kaine was the front runner for Vice President, and that the history of the Democratic Party nominees for President choosing a US Senator for Vice President would be continued, all but 1972 and 1984.

This nomination also shows once again that Southerners are favored for Vice President now 9 times since 1944 onward in the Democratic Party, even though Tim Kaine is very different than most earlier Southern nominees for Vice President, much more progressive. Also, Southerners have been on the Presidential ticket at either end of the Democratic ballot in all elections since 1944, except 1968, 1972, 1984, 2008, and 2012, a total of 14 out of 19 times.

Tim Kaine will be an asset to Hillary Clinton, both during the campaign, and as an active Vice President in the mold of Walter Mondale, Al Gore, and Joe Biden!

Do All Potential Presidential Candidates Represent The Wealthy And Powerful? NO, Not Bernie Sanders And Elizabeth Warren!

What does a person do if he or she is disgusted with our political system, and the growing theory that no matter who we elect, Wall Street and the wealthy gain?

Well, what he or she can do is promote the Presidential candidacy of two United States Senators, who have made it clear in their time in public office that they are enemies of Wall Street and the Establishment!

Those two Senators are Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren!

One problem that Bernie Sanders has is that he will be 75 years old in 2016, and has totally white hair, and he will be a year older than Vice President Joe Biden. He also is a Capital S SOCIALIST, and the vast majority of Americans think Socialism is evil because of their ignorance on the term, while not realizing how much of our social and economic reforms in the Progressive Era, the New Deal, and Great Society years are Socialist ideas! This nation has benefited greatly from “Socialist” programs, but there is a fear of anything which is to the advantage of the middle and lower classes, much of it implanted in the minds of Americans through wrong headed propaganda!

But Bernie Sanders, the longest serving Independent in the history of the Senate and House of Representatives, is the real article, a sincere, genuine, authentic, articulate advocate for the middle class and the poor, and every criticism he makes and every idea he enunciates cannot be refuted if one really examines the facts! But facts often seem not important, as mythology and promotion of fear reign instead!

Bernie Sanders would be a revolutionary President, in the sense that he would truly change the direction of the nation in a positive way, but of course, the conservative right wing and Republican Party would fight him tooth and nail, and accuse him of every sin possibly conceived, and with a viciousness matching Barack Obama in the White House, because, after all, Sanders would be a “real” Socialist, not the phony one painted on Barack Obama, and in the distant past, Franklin D. Roosevelt! Sanders has made it clear that he will not accept large contributions, and will have, therefore, great trouble in raising money, so it is not clear if he will, ultimately, run for President.

At the same time, Elizabeth Warren, former Harvard Law School professor, became controversial for her advocacy of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s creation, and could not be confirmed to head that agency that was created under Barack Obama’s Presidency, and instead ran for the US Senate. She has become a great favorite of those on the left, and now is being boosted for President by many, including the Boston Globe and MoveOn.org, along with many other groups.

Warren is seen as better than Hillary Clinton, because Clinton is seem as too cozy with Wall Street, and too hawkish in foreign affairs, so Warren is seen as a more ideal choice for the Democratic Party liberals, who worry that Clinton could be a disappointment in the Presidency. Warren has resisted running, however, so just like Sanders, may not be willing or able to run a national campaign, and she knows she would gain vicious attacks as Sanders would, and as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have experienced too often!

But there is no certainty that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will announce for President, so we may not gain the opportunity to have either of these talented legislators offered to us for the Presidency!

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton Becomes A Politician To Watch!

Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton, who is in his first year in the US Senate, after only two years in the House of Representatives, is a man to watch.

He has rapidly gained notice by his organizing with 46 other Republican Senators to send a letter to Iran, making clear that any agreement between the United States and Iran must gain backing of Congress, which actually is not the case, as many agreements between nations do NOT require Congressional approval. The action of these Senators is a violation of the Logan Act, however.

This outrageous action arranged by Cotton puts him on the front pages, a notable achievement for the youngest member of the US Senate, being only 37 years old.

And when one looks into the background on Senator Cotton, it is shown that he attended Harvard University and Harvard Law School, and had Professor Elizabeth Warren as a professor in law school.

Additionally, Cotton served in the military in both the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War between 2005-2009, and very few members of Congress have ever served in a war zone!

Cotton is intelligent, handsome, well spoken, and will rapidly become adorable to the right wing and the Tea Party, and he has good relations with both already.

Do not be surprised if his political stock rises rapidly, and it is not beyond possibility that Tom Cotton could be a “dark horse” candidate for the Presidency in 2016, as he has all the proper credentials for the right wing to promote, boost, and finance his candidacy.

And if one says, hey wait, he would be only 39 at the time of the Presidential Election of 2016, the answer is that he is old enough under the Constitution to be President, and would be, of course, the youngest President in American history, were he to be elected.

However, William Jennings Bryan was 36 when he ran for President on the Democratic party line in 1896, so Cotton would not be the youngest major party nominee in history.

This is not an endorsement in any sense of Tom Cotton, but simply pointing out that one should not assume he is a lightweight who can be ignored, and there seems no possibility that he could actually be nominated or elected President.

But stranger things have happened such as . . . .Barack Obama!

Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton VS Senator Ted Cruz Of Texas

President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are all actively campaigning for the American people to understand what ObamaCare is, how they will benefit from it, and why and how the Republican Party is trying to guarantee through fear and deception that ObamaCare fails.

Once people get away from the hateful propaganda, they are realizing the numerous benefits of ObamaCare, and the more that the Republican Tea Party lunatics in the House of Representatives threaten to shut down the government over their demand to defund ObamaCare, the more they are going to lose the support of the American people!

And Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, the worst demagogue since Jesse Helms, who Cruz hailed recently, saying there should be 100 Jesse Helmses, is, as I write, engaged in a personal filibuster to deny 26 percent of his Texas constituents the right to health care, and making more enemies per minute than one can possibly compute!

Cruz is a demagogue, a loose cannon, a whacko, who is self destructing before our eyes with his hate, lack of compassion, egocentric nature, and elitist attitudes, as we learn that when he was at Harvard Law School, he refused to associate with anyone who had not attended Harvard, Yale, or Princeton!

His own father went bankrupt, and there were struggles within the Cruz household economically, but Ted Cruz wants to leave that behind, as well as more people without health care in Texas, than any other state!

What can be said that is positive about such a despicable human being as Ted Cruz is showing himself to be?

Cruz is burning out before our eyes, making enemies within his party, gaining the image of the least liked member of the Senate, and guaranteeing that he will NEVER, as this author once thought, make it to the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016 or beyond.

Ted Cruz is becoming like Joseph McCarthy, his look alike— a man rapidly deteriorating before our eyes!

Senator Ted Cruz Praises The Late Senator Jesse Helms, Adding To The Image Of Cruz As The Most Dangerous And Divisive US Senator Today!

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, a freshman, is like a bull in a China shop, still in his first year, but laying waste to his party establishment, and making enemies along the way, and thoroughly enjoying the attention he is getting, and unconcerned about the enemies which are piling up in the process!

Cruz, who looks eerily like the infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, and is the same age as McCarthy was when he became noticed (42), has already gained infamy by claiming that Harvard Law School professors were Communists, and advocating the Tea Party Movement desire to destroy ObamaCare, and go to war against everything Barack Obama stands for!

Now, Cruz has hit a new low, praising former Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina as a model for the Republican Party.

Helms, who died in 2008 at the age of 86, served thirty years in the US Senate, from 1973-2003, and “took no prisoners”, using racist tactics in his election campaigns, opposing a Martin Luther King national holiday, and being rude and nasty toward the first African American woman Senator, Carol Mosley Braun of Illinois, among other horrible actions!

Helms was a full scale segregationist in the age of civil rights, non apologetic for upholding the Confederate heritage, and never reformed in any form, unlike Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina and Governor George Wallace of Alabama, who both mellowed and reformed somewhat in their later careers.

Helms would go down as one of the most negative characters ever to serve in the US Senate, and yet, now, Ted Cruz has said that we should have 100 Jesse Helmses in the US Senate, and it would be a far better body!

What is going on in the mind of this man, Ted Cruz? Why is he declaring war on common decency and humanity, insulting both Democrats and fellow Republicans on a daily basis?

Well, Cruz wants to be President, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, no matter how many victims he leaves in his wake!

Many Republicans are afraid, literally, of him and his tactics and personality, reminding too many of Senator McCarthy, which again, Cruz has an uncanny resemblance to, in facial features and aggressive personality!

McCarthy was eventually, and rightfully, censored by the US Senate, including most of his own colleagues, and it may come to a time where an action like that will be required to tone down this threat to order and stability in the Senate, and the nation at large!

While we are on this idea of needing “100” of a particular person, this author has better suggestions, although the concept of “100” is actually ridiculous!

But if we are to do so, how about 100 Bernie Sanders; 100 Elizabeth Warren; or going back to past Senators, how about 100 Robert La Follette, Sr; 100 George Norris; 100 Hubert Humphrey; 100 Ted Kennedy; 100 George McGovern; 100 Paul Wellstone; 100 Joe Biden?