
Washington Redskins’ Name Needs To Be Changed!

The controversy over the Washington Redskins football team name has become one, many say, of political correctness!

But actually, that is NOT the case at all!

The word “Redskins” is an offensive term to Native Americans, the original Americans, and it should be deleted as a name for any team anywhere in America!

It is really no different than the derogatory terms used toward other racial and religious groups.

The author will apologize ahead of time on the use here of these derogatory terms.

Would it be acceptable in today’s world to use the term “Nigger”, or “Spic”, or “Kike”, or “Mick”, or “Guinea”, or “Wop”, or “Dago”, or “Chinaman”, or “Jap”, or “Gook”, or “Cracker”, or Honky” or “Redneck”, or “Hick”, as the name of a team? The obvious answer is NO, and therefore, the term “Redskins” is totally uncalled for!

We must all work to end ethnic hatred and discrimination, and there is no excuse in the modern world for the use of such derogatory terms in naming sports teams at any level of competition!

There are those who will say, well then, the Cleveland Indians baseball team, the Atlanta Braves baseball team, and Chicago Black Hawks hockey team names must be changed, but none of those are considered derogatory names, as “Redskins” is considered!