
Religious Leaders And Bigotry: The Hypocrisy Of Some Clergymen Of All Faiths! :(

Whatever religion one professes to believe in, one of the basic tenets of religion is not only to save humanity from its sins, but also promote tolerance and open mindedness toward those who do not share your beliefs!

On that test, many clergymen have failed miserably, and the problem is not only that these are their personal shortcomings, but that it has such a dramatic impact on their congregants, and often on the society at large! ๐Ÿ™

Hate and prejudice is unacceptable rhetoric from a clergyman of any faith, and yet it prospers in American society!

For example, we have Franklin Graham, son of the the famous evangelist Billy Graham; and we have Terry Jones, pastor in Gainesville, Florida, both of whom spew forth anti Islamic rhetoric, which poisons the body politic, including the threat before September 11 that Jones would burn Korans at his church! ๐Ÿ™

Then we also have Jones; the Reverend Fred Phelps of Topeka, Kansas; Pastor Eddie Long of Atlanta; and Rabbi Yehuda Levine of Brooklyn, New York as examples of religious leaders who promote hate and prejudice against people who are gay in their sexual orientation! ๐Ÿ™

We also have the Catholic Church promoting anti gay sentiment, at the same time that many of its priests are shown to have been involved in such activity! And of course, the Pastor Eddie Long has been accused of similar activity with young men in his congregation, and yet rails against gays with poisonous rhetoric! ๐Ÿ™

Whether evangelical Christians, Catholics, Jews, or mainline Protestants, we see too many examples of hate for people of a religion or those of a different sexual orientation, and these people are committing the ultimate sin: not following the concept of tolerance and open mindedness!

How can someone call himself or herself “religious” and then promote hate, prejudice, and discrimination in their sermons and public activities? And how can someone claiming to be “religious” be a parent and disown his or her own children over what is natural to them, as much as someone who naturally is heterosexual? ๐Ÿ™

These leaders, and others like them, and ordinary citizens who are parents and reject their children because of being different, are not truly “religious”, but instead are hypocrites who are dividing families and society by their hate! ๐Ÿ™

What is being truly “religious”? It is being a person who treats others who are different, with dignity and respect, and accepting diversity in this world with equanimity! It is how you deal with people every day of your life, not whether you attend church or synagogue on the Sabbath, as many such people sin all week and then think going to religious services somehow makes up for their horrible behavior on a daily basis!

It is essential that such religious leaders be called out for their reprehensible behavior, and be repudiated as hate mongers who do not deserve a collar! ๐Ÿ™

And it is time for parents to act like parents, and be there for their children through thick and thin, not rejecting them under the guise of being “religious”!

Ted Koppel On How September 11 Has Divided, Rather Than United Us! :(

Former ABC News Night Line host Ted Koppel is now an analyst for BBC World News America, but his 25 years on Night Line set his sterling reputation for clear, incisive evaluation of events!

In an Op Ed article for the Washington Post to be published tomorrow to commemorate the 9th anniversary of September 11, he makes it clear that we have given Osama Bin Laden a tremendous victory beyond even his expectations, as this nation has become bitterly divided over how to react to the Islamic faith, and how to deal with the issue of national security! ๐Ÿ™

Instead of uniting and cooperating, the two political parties have badly broken the sense of one nation after the tragic events nine years ago, and the whole issue of dealing with a religion of one billion people in many nations around the world has been manipulated in such a way that, instead of weakening Islamic radicalism, it is actually helping to spread hate and fear among young Muslims in America and around the world to our detriment! ๐Ÿ™

The result is political chaos and opportunism in America, which leads to rejoicing for Bin Laden and his ilk! The reality is that Bin Laden continues to triumph over this nation and the Western world nearly a decade after his dastardly deed! ๐Ÿ™

When, oh when, will our political and religious leaders see what is occurring, and unite to promote tolerance and diversity? Instead of fighting each other, when will we unify around a common purpose to overcome the terrorism that has poisoned us? ๐Ÿ™