Health Care Reform

Anniversary Of The Obama Presidency: Something To Celebrate? YES!

One year ago today, I nearly froze to death as an observer in Washington, D. C. at the inauguration of the Obama Presidency! I was proud to be a witness to history, and everyone of the two million people at the inauguration had great hopes for the future with this new, young President who was extremely articulate and charismatic.

Now, a year later, the halo is off, and reality has set in: It is easier to be elected as President, as hard as that is, than it is to govern and accomplish one’s goals and programs.

A fair appraisal of the Obama Presidency after one year would have to say that he has accomplished a great deal, but has also been disappointing in many ways. But then again, could one really have expected anything else? When one looks at any President while he is in office, as well after he has left the White House, there is always a record of what one might call “a mixed bag”. Running a government is difficult, and there are always many critics and opponents who are out to undermine success and promote defeat.

Much has been said by the author about the various challenges and actions by President Obama during the past year, and assessments have been made in some detail throughout the year.

I will summarize that I believe Barack Obama has accomplished a grade of B at this point, with the possibility of improvement to a higher grade over time. Certainly, the shocking election of Scott Brown as the successor to Ted Kennedy’s seat last night dims the celebration of the anniversary of Obama’s taking the oath of office, but it is also a wake up call for both Obama and the Democrats. One cannot assume that one election is a trend for November, but the one way for the Democrats to gain traction is to fight for what they believe in, rather than cave in and give up the fight for health care reform and other domestic changes.

The President has his heart in the right place, and his foreign policy direction is promising and inspiring. His view on civil liberties is to be applauded. I think as long as the Democrats and Barack Obama focus on the creation of economic recovery and the job situation shows improvement, then he and his party will see their losses in November be smaller than one might think based on the euphoria in Republican circles over the Scott Brown victory.

So overall, Mr. President, congratulations on a good job, but become more aggressive and determined in your commitment to change, and show the American people that ultimately you and your party are the true party of change and the middle class, and that the Republicans only wish to promote fear and division, and have no real plans for economic recovery or domestic reform. Carry your head high and keep the commitment to what you believe in, and ultimately, it will lead to triumph!

The Irony Of The Upcoming Anniversary Of Barack Obama’s Inauguration

It is extremely ironic that as we arrive on Wednesday at the first anniversary of Barack Obama’s inauguration as President, that we face the strong possibility of the loss of Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat to a Republican tomorrow evening!

Martha Coakley, the Massachusetts Attorney General, well liked in her state and seen as a solid figure in her state government role, faces the strong likelihood that, because of an extremely lackluster campaign by her, and a very vigorous, active campaign by Scott Brown, the state senator who is her Republican opponent, that the GOP will win that race and be able to halt health care reform in its tracks by having 41 Republicans senators, all committed to a filibuster of any legislation on the subject.

It would be a great tragedy if that happened, and it is hoped that enough Democrats and independents will show their commitment to Barack Obama, who still has a 60 percent popular support level in the most recent Massachusetts polls, and vote for Martha Coakley, who is likely to be an outstanding Senator if only she can get past her lackluster campaign, and go to the Senate to continue Ted Kennedy’s work!

This is one case where we must have our fingers crossed and wait with baited breath for the momentous results tomorrow evening!

Nancy Pelosi Rejection Of C Span Request For Transparency A Bad Move

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has made a major mistake by rejecting the request of C Span for transparency on the health care bill.

She claims that there has been total transparency on the legislation, but in actual fact, much of the bill, as passed in different forms in the House and Senate, is unknown, and by leaving doubt and refusing any GOP involvement in formal conference committee hearings in public, she feeds the “conspiracy” theory that the Freedom Works/ Tea Party has been promoting.

It is not my belief that anything untoward is happening, but the impression is left that there is something evil going on. Even if the GOP were to cause delays and obstruction, the worst that could happen is delay, and that would be better than to leave the image that the Democrats are trying to “pull the wool” over the eyes of the American people.

That kind of impression could cause the greater loss of seats in November. Let the GOP look bad, and it helps the Democrats. But let the Democrats look bad, and it helps the Republicans.

President Obama needs to push Congress to promote the transparency promised during the 2008 campaign. There is no need to rush this legislation, as long as it is accomplished this year. Don’t feed the Republican propaganda, Democrats! Do you hear? 🙁

C-Span’s Brian Lamb And Transparency Of Health Care Conference Committee Meetings

It is absolutely correct and proper that C Span President Brian Lamb’s request for total transparency of all Senate-House Health Care Conference Committee meetings be met, by making them all available for C Span coverage.

The only way to demonstrate to the American people that there is no “conspiracy” of the Democrats to do anything illegal or unethical on health care is for such openness!

There will be no excuse for the Democratic leadership IF they refuse to follow through on this reasonable request. It will strengthen the case for change, as education and complete explanation of any reform bill is essential for its success!

What Rush Limbaugh Chooses To Ignore About Health Care!

As the new year and the new decade begins, it is good news to hear that conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has gotten a clean bill of health after being admitted to a Hawaii hospital for severe chest pains. Even if one finds him obnoxious and disgraceful in his comments and behavior on his talk show, it does not mean that one wishes him or anyone else to have bad health.

Having said that, however, it is interesting that Rush raves about the American health care system being the greatest in the world, but chooses to ignore certain basic facts about that health care system.

The health care system is not available to all Americans, as nearly 50 million have no access other than an emergency room, which cannot be seen as equal access to health care.

Not everyone who has health care coverage has good health insurance, and they often discover that health care costs can bankrupt them.

Many millions of Americans have preexisting conditions, which are not covered by many health insurance plans.

Many Americans would lose their health insurance if they are unemployed, and that has been happening on a very large scale this past year with the highest unemployment since the early 1980s.

Not everyone has what Rush Limbaugh has: the best health insurance coverage and access to the top notch doctors and services, and salary and assets in the millions of dollars. Not everyone is created equal when it comes to health availability and services.

That is precisely the reason that we must not let the selfishness, self centered nature, and smugness of Rush Limbaugh to control the future lives and health status of millions of Americans, who are entitled to decent access and services in health care!

A Testimonial To Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada has been bitterly attacked and criticized by many as ineffective, lacking in charisma, not aggressive enough, and as a bland speaker.

The problem is that he has been compared to the master Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson, the greatest leader in the history of the Senate. That is indeed a tough act to follow or to match.

I have often felt that Senator Reid was not the right person to lead the Democrats, and certainly, he does not come off very well on television in his appearance or his rhetoric.

Having said that, I think it is now time to applaud Senator Reid for his behind the scenes work keeping the Democratic coalition in the Senate together, dealing with the many prima donnas in the Senate, and managing to get all of them to unite to pass the legislation on health care, which will be seen in the future as the most significant social legislation in 45 years, and one of the most important pieces of legislative work in the entire story of American history.

Reid is a modest man, but even his own colleagues paid him tribute this morning, including Max Baucus, Christopher Dodd, Tom Harkin, Dick Durbin, and Chuck Schumer. This victory for the Democrats and the American people is due in no small measure to his tenacity; his courage; and his quiet, behind the scenes, patient dealings with difficult personalities in order to accomplish the greater goal of expanding health care to millions of people who had no chance before this to what every American should be entitled–decent health care!

Ted Kennedy Is Happy Today!

The late Senator Ted Kennedy may be gone, but he is not forgotten!

His widow, Vickie, was present this morning when the Senate passed the Health Care Reform bill 60-39, and she had tears and was hugged by many at the moment when it became official.

Vickie Kennedy had indicated a few days ago that while the legislation was not exactly what Ted would have wanted, since it does not have a public option, that her husband would still be pleased that the Senate and the House have finally taken action on an issue first proposed by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, and actively pursued since President Harry Truman’s administration.

So this is indeed a time to rejoice, and as the years go by, the Democratic party will be able to improve the legislation piecemeal, and a majority of Americans will applaud and appreciate the sacrifices that the Democrats went through to gain the passage of this essential reform!

The Democrats, The Republicans, And Public Perceptions

Congress is never very popular, and particularly this year with the bruising partisan fight over health care.

But a new CNN poll shows more people, 51 percent, think Democratic policies are good for the country, compared to 46 percent who think they would be bad. By comparison, 53 percent think the Republican policies would be bad for the nation, compared to 42 percent who think they would be good.

These numbers have not changed much since August, when the rowdy town halls and the rise of the Tea Party/Freedom Works activists seemed to be hinting the country was turning against the Democrats.

So considering all of the fireworks and partisanship, the Democrats still seem to be in pretty good shape, but of course they must emphasize the good they have done by promoting health care during the upcoming midterm congressional elections, which will be crucial to the continuation of the Obama agenda.

In other words, the Democrats cannot rest on their laurels, but must aggressively promote the positive nature of their initiatives in the 111th Congress. That is still a better message than the constantly negative tone of the GOP as an obstructionist group which refused to cooperate at all on solving the issue of health care reform. The Democrats MUST not allow the negativism and fear tactics of the Republicans to sway voters, and must fight hard for every seat in Congress and every governorship!

No Profiles In Courage Among Senate Republicans :(

The Republican party was the party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, but that time has long passed. 🙁

Knowing full well that the American health care system needed reform, not one Republican in the Senate could overcome party loyalty and do the right thing: vote for health care reform.

The fact that this legislation forces insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions; creates an exchange that allows for competition as up to 31 million additional Americans have an opportunity to choose coverage; guarantees that no one will ever lose coverage because they get sick or injured; protects Americans from outrageous out of pocket expenses by establishing lifetime and annual limits; allows young people to stay on their parents’ coverage until age 26; prevents exorbitant premiums based on age, gender or health; lowers premiums for families through offering struggling people the possibility of subsidies; and helps small businesses to provide health care coverage to their employees through tax credits was totally ignored even by those Republicans thought to be open minded and possessing courage and principle.

I am talking about Olympia Snowe of Maine, Susan Collins of Maine, John McCain of Arizona, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, Richard Lugar of Indiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and George Voinovich of Ohio. These nine senators have shown signs of independence and courage in the past, and are seen as highly admired senators in the sense of having principles, but not one could find it in their hearts to forget partisanship and make the legislation bipartisan.

These senators over time will come to regret their failure to cross party lines, come across the aisle, and do what was right: support the legislation that is the most significant social change to occur since the mid 1960s!

Correction To Yesterday’s Entry: Inhofe Returns To Vote, But Jim Bunning Misses The Vote On Health Care

I stand corrected on the matter of Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe being absent for the final vote today on Health Care Reform, as he surprisingly returned for the vote.

But Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky, former baseball player and Hall of Famer, who did not have an “All Star” career in the House and Senate, replaced Inhofe as the absentee in a final 60-39 vote this morning. No explanation was given, but since Bunning is retiring next year, and is depicted as unpopular among his Republican cohorts, including his Kentucky colleague, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, no one should be surprised that he did not stay around to vote.

I apologize to Senator Inhofe, but only on his reported absence, as everything else that has been stated about him by me and other critics remains true. But then Bunning and Inhofe could easily compete for the list of worst senators in the present membership. The one virtue of Bunning is that he is leaving, and Inhofe is not!