Inauguration Crowds

The Pure Ignorance And Stupidity Of Donald Trump Is Beyond Belief!

Donald Trump is supposed to be an intelligent man, but if one listens to much of what he says, one can come to the conclusion that he is extremely ignorant and stupid.

He claims to be smarter than everyone, and that his best advisor is who he looks at in the mirror.

So he tells us that climate change and global warming is a hoax.

He informs us that Korea was part of China.

He tells us that his First Hundred Days are the most accomplished of any President, forgetting Franklin D. Roosevelt.

He talks about Frederick Douglass as if he was still alive, although he died in 1895.

He informs us that ISIL (ISIS) is due to Barack Obama, although it is actually due to the Iraq War initiated by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

He claims that the unemployment rate and jobs report under him is fantastic, while repudiating similar figures in the last months in office of Barack Obama as fake statistics.

He says that Barack Obama left a mess, even though Obama created more jobs in his Presidency than any President, and left us with a tripling of the stock market and halved the unemployment rate when he came in, having inherited the worst economic conditions since Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression.

He lies about inauguration crowds, and the numbers at the New England Patriots White House event.

The man is a perpetual liar and deceiver of the facts, and yet has millions of clueless people still honoring him.

It is in many ways as if America elected a totally inept, unstable, ill informed leader, and yet not an issue to millions of gullible Americans, which says legions about them, and is a sign of the massive problems we face.

Alternative facts, which means pure right wing propaganda, is rampant, and millions of Americans are totally unaware of the realities of science and history, and simply believe what right wing media tells them.

Donald Trump Going Mad With His Obsession With Inauguration Crowds, And His Insistence On Massive Voter Fraud In Presidential Election!

Donald Trump has been in office five days, and he is going mad with his obsession with the size of inauguration crowds, and his insistence on massive voter fraud in the recent Presidential Election of 2016.

He won the Electoral College, but cannot tolerate that he lost the popular vote by a record nearly 3 million votes, claiming 3-5 million illegal immigrants voted in California and elsewhere. He also forgets that 8 million other people voted against him and for a third party or independent candidate, so he actually lost by ELEVEN million votes, not three million!

He refuses to accept the truth that his inauguration crowd was dramatically smaller than Barack Obama’s in 2009, which was an all time record, and he is upset that the crowd for last Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington was much higher in numbers.

With so many issues to deal with. he cannot get away from his need to have his ego stroked constantly, and has established the idea of “alternative facts”–lies—as being the truth.

If there is to be an investigation of so called voter fraud, then we must insist on a full investigation of the Russian role in his election, something he is trying to prevent.

Sorry, President Trump, you cannot get what you want without the investigation of how you won the Presidency!