
America Needs A “Mr. Rogers” Type Personality As President Of The United States

Having just on Saturday night seen the Mr. Rogers film, “A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood”, with Fred Rogers brilliantly portrayed by actor Tom Hanks, this author and blogger came away from this wonderful tribute with the thought that this is the precisely kind of person we need to be our future President.

Mr. Rogers was a wonderful, compassionate, caring, empathetic, decent human being, promoting good will and concern and genuineness about the present and future condition of children and, really, of all mankind.

We have been through the most monstrous evil imaginable, in a President who has absolutely none of the attributes of Mr. Rogers.

We have a nation where children are mistreated by their own government for the sin of being the children of undocumented immigrants, or because they are poor, or of minority status.

We have a political party that exhibits the same ugly, disgraceful, sinful behavior of their President, and have no conscience or morality about what they have been doing to divide America, and promote white supremacy.

The sins that America has witnessed must be overcome, and a new beginning in the direction of what Mr. Rogers lived his life to do, must be the successor, or the American dream of openness and opportunity will be irreparably lost.

Thirty Years Since The Berlin Wall Fell, And The Mexico Border Wall Has Already Been Breached, And Represents Authoritarian Dictatorship Attempt Of Donald Trump

On this day, November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall, built in 1961 by the Soviet Union as a sign of its total authoritarian control over East Germany and East Berlin, was breached, a great day for freedom and democracy.

Today, the Mexico Border Wall that Donald Trump claims is being built, has already been breached by drills that have put holes and openings in the wall in the small amount of newly constructed or reconstructed areas, done by drug gangs and hoodlums, who have demonstrated that no such wall project will succeed, and in fact, will never be completed.

The whole idea of a wall is an authoritarian dictatorship attempt by the most corrupt, and lawless President in American history, and it undermines the whole concept that America is a nation of all nations, welcoming to refugees who are escaping crime, persecution, bloodshed, and hatred, and see the image of the Statue of Liberty as what makes America unique and great.

It is immigrants, and not all of them legal when they came in, who have made America a great nation. If someone commits criminal acts, such person should be prosecuted, but denying admission to victims is unAmerican, and denies the story of American history.

So on this anniversary of the Berlin Wall falling, and also the third anniversary of the Donald Trump victory assisted by Russian collusion and corruption, America must resolve that the Mexico Border Wall will never be accomplished, and that freedom and democracy will triumph over this illegal, unconstitutional attempt to destroy the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!

The Right Wing Supreme Court Seems Ready To Declare War On Abortion, Gay Rights, Gun Rights, Immigration, Separation Of Church And State, And Presidential Power

The new session of the Supreme Court has begun, and the full effect of Donald Trump appointees Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh will now, likely, be felt.

While it is true that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are not “twins”, to expect any major surprises in constitutional law in this 2019-2020 term are highly unlikely, as right wing law looks in the ascendancy.

What the Court decides ends up as the law of the land, and for progressives, it does not bode well on the issues of abortion, gay rights, gun rights, immigration, separation of church and state, and the growth of Presidential power.

The fulcrum of the Court, Anthony Kennedy, is now retired for a year, and the only hope to avoid extreme right wing judgments is if Chief Justice John Roberts, who has been a surprise a few times in his views on the Court in recent years, becomes the new “swing” vote on the Court this term.

Roberts might also preside over an impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, who he, clearly, has been critical of in a number of ways, and the Court could limit Trump’s Abuse of Power, beyond Roberts presiding over an impeachment prosecution.

Since Roberts is worried about the image of “his” Court, some surprises may be in the offing, and of course, progressives will be watching the health and stability of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, now 86, having survived a third and fourth cancer, and wondering if she will be able to continue on the Court into the next Presidential term in 2021.

The Pure Cruelty, Heartlessness, And Lack Of Humanity And A Moral Compass Of Donald Trump

Every day that goes by, Donald Trump displays ever more cruelty, heartlessness, and a lack of humanity and a moral compass.

Why would he decide to promote emissions of methane into the atmosphere, with the clear knowledge that it will promote more environmental damage, making the planet ever more on the road to destruction?

Why would he order sick children who have come to the United States for medical treatment that saves their lives, to be forced to leave and go back to the nation that they came from, which does not have the medical treatments needed to perpetuate their lives?

Why would he decide that our troops and diplomats overseas, who have children while abroad, shall have their offspring not automatically declared US citizens without any complications for the future of those children?

Why would he heavily criticize Puerto Rico, and lie about the amount of aid to that island after Hurricane Maria, as they faced the threat of Hurricane Dorian?

Why would he have such hatred for immigrants, when two of his wives were immigrants themselves, and his own grandfather migrated in the late 19th century?

What is wrong with this man, that he harbors such ugly thoughts and beliefs, and seems intent on destroying any chance of having his name look at all positive in history, by his love affair with authoritarian dictators around the world?

It is perfectly clear, now if not before, that Donald Trump is a madman, a very dangerous psychopath, and yet has willing accomplices who promote his evil, heartless, and dangerous policies without any forethought.

The Trump loyalists will suffer mightily in the loss of any good reputation they might have had by their constant association with a man who has a strange hold on them, and allows them to suspend all moral and ethical judgment in service to this tyrant.

Trump is absolutely assured to go down in history as a true nightmare, and with no sane person believing that he can possibly be surpassed as being the worst President in American history.

He is a traitor to basic American values of fairness and compassion, that made America the beacon of hope for centuries of immigrants of all backgrounds who came to America and contributed to its greatness!

The Abuses Of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) And Border Patrol Agents Is Outrageous!

It is now clear that there are a multitude of agents who work for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and for the Border Patrol, who are abusing migrant women and children in Texas and Florida and elsewhere, including verbal, emotional, and physical abuse, including the deaths of at least six children.

There is racism, misogyny, and sexual abuse going on, and these agents do not speak foreign languages, and ignore the sufferings of children who will be scarred for life by their horrible experiences.

Most of these people have tried to escape from bloodshed, persecution, violence, and abuse in their Central Americans nations, and yet are being denied the right to apply for asylum, and are now living through a literal nightmare often worse than what they escaped.

This is an outrage, against the Bill of Rights and condemns Donald Trump as the worst abuser of civil rights and liberties of any President of the United States.

The racism, nativism, misogyny, white supremacy, and purely disgusting human behavior being seen and reported is a scar on the American nation, and there is a dire need for a quick firing of at least a large portion of ICE and the Border Patrol, and a rapid reorganization of those agencies, which are presently perceived as Nazi and Fascist in their image and actions.

On July 4, Independence Day, this horrific situation is a stain on the American celebration of its 243rd birthday!

Ronald Reagan, in his last speech as President a day before he retired from the Presidency in 1989, glowed about the virtues of immigration, which he said had made us a greater and stronger nation, and he spoke of the glory of the Statue of Liberty, representing open arms for the refugees from all nations, escaping bloodshed, persecution, and oppression, and starting a new life in the haven on earth known as America!

It is a certainty that Ronald Reagan, the paragon of conservatism, would be appalled at what Donald Trump has done on immigration, and the fact that the Republican Party officeholders have nothing to say, condemns all of them to the garbage heap of history, as having stood by and ignored the massive violation of human rights, and actual war crimes being committed by ICE and the Border Patrol, by criminal elements that have bragged about and ridiculed the sufferings of innocent men, women and children on Facebook.

One can be sure that Karma will visit these evil forces, and eventually, many will be held accountable as among the worst elements ever to exist in American government in modern times!

The Best Performances In The First Debate: Julian Castro, Elizabeth Warren, Jay Inslee

Last night’s first Democratic debate saw some definite winners:

Julian Castro

Elizabeth Warren

Jay Inslee

The biggest winner was former HUD Secretary and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, who came across very strongly in competition with fellow Texas and former Congressman Beto O’Rourke on immigration and in his overall performance. He is someone that this author and blogger has been impressed with for a long time, and realize he was on the short list for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and might have made the difference in bringing out more Latino votes, had he been on the ticket. I think he can be considered now a major player, number 6 on the list, with the likelihood that funding and poll numbers will increase dramatically.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, the only major player in this first debate, also came across strongly, and very principled, but might have hurt herself by her moving closer to Bernie Sanders in competition for the far Left of the Democratic Party.

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee also impressed, with his strong stand on climate change, and his overall background record as an outstanding Governor, and his funding and poll numbers may also increase dramatically. And the Pacific Northwest deserves attention for the national ticket.

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar also improved their image, but not to the extent of Castro and Inslee.

Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan, much more moderate, also deserves some more respect and attention, but it will not be easy for him to gain traction as much as the five mentioned above.

The remaining four–Beto O’Rourke, Tulsi Gabbard, Bill de Blasio, John Delaney—seem to be left behind as this author and blogger sees it.

Clearly, there are many different ways to look at any debate, and there will be plenty of analysis and evaluation in many different directions.

But at this point, I would say Julian Castro will soon join Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Pete Buttigieg as the top six of all.

We shall see soon whether any of the other six debating tonight join that group as a serious contender.

Trump Clearly Deranged As He Fumbles From One Threat To Another, Undermining American Democracy

Donald Trump has threatened imminent war with Iran in the past week.

Donald Trump has threatened massive tariffs on Mexican goods in the past two weeks.

Donald Trump has threatened massive waves of immigration raids and mass deportations in the past few days.

On each of these threats, he has backed off.

No one can predict the change in moods of Donald Trump from one day to another, and his lies have multiplied to such an extent that no one knows whether he has any concept of reality.

Trump is clearly deranged as he fumbles from one threat to another, undermining American democracy and international stability.

And Mike Pence gives us no optimism, as he clearly has no willingness to challenge any of the inconsistencies of Trump, seeing himself as the heir apparent to Trump.

The domestic and foreign crises that America faces are massive, and now we face the donnybrook that is likely among Democratic Presidential contenders, who will begin to split and divide amongst themselves starting on Wednesday and Thursday nights in Miami.

It is hard to have any optimism, as this blogger and author returns from two weeks of living in ignorance, and now realizing how the situation facing all of us looks worse than ever!

230th Anniversary Of The American Presidency: Now In Greatest Crisis Of Its Entire History

Today, April 30, 2019, is the 230th Anniversary of the swearing in of George Washington as our first President in New York City in 1789.

Thirty years ago, George H. W. Bush commemorated the bicentennial of that first inauguration two centuries earlier, and the feeling was that the Presidency had finally overcome the crisis and tragedy of Richard Nixon, fifteen years earlier.

Now, however, 30 years later, the Presidency of Donald Trump has set records for its corruption, venality, crudeness, destruction of the American domestic and foreign policy created by earlier Presidents of both parties, and has just passed the 10,000 mark for lies and deception, as reported by the Washington Post.

The American Presidency is a great institution now under massive attack by evil people led by Donald Trump, who are systematically destroying the sense of an American Union, as they work to divide people by race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, and sexual orientation and identity, and take away our basic civil liberties and civil rights and promote an authoritarian dictatorship led by a monarch who has no regard for American history and traditions.

America could be on the verge of a new civil war, as we have gratuitous gun violence, a repudiation of the immigrant tradition which made America the last great hope of mankind, and an ever increasing challenge of climate change that threatens the future of our children and grandchildren and beyond.

It is a time which is hard to have optimism about the future, and the urgency of defeating Donald Trump, and removing him from office peacefully is a mandate!

The next President needs to be a unifier, a man or woman of statesmanship who can promote our better instincts and inspire hope and optimism, who has the character of empathy and human decency to guide him or her through the tough readjustment we will have to experience in the 2020s.

Donald Trump: From Roy Cohn, Joseph McCarthy Henchman To Stephen Miller, Trump Henchman

Donald Trump learned how to be mean, nasty, unprincipled, vain, and obnoxious, along with many other adjectives, from Roy Cohn, Jewish born aide and henchman to Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s, during the second Red Scare, also known as “McCarthyism”.

Cohn was a wretched human excuse for a being, who set out to destroy many people’s lives and fortunes with accusations of being “Red” and “Pinko”, and he went on beyond McCarthy’s downfall and death, to represent Organized Crime figures, and persecute gays while himself being a closeted gay man.

Cohn met the young Donald Trump, and taught him well, and although Cohn has been dead since 1986, his impact on Trump was massive.

Now Donald Trump has a new young Jewish born henchman, Stephen Miller, age 33, who has disgusted all decent Americans by his hardline prejudice and promotion of an intolerant attitude toward any immigrants. Miller is now the survivor in the battle over an ever tougher immigration policy, including the separation of children from their parents, and declaring the borders closed to all who wish asylum, undermining the history of the United States as a place of tolerance and acceptance of refugees.

Trump has adopted Miller as his Cohn, and now has created a new crisis of ever more hardline attitudes and policies, which are an abuse of executive power, and puts America into the camp of tyrants such as Benito Mussolini, Juan Peron, and even Adolf Hitler.

The only thing that could be worse is to have mass loss of life of these women and children and also male immigrants. Already there have been a few, and who can say that it will not happen, since Donald Trump is totally out of control and has no regard for how human beings are treated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security.

Even when Japanese Americans were put into internment camps in World War II, the families were not split up, as happened and is now to continue with the new maniacal attitude of Donald Trump.

This is just another of many reasons why action must be taken against the tyrant in the White House, who will stop at nothing to gain absolute power, and has threatened he will not leave if he loses the Presidential Election of 2020.

Donald Trump Says America Is Full, No Room For Immigrants: A Denial Of The American Dream And Tradition

Donald Trump says that America is full, has no room for immigrants.

This is a denial of the American dream and American tradition.

America is, and always has been, a land of immigrants from Alexander Hamilton and many others in the late 18th century onward.

America has not been just a place for migration by well to do and successful people, but also for poor, deprived, and personally threatened by their religion, their culture, their nationality, and other personal characteristics, who came here and succeeded and contributed to the American future.

America is the last and best hope for people oppressed and denied their basic human rights and the possibility of advancement and success where they migrated from.

The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of what America is all about, and if not for the open hand, many people living in America today would not be here, since we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants, except for native Americans who go back many millenniums and had their basic human rights denied to them by people from other continents and nationalities who came here.

Donald Trump would not be here if his grandfather had not migrated from Germany, and we NEED immigrants to enrich and contribute to the American future, and this includes mothers and children escaping from poverty, violence, and oppression, as our ancestors were when they came here.

So the answer to Donald Trump is to reject his racism, nativism, xenophobia, and white supremacist beliefs by removing him and his ilk from office, either by Congressional action or by the vote of the masses of Americans who repudiate his hatred and evil nature in the Presidential Election of 2020 19 months from now, and then prosecute him for his crimes against humanity.