Hatch Act

Last Night Of Republican National Convention: Reckless And Illegal Gathering On White House Lawn, And Lies And Lack Of Responsibility Displayed By Donald Trump

The last night of the Republican National Convention demonstrated how disgraceful a shape the Republican Party is in during the Age of Trump.

The key moment of the evening was the acceptance speech of President Donald Trump, lasting mercilessly for 70 minutes, only surpassed in length by the acceptance speech of Trump at the RNC in 2016.

The Hatch Act was violated, as no political event is allowed to take place on government property, including the White House lawn, but Donald Trump has no concern about laws and legality.

So he held the rally there, and had about 1,500 guests, with no social distancing, no masks, no sanitizer, a reckless and disgraceful example to the nation, as Trump has never taken the CoronaVirus Pandemic seriously.

So do not be surprised if a good number of the attendees, including all of the major personalities in the Trump Republican Party, end up being exposed and possibly infected by the CoronaVirus Pandemic.

It could even affect the Trump and Pence Families, which would be an example of divine justice, as Donald Trump is a major sinner in so many ways, and runs the most corrupt administration in American history!

Since Trump cannot have compassion or empathy for anyone, and has displayed unwillingness to deal with the pandemic, and has said he thinks the pandemic will go away by a “miracle”, maybe karma will visit him and his corrupt colleagues.

One looks at many of the speakers on the last night of the convention, and sees evil eyes and faces, including such people as Rudy Giuliani and Tom Cotton, joining other such evil eyes and faces from the other nights of the convention.

What is it about the eyes and faces of so many Trumpites, both the famous ones, but also those of many ordinary citizens who support Trump, that they come across as evil, and in league with the devil?

How can a political party in the hands of such evil people possibly survive and keep power, as one has to believe that virtue wins out over evil, but certainly faith in the power of good and virtue is being tested in this Presidential Election of 2020.

As Trump said in his speech, with no new ideas or platform proposed by him or his party, this election IS the most important election in American history, as the fate of American democracy and freedom is hanging in the balance!

Alternate Reality, Improper Use Of Government Sites, And Violation Of Hatch Act: Highlights Of Second Night Of Republican National Convention

The second night of the Republican National Convention was a time of alternate reality;

acting as if the CoronaVirus Pandemic is over when it is not (as expressed by Larry Kudlow);

having First Lady Melania Trump condemn hate and division on social media, while her husband has done so non stop on Twitter for his entire Presidency;

having Pam Bondi, former Florida Attorney General, use the Ukraine scandal that led to the impeachment of Donald Trump as a gimmick to attack Joe Biden and his family with conspiracy theories about Hunter Biden, when the Trump children have been involved in corrupt activities all along;

and libertarian Rand Paul forgetting his condemnation of Donald Trump in 2016, and suddenly seeing Trump as someone to admire in 2020.

We also saw Donald Trump holding a citizenship ceremony for five immigrants at the White House, an improper use of a government building to try to convince Americans that he is open minded on immigration, while his record is the most horrific in American history, bar none!

He is trying to make the nation forget his separation of children from their parents at the border, and putting them in cages, which will harm them psychologically for the rest of their lives, and with some never reunited with their parents!

We also saw Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Jerusalem giving a speech to attract evangelical Christians and Jews, violating the Hatch Act, which bans government officials from making political speeches in foreign nations for purposes of political manipulation.

There is no such thing as a utterance or action of Donald Trump and his minions that will not lower the standard of decency, that will not undermine respect for the Constitution and the rule of law!

It is all designed just to win enough support to have a second term, where the President will be unleashed to wreak yet further havoc on America. The thought that it might occur is enough to cause one to wonder how the nation will ever revive from the establishment of a Fascist authoritarian government!

Donald Trump is a threat to American values and history, and we have to hope that the American people will repudiate this threat, as otherwise, the destruction of the America that has survived 231 years under the Constitution, and 244 years since the Declaration of Independence, is in dire peril!